"""AJAX page template class
Written by John Dickinson based on ideas from
Apple Developer Connection and DivMod Nevow.
Some changes by Robert Forkel and Christoph Zwerschke.
import traceback, time, random
from MiscUtils import StringIO
from ExamplePage import ExamplePage
try: # for Python < 2.3
except NameError:
bool = lambda x: x and 1 or 0
except NameError: # fallback for Python < 2.2
class object: pass
_isinstance = isinstance
def isinstance(obj, cinf):
if type(cinf) == type(()):
for i in cinf:
if type(obj) == type(object):
if _isinstance(obj, i):
return 1
if type(obj) == type(i):
return 1
return 0
return _isinstance(obj, cinf)
def quoteJs(what):
"""Return quoted JavaScript string corresponding to the Python object."""
if isinstance(what, bool):
ret = str(what).lower()
elif isinstance(what, (int, long, float, PyJs)):
ret = str(what)
ret = "'%s'" % str(what).replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\'', '\\\'').replace('\n', '\\n')
return ret
class PyJs(object):
"""This class simply tanslates a Python expression into a JavaScript string."""
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
def __getattr__(self, aname):
return self.__class__('%s.%s' % (self, aname))
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
args = ','.join([quoteJs(i) for i in args])
kwArgs = ','.join(['%s=%s' % (k, quoteJs(v)) for k, v in kw.items()])
if args and kwArgs:
allArgs = '%s,%s' % (args, kwArgs)
elif not kwArgs:
allArgs = args
elif not args:
allArgs = kwArgs
return self.__class__('%s(%s)' % (self, allArgs))
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.__class__('%s[%s]' % (self, quoteJs(index)))
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class AjaxPage(BaseClass):
"""A superclass for Webware servlets using Ajax techniques.
AjaxPage can be used to make coding XMLHttpRequest() applications easier.
Subclasses should override the method exposedMethods() which returns a list
of method names. These method names refer to Webware Servlet methods that
are able to be called by an Ajax-enabled web page. This is very similar
in functionality to Webware's actions.
A polling mechanism can be used for long running requests (e.g. generating
reports) or if you want to send commands to the client without the client
first triggering an event (e.g. for a chat application). In the first case,
you should also specify a timeout after which polling shall be used.
# Class level variables that can be overridden by servlet instances:
_debug = 0 # set to True if you want to see debugging output
_clientPolling = 1 # set to True if you want to use the polling mechanism
_responseTimeout = 90 # timeout of client waiting for a response in seconds
# Class level variables to help make client code simpler:
window, document, alert, this = map(PyJs,
'window document alert this'.split())
setTag, setClass, setID, setValue, setReadonly = map(PyJs,
'setTag setClass setID setValue setReadonly'.split())
call, callForm = map(PyJs, ('ajax_call', 'ajax_call_form'))
# Response Queue for timed out queries:
_responseQueue = {}
def writeJavaScript(self):
s = '<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax%s.js"></script>'
self.writeln(s % 'call')
if self._clientPolling:
self.writeln(s % 'poll')
def actions(self):
actions = BaseClass.actions(self)
if self._clientPolling:
return actions
def exposedMethods(self):
return []
def clientPollingInterval(self):
"""Set the interval for the client polling.
You should always make it a little random to avoid synchronization.
return random.choice(range(3, 8))
def ajaxCall(self):
"""Execute method with arguments on the server side.
The method name is passed in the field _call_,
the unique request number in the field _req_
and the arguments in the field _ (single underscore).
Returns Javascript function to be executed by the client immediately.
req = self.request()
if req.hasField('_call_'):
call = req.field('_call_')
args = req.field('_', [])
if type(args) != type([]):
args = [args]
if self._clientPolling and self._responseTimeout:
startTime = time.time()
if call in self.exposedMethods():
method = getattr(self, call)
except AttributeError:
cmd = self.alert('%s, although an approved method, '
'was not found' % call)
if self._debug:
self.log("Ajax call %s(%s)" % (call, args))
cmd = str(method(*args))
except Exception:
err = StringIO()
e = err.getvalue()
cmd = self.alert('%s was called, '
'but encountered an error: %s' % (call, e))
cmd = self.alert('%s is not an approved method' % call)
cmd = self.alert('Ajax call missing call parameter.')
if self._clientPolling and self._responseTimeout:
inTime = time.time() - startTime < self._responseTimeout
inTime = 1
if inTime:
# If the computation of the method did not last very long,
# deliver it immediately back to the client with this response:
if self._debug:
self.log("Ajax returns immediately: " + str(cmd))
# If the client request might have already timed out,
# put the result in the queue and let client poll it:
if self._debug:
self.log("Ajax puts in queue: " + str(cmd))
sid = self.session().identifier()
self._responseQueue.setdefault(sid, []).append(cmd)
def ajaxPoll(self):
"""Return queued Javascript functions to be executed on the client side.
This is polled by the client in random intervals in order to get
results from long-running queries or push content to the client.
if self._clientPolling:
sid = self.session().identifier()
# Set the timeout until the next time this method is called
# by the client, using the Javascript wait variable:
cmd = ['wait=%s' % self.clientPollingInterval()]
if self._responseQueue.has_key(sid): # add in other commands
cmd.extend(map(str, self._responseQueue[sid]))
self._responseQueue[sid] = []
cmd = ';'.join(cmd) + ';'
if self._debug:
self.log("Ajax returns from queue: " + cmd)
if self._debug:
self.log("Ajax tells the client to stop polling.")
cmd = 'dying=true;'
self.write(cmd) # write out at least the wait variable
def ajaxPush(self, cmd):
"""Push Javascript commands to be executed on the client side.
Client polling must be activitated if you want to use this.
if self._clientPolling:
if self._debug:
self.log("Ajax pushes in queue: " + cmd)
sid = self.session().identifier()
self._responseQueue.setdefault(sid, []).append(cmd)
def preAction(self, actionName):
if actionName not in ('ajaxCall', 'ajaxPoll'):
BaseClass.preAction(self, actionName)
def postAction(self, actionName):
if actionName not in ('ajaxCall', 'ajaxPoll'):
BaseClass.postAction(self, actionName)