Tests various functions of Users and Roles
To run these tests:
cd Webware
python AllTests.py UserKit.Tests.Test
import os
import unittest
import UserKit
TEST_CODE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) # e.g. ".../Webware/UserKit/Tests"
class BasicRoleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def roleClasses(self):
"""Return a list of all Role classes for testing."""
from UserKit.Role import Role
from UserKit.HierRole import HierRole
return [Role, HierRole]
def testA_RoleBasics(self):
"""Invoke testRole() with each class returned by roleClasses."""
for roleClass in self.roleClasses():
def checkRoleClass(self, roleClass):
role = roleClass('foo', 'bar')
assert role.name() == 'foo'
assert role.description() == 'bar'
assert str(role) == 'foo'
assert role.name() == 'x'
assert role.description() == 'y'
assert role.playsRole(role)
class HierRoleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testHierRole(self):
from UserKit.HierRole import HierRole
animal = hr('animal')
eggLayer = hr('eggLayer', None, [animal])
furry = hr('furry', None, [animal])
snake = hr('snake', None, [eggLayer])
dog = hr('dog', None, [furry])
platypus = hr('platypus', None, [eggLayer, furry])
vegetable = hr('vegetable')
roles = locals()
del roles['hr']
del roles['self']
# The tests below are one per line.
# The first word is the role name.
# The rest of the words are all the roles it plays
# (besides itself).
tests = '''\
eggLayer, animal
furry, animal
snake, eggLayer, animal
dog, furry, animal
platypus, eggLayer, furry, animal'''
tests = tests.split('\n')
tests = [test.split(', ') for test in tests]
# Strip names
# Can we use a compounded/nested list comprehension for this?
oldTest = tests
tests = []
for test in oldTest:
test = [name.strip() for name in test]
# Now let's actually do some testing...
for test in tests:
role = roles[test[0]]
assert role.playsRole(role)
# Test that the role plays all the roles listed
for name in test[1:]:
playsRole = roles[name]
assert role.playsRole(playsRole)
# Now test that the role does NOT play any of the other
# roles not listed
otherRoles = roles.copy()
for name in test:
del otherRoles[name]
for name in otherRoles.keys():
assert not role.playsRole(roles[name])