from WebKit.Page import Page
# Set this to 1 if you want to pass additional information.
# For security reasons, this has been disabled by default.
appInfo = 0
class EditFile(Page):
"""Helper servlet for the feature provided by the IncludeEditLink setting."""
def writeInfo(self, key, value):
self.writeln('%s: %s' % (key, value))
def writeHTML(self):
res = self.response()
header = res.setHeader
info = self.writeInfo
req = self.request()
env = req.environ()
field = req.field
header('Content-type', 'application/x-webkit-edit-file')
header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="WebKit.EditFile"')
# Basic information for editing the file:
info('Filename', field('filename'))
info('Line', field('line'))
# Additional information about the hostname:
info('Hostname', env.get('HTTP_HOST', 'localhost'))
if appInfo:
# Additional information about this Webware installation:
app = self.application()
info('ServerSidePath', app.serverSidePath())
info('WebwarePath', app.webwarePath())
info('WebKitPath', app.webKitPath())