Tests various functions of Users and Roles
To run these tests:
cd Webware
python AllTests.py UserKit.Tests.ExampleTest
import os
import shutil
import unittest
import UserKit
TEST_CODE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) # e.g. ".../Webware/UserKit/Tests"
class SimpleExampleTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""A simple example to illustrate how to use UserKit."""
def setUpDataDir(self, userManager):
"""Make a folder for UserManager data."""
self._userDataDir = os.path.join(TEST_CODE_DIR, 'Users')
if os.path.exists(self._userDataDir):
shutil.rmtree(self._userDataDir, ignore_errors=1)
def tearDown(self):
# Remove our test folder for UserManager data
if os.path.exists(self._userDataDir):
shutil.rmtree(self._userDataDir, ignore_errors=1)
self._mgr = None
def testUsersNoRoles(self):
from UserKit.UserManagerToFile import UserManagerToFile
from UserKit.HierRole import HierRole
self._mgr = UserManagerToFile()
# Create a user, add to 'staff' role
fooUser = self._mgr.createUser('foo', 'bar')
# bad login
theUser = self._mgr.loginName('foo', 'badpass')
assert theUser is None, 'loginName() returns null if login failed.'
assert not fooUser.isActive(), \
'User should NOT be logged in since password was incorrect.'
# good login
theUser = self._mgr.loginName('foo', 'bar')
assert theUser.isActive(), 'User should be logged in now'
assert theUser == fooUser, \
'Should be the same user object, since it is the same user "foo"'
# logout
assert not theUser.isActive(), 'User should no longer be active.'
assert self._mgr.numActiveUsers() == 0
def testUsersAndRoles(self):
from UserKit.RoleUserManagerToFile import RoleUserManagerToFile
from UserKit.HierRole import HierRole
from hashlib import sha1
except ImportError: # Python < 2.5
from sha import new
self._mgr = RoleUserManagerToFile()
# Setup our roles
customersRole = HierRole('customers', 'Customers of ACME Industries')
staffRole = HierRole('staff', 'All staff.'
' Staff role includes all permissions of Customers role.',
# Create a user, add to 'staff' role
# Note that I encrypt my passwords here so they don't appear
# in plaintext in the storage file.
johnUser = self._mgr.createUser('john', sha('doe').hexdigest())
fooUser = self._mgr.createUser('foo', sha('bar').hexdigest())
# Check user "foo"
theUser = self._mgr.loginName('foo', sha('bar').hexdigest())
assert theUser.isActive(), 'User should be logged in now'
assert theUser == fooUser, \
'Should be the same user object, since it is the same user "foo"'
assert theUser.playsRole(staffRole), \
'User "foo" should be a member of the staff role.'
assert theUser.playsRole(customersRole), 'User "foo" should' \
' also be in customer role, since staff includes customers.'
# Check user "John"
theUser = self._mgr.loginName('john', sha('doe').hexdigest())
assert theUser.isActive(), 'User should be logged in now.'
assert theUser == johnUser, \
'Should be the same user object, since it is the same user "John".'
assert not theUser.playsRole(staffRole), \
'John should not be a member of the staff.'
assert theUser.playsRole(customersRole), \
'John should in customer role.'