from math import sin,pi
from WebKit.Common import *
from ExamplePage import ExamplePage
try: # GD module
from gd import image
except ImportError:
gdImage = None
try: # Python Imaging Library
import Image as pilImage, ImageDraw, ImageFont
except ImportError:
from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
pilImage = None
def image_lib_link(lib=None):
if not lib:
lib = gdImage and 'gd' or 'pil'
name, src = {
'gd': ('GD module',
'pil': ('Python Imaging Library (PIL)',
return '<a href="http://%s">%s</a>' % (src, name)
X, Y = 500, 200 # the image size
def t(p):
"""Map coordinates: (x=0..2pi, y=-1.25..1.25) => (0..X, Y..0)"""
return int(.5*X*p[0]/pi+.5), int(.4*Y*(1.25- p[1])+.5)
colors = (255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0)
white, black, blue, red = range(4)
class Drawing:
"""Simple wrapper class for drawing the example image."""
if gdImage:
def __init__(self):
global white, black, blue, red
self._image = gdImage((X, Y))
self._color = map(self._image.colorAllocate, colors)
self._font = gdFontLarge
def text(self, pos, string, color):
color = self._color[color]
self._image.string(self._font, t(pos), string, color)
def lines(self, points, color):
color = self._color[color]
self._image.lines(map(t, points), color)
def png(self):
s = StringIO()
return s.getvalue()
def __init__(self):
self._image ='RGB', (X, Y), colors[white])
self._draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self._image)
for font in 'Tahoma Verdana Arial Helvetica'.split():
font = ImageFont.truetype(font + '.ttf', 12)
except (AttributeError, IOError):
font = None
if font:
font = ImageFont.load_default()
except (AttributeError, IOError):
font = None
self._font = font
def text(self, pos, string, color):
color = colors[color]
self._draw.text(t(pos), string, color, font=self._font)
def lines(self, points, color):
color = colors[color]
self._draw.line(map(t, points), color)
def png(self):
s = StringIO(), 'png')
return s.getvalue()
class ImageDemo(ExamplePage):
"""Dynamic image generation example.
This example creates an image of a sinusoid.
For more information on generating graphics, see
This example works with both PIL and GD.
def defaultAction(self):
if self.request().field('fmt', None) == '.png' and (gdImage or pilImage):
image = self.generatePNGImage()
res = self.response()
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "image/png")
res.setHeader("Content-Length", str(len(image)))
# Uncomment the following line to suggest to the client that the
# result should be saved to a file, rather than displayed in-line:
# res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=foo.png")
def writeContent(self):
wr = self.writeln
wr('<h2>WebKit Image Generation Demo</h2>')
if gdImage or pilImage:
wr('<img src="ImageDemo?fmt=.png" alt="Generated example image"'
' width="%d" height="%d">' % (X, Y))
wr('<p>This image has just been generated using the %s.</p>' %
wr('<h4 style="color:red">Sorry: No image library available.</h4>')
wr('<p>This example requires the %s.</p>' % ' or the '.join(
map(image_lib_link, ('gd', 'pil'))))
def generatePNGImage(self):
"""Generate and return a PNG example image."""
def f(x):
return x, sin(x)
draw = Drawing()
draw.text((2.7, 0.8), 'y=sin(x)', black)
draw.text((0.2, -0.8), 'created: ' + asclocaltime(), red)
draw.lines(((0, 0), (2*pi, 0)), black) # x-axis
draw.lines(((0, -1), (0, 1)), black) # y-axis
draw.lines(map(f, map(lambda x: x*2*pi/X, xrange(X+1))), blue)
return draw.png()