#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Set version.
This script updates the version number information
in the Properties.py files, as well as *.html and *.txt.
This should be used only by Webware developers whenever
a new Webware version is being cut. Please be very
careful and read also the ReleaseProcedures.html.
If setVersion is True, then the version information is updated
in various files as follows:
Properties.py files version information is set, replacing the
version setting and releaseDate setting.
*.html files version information is set by searching for a
comment tag surrounding both version and release date and replacing
the version and release date information respectively.
*.txt files version is set by matching
tags at the beginning of the line. This is designed for the
reStructured text documents. Note that reStructured text
HTML files will need to be re-generated after processing.
The version in ReleaseNotes-X.Y.phtml is not set (this will be
done by the installer), but they are renamed to the current version.
If possible, this is done with "svn move". Exception: If no new notes
have been written (i.e. ReleaseNotes-X.Y same as ReleaseNotesTemplate),
they will not be saved, but deleted, if possible, using "svn delete."
If newRelease is True, then a new relase is prepared as follows:
The version in ReleaseNotes-X.Y.phtml files is set, and they
are renamed to the current version if they are not empty.
New ReleaseNotes-X.y.phtml files are created from the
ReleaseNotesTemplates.phtml files instead.
If possible, "svn move" and "svn add" will be used.
Note that this script will not automatically peform a "svn commit"
so you can always revert when something goes wrong.
You should not use "setVersion" on the trunk, but after creating
a tag for the desired version which must not be a final release.
You should use "newRelease" on the trunk for the final version
when you want to freeze the release notes and switch to empty
release notes for the next release.
Written by Stuart Donaldson - stu at asyn.com.
Improved by Christoph Zwerschke - cito at online.de.
# Version format is (Major, Minor, Sub, Alpha/Beta/etc)
# The Sub is optional, and if 0 is not returned.
# Examples: (0, 8, 1, 'b1'), (0, 8, 2) or (0, 9, 0, 'rc1')
# releaseDate format should be 'MM/DD/YY'.
# Update this to change the current version and release date:
version = (1, 0, 2)
releaseDate = '06/07/09'
# Set Version info in files (should not be done on the trunk):
setVersion = 1
# Prepare a new release (this should be done on the trunk):
newRelease = 0
# Verbose output (output unchanged files also):
verbose = 0
from glob import glob
import os, sys, re
# We assume that this script is located in Webware/bin:
progPath = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
webwarePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(progPath))
from MiscUtils.PropertiesObject import PropertiesObject
class Replacer:
"""Class to handle substitutions in a file."""
def __init__(self, *args):
self._subs = list(args)
def add(self, search, replace):
self._subs.append((re.compile(search, re.M), replace))
def replaceInStr(self, data):
for search, replace in self._subs:
data = re.sub(search, replace, data)
return data
def replaceInFile(self, filename):
data = open(filename).read()
newdata = self.replaceInStr(data)
if data == newdata:
if verbose:
print 'Unchanged ' + filename
print 'Updating ' + filename
open(filename, 'w').write(newdata)
def replaceGlob(self, pattern):
for file in glob(pattern):
if os.path.exists(file):
po = PropertiesObject()
po.loadValues({'version': version, 'releaseDate': releaseDate})
if po['versionString'] == 'X.Y':
print "Please set the version."
elif po['releaseDate'] == '@@/@@/@@':
print "Please set the release Date."
propReplace = Replacer()
propReplace.add(r"(version\s*=)\s*.*", r"\g<1> %s" % repr(version))
propReplace.add(r"(releaseDate\s*=)\s*.*", r"\g<1> %s" % repr(releaseDate))
htmlReplace = Replacer()
r"<!-- version --> %s <!-- /version -->" % po['versionString'])
r"<!-- relDate --> %s <!-- /relDate -->" % po['releaseDate'])
rstReplace = Replacer()
rstReplace.add(r"^:Version:.*$", ":Version: %s" % po['versionString'])
rstReplace.add(r"^:Released:.*$", ":Released: %s" % po['releaseDate'])
phtmlReplace = Replacer()
phtmlReplace.add(r"(<%.*)' \+ versionString \+ '(.*%>)",
r"\g<1>%s\g<2>" % po['versionString'])
phtmlReplace.add(r"<% versionString %>", po['versionString'])
phtmlReplace.add(r"<% releaseDate %>", po['releaseDate'])
twillReplace = Replacer()
twillReplace.add(r"^setglobal version .*$",
r"setglobal version %s" % po['versionString'])
twillReplace.add(r"^setglobal date .*$",
r"setglobal date %s" % po['releaseDate'])
twillReplace.add(r"^# if release ", '')
if setVersion:
# Replace in Properties files:
# Replace in existing HTML:
# Replace in reStructuredText files:
# Replace in global README file:
# Replace in twill test scripts:
# Process release notes:
if setVersion or newRelease:
template = open('DocSupport/RelNotesTemplate.phtml').read()
infile = 'RelNotes-X.Y.phtml'
outfile = infile.replace('X.Y', po['versionString'])
for filename in ['Docs/' + infile] + glob('*/Docs/' + infile):
if verbose:
print "Processing " + filename
current = open(filename).read()
if current == template:
if newRelease:
print "Kept empty " + filename
print "Removing empty " + filename
if os.system('svn delete ' + filename):
print "svn delete not possible."
if newRelease:
newname = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], outfile)
print "Renaming %s to %s" % (filename, outfile)
if os.system('svn move --force %s %s' % (filename, newname)):
print "svn move not possible."
os.rename(filename, newname)
if newRelease:
print "Creating empty " + filename
open(filename, 'w').write(template)
if os.system('svn add ' + filename):
print "svn add not possible."