#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Helper for cutting Python releases.
This script creates a compressed tar file named Webware-VER.tar.gz
in the parent directory of Webware. The package can be built either
from a live SVN workspace or from a tag in the SVN repository.
The live SVN workspace will be used if you call the script without
any arguments, like that:
> bin/ReleaseHelper.py
Since the release will be created from the files in the live workspace,
it should be clean and up to date and not have had install.py run on it,
or your distro will end up with generated docs. However, the versions
should have been set with the bin/setversion script.
The workspace will not be touched in the process.
The version number for the release tarball is taken from
Webware/Properties.py like you would expect.
Instead of using the workspace, you can also export the release directly
from a SVN tag in the repository, for instance:
> bin/ReleaseHelper.py tag=Release-0.9b3
This will export the SVN files tagged with Release-0_9b3 and build the
tarball Webware-0.9b3.tar.gz in Webware's parent directory.
This means the release will match exactly what is in the SVN,
reducing the risk of local changes, modified files, or new files
which are not in SVN from showing up in the release.
This script only works on Posix. Releases are not created on Windows
because permissions and EOLs can be problematic for other platforms.
Use the option pgk=zip to create a zip archive instead of a tarball.
For more information, see the Release Procedures in the Webware docs.
import os, sys, time
class ReleaseHelper:
def main(self):
def buildRelease(self):
"""Prepare a release by using the SVN export approach.
This is used when a tag name is specified on the command line, like
> bin/ReleaseHelper.py tag=Release-0.9b3
This will export the SVN files tagged with Release-0_9b3 and build the
tarball Webware-0.9b3.tar.gz in your parent directory.
This means the release will match exactly what is in the SVN,
and reduces the risk of local changes, modified files, or new
files which are not in SVN from showing up in the release.
url = self._args.get('url', ' http://svn.w4py.org/Webware/tags')
tag = self._args.get('tag', None)
pkg = self._args.get('pkg', None)
pkgType = pkg == 'zip' and 'zip archive' or 'tarball'
if tag:
print "Creating %s from tag %s ..." % (pkgType, tag)
print "Creating %s from current workspace..." % pkgType
# the location of this script:
progPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), sys.argv[0])
# we assume this script is located in Webware/bin/
webwarePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(progPath))
# make the Webware directory our current directory
# the tarball will land in its parent directory:
tarDir = os.pardir
if webwarePath not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(1, webwarePath)
from MiscUtils.PropertiesObject import PropertiesObject
target = 'ReleaseHelper-Export'
if os.path.exists(target):
print "There is incomplete ReleaseHelper data in:", target
print "Please remove this directory."
return 1
cleanup = [target]
if tag:
source = '%s/%s' % (url, tag)
source = '.'
self.run('svn export -q %s %s' % (source, target))
if not os.path.exists(target):
print "Unable to export from %r" % source
if tag:
print "Perhaps the tag %r does not exist." % tag
propertiesFile = os.path.join(target, 'Properties.py')
if not os.path.exists(propertiesFile):
self.error('Properties.py not found.')
props = PropertiesObject(propertiesFile)
if props.get('name', None) != 'Webware for Python':
self.error('This is not a Webware package.')
ver = props['versionString']
print "Webware version is:", ver
if not tag:
# timestamp for time of release used to in versioning the file
year, month, day = time.localtime(time.time())[:3]
datestamp = "%04d%02d%02d" % (year, month, day)
# drop leading 2 digits from year. (Ok, itn's not Y2K but it
# is short and unique in a narrow time range of 100 years.)
datestamp = datestamp[2:]
ver += "-" + datestamp
print "Packaged release will be:", ver
pkgDir = "Webware-%s" % ver
if os.path.exists(pkgDir):
self.error("%s is in the way, please remove it." % pkgDir)
# rename the target to the pkgDir so the extracted parent
# directory from the tarball will be unique to this package.
self.run("mv %s %s" % (target, pkgDir))
pkgExt = pkg == 'zip' and '.zip' or '.tar.gz'
pkgName = os.path.join(pkgDir + pkgExt)
# cleanup .cvs files
self.run("find %s -name '.cvs*' -exec rm {} \;" % pkgDir)
# We could cleanup any other files not part of this release here.
# (For instance, we could create releases without documentation).
# We could also create additional files to be part of this release
# without being part of the repository, for instance documentation
# that is automatically created from markup.
pkgPath = os.path.join(tarDir, pkgName)
if os.path.exists(pkgPath):
self.error("%s is in the way, please remove it." % pkgPath)
tarCmd = pkg == 'zip' and 'zip -qr' or 'tar -czf'
self.run('%s %s %s' % (tarCmd, pkgPath, pkgDir))
if not os.path.exists(pkgPath):
self.error('Could not create %s.' % pkgType)
finally: # Clean up
for path in cleanup:
if os.path.exists(path):
self.run('rm -rf ' + path)
print "file:", pkgName
print "dir:", os.path.abspath(tarDir)
print "size:", os.path.getsize(pkgPath), 'Bytes'
print 'Success.'
def writeHello(self):
print 'Webware for Python'
print 'Release Helper'
def checkPlatform(self):
if os.name != 'posix':
print 'This script only runs on Posix. Your op sys is %s.' % os.name
print 'Webware releases are always created on Posix machines.'
print 'These releases work on both Posix and MS Windows.'
def readArgs(self):
args = {}
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
name, value = arg.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
self.error('Invalid argument: %s' % arg)
args[name] = value
self._args = args
def error(self, msg=''):
if msg:
print 'ERROR: %s' % msg
def chdir(self, path):
print 'cmd> chdir %s' % path
def run(self, cmd):
"""Runs an arbitrary Unix command."""
print 'cmd>', cmd
results = os.popen(cmd).read()
if results:
print results
if __name__ == '__main__':