This module provides some basic functions that are useful
in HTML and web development.
You can safely import * from WebUtils.Funcs if you like.
* Document the 'codes' arg of htmlEncode/Decode.
htmlForNone = '-' # used by htmlEncode.
htmlCodes = [
['&', '&'],
['<', '<'],
['>', '>'],
['"', '"'],
# ['\n', '<br>'],
htmlCodesReversed = htmlCodes[:]
def htmlEncode(what, codes=htmlCodes):
if what is None:
return htmlForNone
if hasattr(what, 'html'):
# allow objects to specify their own translation to html
# via a method, property or attribute
ht = what.html
if callable(ht):
ht = ht()
return ht
what = str(what)
return htmlEncodeStr(what, codes)
def htmlEncodeStr(s, codes=htmlCodes):
"""Return the HTML encoded version of the given string.
This is useful to display a plain ASCII text string on a web page.
for code in codes:
s = s.replace(code[0], code[1])
return s
def htmlDecode(s, codes=htmlCodesReversed):
"""Return the ASCII decoded version of the given HTML string.
This does NOT remove normal HTML tags like <p>.
It is the inverse of htmlEncode().
for code in codes:
s = s.replace(code[1], code[0])
return s
_urlEncode = {}
for i in range(256):
c = chr(i)
_urlEncode[c] = c == ' ' and '+' \
or i < 128 and (c.isalnum() or c in '_.-/') and c \
or '%%%02X' % i
def urlEncode(s):
"""Return the encoded version of the given string.
The resulting string is safe for using as a URL.
Identical to urllib.quote_plus(s) in Python 2.4,
but faster for older Python versions.
return ''.join(map(_urlEncode.get, s))
_urlDecode = {}
for i in range(256):
_urlDecode['%02x' % i] = _urlDecode['%02X' % i] = chr(i)
except NameError: # Python < 2.3
class UnicodeDecodeError(Exception):
def urlDecode(s):
"""Return the decoded version of the given string.
Note that invalid URLs will not throw exceptions.
For example, incorrect % codings will be ignored.
Identical to urllib.unquote_plus(s) in Python 2.4,
but faster and more exact for older Python versions.
s = s.replace('+', ' ').split('%')
for i in xrange(1, len(s)):
t = s[i]
s[i] = _urlDecode[t[:2]] + t[2:]
except KeyError:
s[i] = '%' + t
except UnicodeDecodeError:
s[i] = unichr(int(t[:2], 16)) + t[2:]
return ''.join(s)
def htmlForDict(dict, addSpace=None, filterValueCallBack=None,
maxValueLength=None, topHeading=None, isEncoded=None):
"""Return an HTML string with a table where each row is a key-value pair."""
if not dict:
return ''
keys = dict.keys()
# A really great (er, bad) example of hardcoding. :-)
html = ['<table class="NiceTable">\n']
if topHeading:
html.append('<tr class="TopHeading"><th')
html.append((type(topHeading) is type(())
and '>%s</th><th>%s' or ' colspan="2">%s') % topHeading)
for key in keys:
value = dict[key]
if addSpace and addSpace.has_key(key):
target = addSpace[key]
value = (target + ' ').join(value.split(target))
if filterValueCallBack:
value = filterValueCallBack(value, key, dict)
if maxValueLength and not isEncoded:
value = str(value)
if len(value) > maxValueLength:
value = value[:maxValueLength] + '...'
key = htmlEncode(key)
if not isEncoded:
value = htmlEncode(value)
html.append('<tr><th align="left">%s</th><td>%s</td></tr>\n'
% (key, value))
return ''.join(html)
def requestURI(env):
"""Return the request URI for a given CGI-style dictionary.
Uses REQUEST_URI if available, otherwise constructs and returns it
uri = env.get('REQUEST_URI', None)
if uri is None:
uri = env.get('SCRIPT_URL', None)
if uri is None:
uri = env.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + env.get('PATH_INFO', '')
query = env.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
if query != '':
uri += '?' + query
return uri
def normURL(path):
"""Normalizes a URL path, like os.path.normpath.
Acts on a URL independant of operating system environment.
if not path:
initialslash = path[0] == '/'
lastslash = path[-1] == '/'
comps = path.split('/')
newcomps = []
for comp in comps:
if comp in ('', '.'):
if comp != '..':
elif newcomps:
path = '/'.join(newcomps)
if path and lastslash:
path += '/'
if initialslash:
path = '/' + path
return path