import unittest
import FixPath
from MiscUtils.Funcs import *
class Foo: # used in testSafeDescription() below
class TestFuncs(unittest.TestCase):
def testCommas(self):
testSpec = '''
0 '0'
0.0 '0.0'
1 '1'
11 '11'
111 '111'
1111 '1,111'
11111 '11,111'
1.0 '1.0'
11.0 '11.0'
1.15 '1.15'
12345.127 '12,345.127'
-1 '-1'
-11 '-11'
-111 '-111'
-1111 '-1,111'
-11111 '-11,111'
tests = testSpec.split()
count = len(tests)
i = 0
while i < count:
source = eval(tests[i])
result = eval(tests[i+1])
#print '%r yields %r' % (source, result)
assert commas(source) == result, \
'%r %r' % (commas(source), result)
# Now try the source as a string instead of a number:
source = eval("'%s'" % tests[i])
#print '%r yields %r' % (source, result)
assert commas(source) == result, \
'%r %r' % (commas(source), result)
i += 2
def testLocalIP(self):
ip = localIP()
assert ip and not ip.startswith('127.')
assert localIP() == ip # second invocation
assert localIP(useCache=None) == ip
assert localIP(remote=None, useCache=None) == ip, \
'See if this works: localIP(remote=None). If this fails, dont worry.'
assert localIP(remote=('', 80),
useCache=None) == ip # not existing remote address
def testHostName(self):
# About all we can do is invoke hostName() to see that no
# exceptions are thrown, and do a little type checking on the
# return type.
host = hostName()
assert host is None or type(host) is type(''), \
'host type = %s, host = %s' % (type(host), repr(host))
def testSafeDescription(self):
sd = safeDescription
# basics:
s = sd(1).replace('type=', 'class=')
assert s == "what=1 class=<type 'int'>", s
s = sd(1, 'x').replace('type=', 'class=')
assert s == "x=1 class=<type 'int'>", s
s = sd('x').replace('type=', 'class=')
s = s.replace("<type 'string'>", "<type 'str'>")
assert s == "what='x' class=<type 'str'>", s
f = Foo()
assert sd(f).find('%s.Foo' % __name__) != -1, sd(f)
# new object type:
object # more recent versions of Python have a builtin object type
except NameError:
pass # must be old Python
class Bar(object): pass
b = Bar()
assert sd(b).find('%s.Bar' % __name__) != -1, sd(b)
# okay now test that safeDescription eats exceptions from repr():
class Baz:
def __repr__(self):
raise KeyError, 'bogus'
b = Baz()
s = sd(b)
s = s.replace("'bogus'", 'bogus') # new style
s = s.replace("<class 'exceptions.KeyError'>", # new style
s = s.replace("<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>", # even newer style
except Exception:
s = 'failure: should not get exception'
assert s.find("(exception from repr(x): exceptions.KeyError: bogus)") != -1, s
def testUniqueId(self):
def checkId(i, sha, past):
assert type(i) is type('')
assert len(i) == (sha and 40 or 32)
for c in i:
assert c in '0123456789abcdef'
assert not past.has_key(i)
past[i] = i
for sha in (0, 1):
past = {}
for n in range(10):
if sha:
checkId(uniqueId(None, 1), 1, past)
checkId(uniqueId(n, 1), 1, past)
checkId(uniqueId(None, 0), 0, past)
checkId(uniqueId(n, 0), 0, past)
checkId(uniqueId(sha=sha), sha, past)
checkId(uniqueId(n, sha=sha), sha, past)
checkId(uniqueId(forObject=checkId, sha=sha), sha, past)
def testValueForString(self):
evalCases = '''
(1, 2, 3)
stringCases = '''
evalCases = [s.strip() for s in evalCases.strip().split('\n')]
for case in evalCases:
assert valueForString(case) == eval(case), \
'case=%r, valueForString()=%r, eval()=%r' \
% (case, valueForString(case), eval(case))
stringCases = [s.strip() for s in stringCases.strip().split('\n')]
for case in stringCases:
assert valueForString(case) == case, \
'case=%r, valueForString()=%r' \
% (case, valueForString(case))
def testWordWrap(self):
# an example with some spaces and newlines
msg = """Arthur: "The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest \
shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, \
signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry \
Excalibur. That is why I am your king!"
Dennis: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is \
no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives \
from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic \
for margin in range(20, 200, 20):
s = wordWrap(msg, margin)
for line in s.split('\n'):
assert len(line) <= margin, \
'len=%i, margin=%i, line=%r' % (len(line), margin, line)
if __name__ == '__main__':