#!/usr/bin/env python
This utility builds a directory tree that can be used as the current
working directory of an instance of the WebKit application server.
By using a separate directory tree like this, your application can run
without needing write access etc. to the Webware directory tree, and
you can also run more than one application server at once using the
same Webware code. This makes it easy to reuse and keep Webware
updated without disturbing your applications.
MakeAppWorkDir.py [Options] WorkDir
-c, --context-name=... The name for the preinstalled context.
By default, it will be "MyContext".
-d, --context-dir=... The directory where the context will be located,
so you can place it outside of the WorkDir.
-l, --library=... Other dirs to be included in the search path.
You may specify this option multiple times.
-i, --cvsignore This will add .cvsignore files to the WorkDir.
-u, --user=... The name or uid of the user to own the WorkDir.
This option is supported under Unix only.
-g, --group=... The name or gid of the group to own the WorkDir.
This option is supported under Unix only.
The target working directory to be created.
# * Add options to immediately import the new directory tree into a
# CVS or SVN repository. In the case of a CVS repository, the
# .cvsignore files should be created automatically, and in case
# of SVN, the corresponding svn propset commands should be issued.
# * MakeAppWorkDir.py should set the admin password like install.py does.
# At the same time, install.py should be able to do a "app-less" install,
# from which the admin can create appdirs using MakeAppWorkDir.py.
# The idea here is that the results of install.py should only be "shared"
# resources, and "per-app" resources (like the admin password) should be
# deferred (or, at least, deferrable) to MakeAppWorkDir.py.
# * Contributed to Webware for Python by Robin Dunn
# * Improved by Christoph Zwerschke
import sys, os, stat, re, glob, shutil
class MakeAppWorkDir:
"""Make a new application runtime directory for Webware.
This class breaks down the steps needed to create a new runtime
directory for Webware. That includes all the needed
subdirectories, default configuration files, and startup scripts.
Each step can be overridden in a derived class if needed.
Existing files will not be overwritten, but access permissions
will be changed accordingly in any case.
def __init__(self, webwareDir, workDir, verbose=1, osType=None,
contextName='MyContext', contextDir='', libraryDirs=None,
cvsIgnore=0, uid=None, gid=None):
"""Initializer for MakeAppWorkDir.
Pass in at least the Webware directory and the target working
directory. If you pass None for contextName then the default
context will be the the WebKit/Examples directory as usual.
self._webwareDir = webwareDir
self._webKitDir = os.path.join(webwareDir, 'WebKit')
self._workDir = os.path.abspath(workDir)
self._verbose = verbose
if osType is None:
osType = os.name
self._contextName = contextName
self._contextDir = contextDir
if libraryDirs is None:
libraryDirs = []
self._libraryDirs = libraryDirs
self._osType = osType
self._cvsIgnore = cvsIgnore
self._uid = uid
self._gid = gid
def buildWorkDir(self):
"""These are all the steps needed to make a new runtime directory.
You can override the steps taken here with your own methods.
if os.path.exists(self._workDir):
self.msg("The target directory already exists.")
self.msg("Adding everything needed for a WebKit runtime directory...")
self.msg("Making a new WebKit runtime directory...")
if self._contextName is not None:
if self._cvsIgnore:
def makeDirectories(self):
"""Create all the needed directories if they don't already exist."""
self.msg("Creating the directory tree...")
standardDirs = (
'', 'Cache', 'Configs', 'ErrorMsgs', 'Logs', 'Sessions')
for dir in standardDirs:
dir = os.path.join(self._workDir, dir)
if os.path.exists(dir):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % dir)
self.msg("\t%s" % dir)
for dir in self._libraryDirs:
dir = os.path.join(self._workDir, dir)
if os.path.exists(dir):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % dir)
open(os.path.join(dir, '__init__.py'), 'w').write('#\n')
self.msg("\t%s created." % dir)
def copyConfigFiles(self):
"""Make a copy of the config files in the Configs directory."""
self.msg("Copying config files...")
configs = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._webKitDir,
"Configs", "*.config"))
for name in configs:
newname = os.path.join(self._workDir, "Configs",
if os.path.exists(newname):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % newname)
self.msg("\t%s" % newname)
shutil.copyfile(name, newname)
mode = os.stat(newname)[stat.ST_MODE]
# remove public read/write/exec perms
os.chmod(newname, mode & 0770)
def copyOtherFiles(self):
"""Make a copy of any other necessary files in the new work dir."""
self.msg("Copying other files...")
otherFiles = ('AppServer', 'webkit', 'error404.html')
for name in otherFiles:
if name == 'AppServer':
if self._osType == 'nt':
name += '.bat'
chmod = 1
elif name == 'webkit':
if self._osType != 'posix':
chmod = 1
chmod = 0
newname = os.path.join(self._workDir, os.path.basename(name))
if os.path.exists(newname):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % newname)
if chmod:
os.chmod(newname, 0755)
oldname = os.path.join(self._webKitDir, name)
if os.path.exists(oldname):
self.msg("\t%s" % newname)
shutil.copyfile(oldname, newname)
if chmod:
os.chmod(newname, 0755)
self.msg("\tWarning: Cannot find %r." % oldname)
def makeLauncherScripts(self):
"""Create the launcher scripts and copy the CGI adapter script."""
self.msg("Creating the launcher scripts...")
workDir = self._workDir
webwareDir = self._webwareDir
webKitDir = self._webKitDir
libraryDirs = self._libraryDirs
uid, gid = self._uid, self._gid
if uid is None:
user = None
import pwd
user = pwd.getpwuid(uid)[0]
if gid is None:
group = None
import grp
group = grp.getgrgid(gid)[0]
executable = sys.executable
scriptNames = launcherScripts.keys()
for name in scriptNames:
if name.endswith('Service.py') and self._osType != 'nt':
newname = os.path.join(workDir, name)
if os.path.exists(newname):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % newname)
os.chmod(newname, 0755)
oldname = os.path.join(webKitDir, name)
if os.path.exists(oldname):
self.msg("\t%s" % newname)
script = launcherScripts[name] % locals()
open(newname, "w").write(script)
os.chmod(newname, 0755)
self.msg("\tWarning: Cannot find %r." % oldname)
name = 'WebKit.cgi'
newname = os.path.join(workDir, os.path.basename(name))
if os.path.exists(newname):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % newname)
os.chmod(newname, 0755)
oldname = os.path.join(webKitDir, os.path.join('Adapters', name))
if os.path.exists(oldname):
self.msg("\t%s" % newname)
script = open(oldname, 'r').read()
script = re.sub('^#!/usr/bin/env python\n',
'#!%s\n' % executable, script, 1)
parameter = (('workDir', workDir), ('webwareDir', webwareDir))
for p in parameter:
pattern, repl = '\n%s = .*\n' % p[0], '\n%s = %r\n' % p
script, n = re.subn(pattern, repl, script, 1)
if n != 1:
self.msg("\tWarning: %s cannot be set in %s."
% (p[0], name))
open(newname, 'w').write(script)
os.chmod(newname, 0755)
self.msg("\tWarning: Cannot find %r." % oldname)
def makeDefaultContext(self):
"""Make a very simple context for the newbie user to play with."""
self.msg("Creating default context...")
contextDir = os.path.join(
self._contextDir or self._contextName)
if contextDir.startswith(self._workDir):
configDir = contextDir[len(self._workDir):]
while configDir[:1] in (os.sep, os.altsep):
configDir = configDir[1:]
configDir = contextDir
if os.path.exists(contextDir):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % contextDir)
self.msg("\t%s" % contextDir)
contextNames = exampleContext.keys()
for name in contextNames:
filename = os.path.join(contextDir, name)
if os.path.exists(filename):
self.msg("\t%s already exists." % filename)
self.msg("\t%s" % filename)
open(filename, "w").write(exampleContext[name])
self.msg("Updating config for default context...")
filename = os.path.join(self._workDir, "Configs",
self.msg("\t%s" % filename)
content = open(filename).readlines()
output = open(filename, 'w')
foundContext = 0
for line in content:
if line.startswith("Contexts[%r] = %r\n"
% (self._contextName, configDir)):
foundContext += 1
elif line.startswith("Contexts['default'] = "):
output.write("Contexts[%r] = %r\n"
% (self._contextName, configDir))
output.write("Contexts['default'] = %r\n"
% self._contextName)
foundContext += 2
if foundContext < 2:
self.msg("\tWarning: Default context could not be set.")
def addCvsIgnore(self):
self.msg("Creating .cvsignore files...")
files = {
'.': '*.pyc\n*.pyo\n'
'Cache': '[a-zA-Z0-9]*',
'ErrorMsgs': '[a-zA-Z0-9]*',
'Logs': '[a-zA-Z0-9]*',
'Sessions': '[a-zA-Z0-9]*',
self._contextName: '*.pyc\n*.pyo'
foundFiles = 0
for dir, contents in files.items():
filename = os.path.join(self._workDir,
dir, '.cvsignore')
if os.path.exists(filename):
foundFiles += 1
f = open(filename, 'w')
if foundFiles:
self.msg("\tDid not change existing .cvsignore files.")
def changeOwner(self):
if self._uid is None and self._gid is None:
self.msg("Changing the ownership...")
uid = self._uid
if uid is None:
uid = os.getuid()
gid = self._gid
if gid is None:
gid = os.getgid()
os.chown(self._workDir, uid, gid)
except Exception:
self.msg("\tWarning: The ownership could not be changed.")
for dir, dirs, files in os.walk(self._workDir):
for file in dirs + files:
path = os.path.join(dir, file)
os.chown(path, uid, gid)
def printCompleted(self):
run = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._workDir, 'AppServer'))
print """
Congratulations, you've just created a runtime working directory for Webware.
To start the app server you can run this command:
By default the built-in HTTP server is activated. So you can immediately see
an example that has been generated for you to play with and to build upon by
pointing your browser to:
In a productive environment, you will probably want to use Apache or another
web server instead of the built-in HTTP server. The most simple (but least
performant) solution to do this is by using the Python WebKit.cgi CGI script.
Copy it to your web server's cgi-bin directory or anywhere else that it will
execute CGIs from. If you see import errors, you may need to modify the file
permissions on your Webware directory so that the CGI script can access it.
Have fun!
""" % run
def msg(self, text=None):
if self._verbose:
if text:
print text
launcherScripts = { # launcher scripts with adjusted parameters
'Launch.py': r"""#!%(executable)s
# You can pass several parameters on the command line
# (more info by running this with option --help)
# or you can modify the default values here
# (more info in WebKit.Launch):
workDir = None
webwareDir = %(webwareDir)r
libraryDirs = %(libraryDirs)r
runProfile = 0
logFile = None
pidFile = None
user = %(user)r
group = %(group)r
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, webwareDir)
from WebKit import Launch
Launch.workDir = workDir
Launch.webwareDir = webwareDir
Launch.libraryDirs = libraryDirs
Launch.runProfile = runProfile
Launch.logFile = logFile
Launch.pidFile = pidFile
Launch.user = user
Launch.group = group
if __name__ == '__main__':
'AppServerService.py': r"""#!%(executable)s
# You can adjust several parameters here
# (more info in WebKit.AppServerService):
workDir = None
webwareDir = %(webwareDir)r
libraryDirs = %(libraryDirs)r
runProfile = 0
logFile = None
appServer = 'ThreadedAppServer'
serviceName = 'WebKit'
serviceDisplayName = 'WebKit Application Server'
serviceDescription = "This is the threaded application server" \
" of the Webware for Python web framework."
serviceDeps = []
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, webwareDir)
from WebKit import AppServerService as service
class AppServerService(service.AppServerService):
# this class must be defined here in __main__
_svc_name_ = serviceName
_svc_display_name_ = serviceDisplayName
_svc_description_ = serviceDescription
_svc_deps_ = serviceDeps
_workDir = workDir or os.path.dirname(__file__)
_webwareDir = webwareDir
_libraryDirs = libraryDirs
_runProfile = runProfile
_logFile = logFile
_appServer = appServer
if __name__ == '__main__':
service.AppServerService = AppServerService
} # end of launcher scripts
exampleContext = { # files copied to example context
# This is used to create a very simple sample context for the new
# work dir to give the newbie something easy to play with.
'__init__.py': r"""
def contextInitialize(appServer, path):
# You could put initialization code here to be executed
# when the context is loaded into WebKit.
'Main.py': r"""
from WebKit.Page import Page
class Main(Page):
def title(self):
return 'My Sample Context'
def writeContent(self):
self.writeln('<h1>Welcome to Webware for Python!</h1>')
<p>This is a sample context generated for you and has purposly been kept
very simple to give you something to play with to get yourself started.
The code that implements this page is located in <b>%s</b>.</p>
''' % self.request().serverSidePath())
<p>There are more examples and documentation in the Webware distribution,
which you can get to from here:</p>
servletPath = self.request().servletPath()
contextName = self.request().contextName()
ctxs = self.application().contexts().keys()
for ctx in ctxs:
if ctx in ('default', contextName) or '/' in ctx:
self.writeln('<li><a href="%s/%s/">%s</a></li>'
% (servletPath, ctx, ctx))
} # end of example context files
def usage():
"""Print the docstring and exit with error."""
print __doc__
def main(args=None):
"""Evaluate the command line arguments and call MakeAppWorkDir."""
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
contextName = contextDir = cvsIgnore = user = group = None
libraryDirs = []
# Get all options:
from getopt import getopt,GetoptError
opts, args = getopt(args, 'c:d:l:iu:g:', [
'context-name=', 'context-dir=', 'library=',
'cvsignore', 'user=', 'group='])
except GetoptError, error:
print str(error)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-c', '--context-name'):
contextName = arg
elif opt in ('-d', '--context-dir'):
contextDir = arg
elif opt in ('-l', '--library'):
elif opt in ('-i', '--cvsignore'):
cvsIgnore = 1
elif opt in ('-u', '--user'):
user = arg
elif opt in ('-g', '--group'):
group = arg
# Get the name of the target directory:
workDir = args.pop(0)
except IndexError:
if args:# too many parameters
if not contextName:
if contextDir:
contextName = os.path.basename(contextDir)
contextName = 'MyContext'
# Figure out the group id:
gid = group
if gid is not None:
gid = int(gid)
except ValueError:
import grp
entry = grp.getgrnam(gid)
except KeyError:
print 'Error: Group %r does not exist.' % gid
except ImportError:
print 'Error: Group names are supported under Unix only.'
gid = entry[2]
# Figure out the user id:
uid = user
if uid is not None:
uid = int(uid)
except ValueError:
import pwd
entry = pwd.getpwnam(uid)
except KeyError:
print 'Error: User %r does not exist.' % uid
except ImportError:
print 'Error: User names are supported under Unix only.'
if not gid:
gid = entry[3]
uid = entry[2]
# This assumes that this script is still located in Webware/bin:
scriptName = sys.argv and sys.argv[0]
if not scriptName or scriptName == '-c':
scriptName = 'MakeAppWorkDir.py'
binDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(scriptName))
webwareDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(binDir, os.pardir))
mawd = MakeAppWorkDir(webwareDir, workDir, 1, None,
contextName, contextDir, libraryDirs, cvsIgnore, uid, gid)
mawd.buildWorkDir() # go!
if __name__ == '__main__':