from types import ListType
from ExamplePage import ExamplePage
debug = 0
class ListBox(ExamplePage):
"""List box example.
This page provides a list box interface with controls
for changing its size and adding and removing items.
The source is a good example of how to use awake() and actions.
It also shows how to avoid repeated exectution on refresh/reload.
def awake(self, transaction):
ExamplePage.awake(self, transaction)
sess = self.session()
if sess.hasValue('vars'):
self._vars = sess.value('vars')
self._vars = {
'list': [],
'height': 10,
'width': 250,
'newCount': 1,
'formCount': 1,
sess.setValue('vars', self._vars)
self._error = None
def writeContent(self):
enc, wr = self.htmlEncode, self.writeln
wr('<div style="text-align:center">')
if debug:
wr('<p>fields = %s</p>' % enc(str(self.request().fields())))
wr('<p>vars = %s</p>' % enc(str(self._vars)))
# Intro text is provided by our class' doc string:
intro = self.__class__.__doc__.strip().split('\n\n')
wr('<h2>%s</h2>' % intro.pop(0))
for s in intro:
wr('<p>%s</p>' % '<br>'.join(
map(lambda s: s.strip(), s.split('\n'))))
wr('<p style="color:red">%s</p>' % (self._error or ' '))
<form action="ListBox" method="post">
<input name="formCount" type="hidden" value="%(formCount)d">
<select multiple name="list" size="%(height)d"
''' % self._vars)
index = 0
for item in self._vars['list']:
wr('<option value="%d">%s</option>' % (index, enc(item['name'])))
index += 1
if not index:
wr('<option value="" disabled>--- empty ---</option>')
<input name="_action_new" type="submit" value="New">
<input name="_action_delete" type="submit" value="Delete">
<input name="_action_taller" type="submit" value="Taller">
<input name="_action_shorter" type="submit" value="Shorter">
<input name="_action_wider" type="submit" value="Wider">
<input name="_action_narrower" type="submit" value="Narrower">
def heightChange(self):
return 1
def widthChange(self):
return 30
## Commands ##
def new(self):
"""Add a new item to the list box."""
req = self.request()
{'name': 'New item %d' % self._vars['newCount']})
self._vars['newCount'] += 1
def delete(self):
"""Delete the selected items in the list box."""
req = self.request()
if req.hasField('list'):
indices = req.field('list')
if type(indices) is not ListType:
indices = [indices]
indices = map(int, indices) # convert strings to ints
except ValueError:
indices = []
indices.sort() # sort...
indices.reverse() # in reverse order
# remove the objects:
for index in indices:
del self._vars['list'][index]
self._error = 'You must select a row to delete.'
def taller(self):
self._vars['height'] += self.heightChange()
def shorter(self):
if self._vars['height'] > 2:
self._vars['height'] -= self.heightChange()
def wider(self):
self._vars['width'] += self.widthChange()
def narrower(self):
if self._vars['width'] >= 60:
self._vars['width'] -= self.widthChange()
## Actions ##
def actions(self):
acts = ExamplePage.actions(self)
# check whether form is valid (no repeated execution)
formCount = int(self.request().field('formCount'))
except Exception:
formCount = 0
if formCount == self._vars['formCount']:
acts.extend(['new', 'delete',
'taller', 'shorter', 'wider', 'narrower'])
self._vars['formCount'] += 1
return acts