#!/usr/bin/env python
Reports stats for various aspects of Python source including:
# of files
# of bytes
# of lines
# of methods/functions
# of classes
You can think of this as a UNIX "wc" on steroids (that also works on any
Python platform).
From the command line:
> cd Webware
> python bin/pystats.py
> python bin/pystats.py -h
> python bin/pystats.py -s
PyStats doesn't count classes, functions and methods perfectly. It can be
fooled by multiline strings and such. But it's close enough to get an idea
and the odd ball cases don't happen frequently.
Webware includes some third party Python files, which you may or may not
believe should be counted as part of the stats.
Number of bytes is a little low on Windows where \r\n is counted just as \n.
The extensions accepted are hard coded to .py .psp and .cgi.
To check the results of pystats, you can use these UNIX commands for comparison:
> rm -rf WebKit/Cache
> wc *.py */*.py */*/*.py */*/*.psp */*.cgi
Output numbers with commas.
Option for writing HTML results.
Both this utility and checksrc.py are in need of a ReadPyLines() function that
would be like readlines() but would bastardize the contents of multiline strings
to avoid misunderstandings concerning tabs, spaces, def's, class's etc.
See tabnanny in Py 2.0, it might have the answer or even reusable code.
Some of our code is in common with checksrc.py. One more similar program and it
might be time for an abstract class for these guys.
Provide command line option to change extensions.
import os, re, sys
from UserDict import UserDict
class Stats(UserDict):
_statNames = 'files bytes lines funcs classes'.split()
def __init__(self, dict=None):
UserDict.__init__(self, dict)
if dict is None:
for name in self._statNames:
self[name] = 0
def __add__(self, stats):
result = self.__class__()
for name in self._statNames:
result[name] = self[name] + stats[name]
return result
def copy(self):
"""Return a real copy/duplicate of the receiver.
Note that userDict.copy() will do so,
but subclassOfUserDict.copy() does not.
return self.__class__(self.data)
def write(self, file=sys.stdout):
for name in self._statNames:
file.write('%8d' % self[name])
def writeHeaders(self, nameWidth, file=sys.stdout):
# this would be a class method in Python >= 2.2
file.write(' ' * nameWidth)
for name in self._statNames:
file.write('%8s' % name)
class StatsNode:
classDefRE = re.compile(r'^[\t ]*class[\t ]+[\w]+[\t ]*[(:]{1,1}', re.MULTILINE)
funcDefRE = re.compile(r'^[\t ]*def[\t ]+[\w]+[\t ]*\(', re.MULTILINE)
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
self._subNodes = {} # map directory names to StatsNodes
self._stats = Stats() # stats for files just in this dir (no subdirs)
self._totalStats = None # stats for all files, recursively in subdirs
def name(self):
return self._name
def computeTotal(self):
self._totalStats = self._stats.copy()
for node in self._subNodes.values():
self._totalStats += node._totalStats
def processDir(self, dirName, extensions, recurse=1):
exceptions = (os.curdir, os.pardir, 'CVS', '.svn')
names = os.listdir(dirName)
for name in names:
if not os.path.isdir(name):
ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1]
if ext in extensions:
self.processFile(os.path.join(dirName, name), ext)
if recurse:
for name in names:
if name not in exceptions:
fullname = os.path.join(dirName, name)
if os.path.isdir(fullname):
node = self._subNodes[name] = StatsNode(name)
node.processDir(fullname, extensions)
def processFile(self, pathname, ext=None):
if ext is None:
ext = os.path.splitext(pathname)[1]
contents = open(pathname).read()
stats = self._stats
stats['bytes'] += len(contents)
stats['lines'] += contents.count('\n')
stats['funcs'] += len(self.funcDefRE.findall(contents))
stats['classes'] += len(self.classDefRE.findall(contents))
stats['files'] += 1
def write(self, file=sys.stdout, recurse=1, indent=0, indenter=' '):
if indent == 0:
self._stats.writeHeaders(25, file)
spacer = indenter * indent
name = self._name.ljust(25-len(spacer))
if recurse:
indent += 1
keys = self._subNodes.keys()
for key in keys:
self._subNodes[key].write(file, recurse, indent, indenter)
class PyStats:
## Init ##
def __init__(self):
# Init some attrs
self._rootNode = StatsNode('.')
# Set default options
self.setExtensions(['.py', '.psp', '.cgi'])
## Options ##
def directory(self):
return self._directory
def setDirectory(self, dir):
"""Set the directory that checking starts in."""
self._directory = dir
def extensions(self):
return self._extensions
def setExtensions(self, exts):
self._extensions = exts
def recurse(self):
return self._recurse
def setRecurse(self, flag):
"""Set whether or not to recurse into subdirectories."""
self._recurse = flag
def showSummary(self):
return self._showSummary
def setShowSummary(self, flag):
self._showSummary = flag
## Command line use ##
def usage(self):
progName = sys.argv[0]
wr = sys.stdout.write
wr('Usage: %s [options] [startingDir]\n' % progName)
wr(''' -h --help = help
-r -R = recurse, do not recurse. default -r
-s -S = show summary, do not show summary. default -S
> python pystats.py
> python pystats.py SomeDir
> python pystats.py -R SomeDir
def main(self, args=sys.argv):
if self.readArgs(args):
def readArgs(self, args=sys.argv):
for arg in args[1:]:
if arg == '-h' or arg == '--help':
return 0
elif arg == '-r':
elif arg == '-R':
elif arg == '-s':
elif arg == '-S':
elif arg[0] == '-':
return 0
return 1
## Running ##
def run(self, file=sys.stdout):
self._rootNode.processDir(self._directory, self._extensions, self._recurse)
## Writing ##
def write(self, file=sys.stdout):
recurse = not self._showSummary
self._rootNode.write(file, recurse)
if __name__ == '__main__':