"""Helper functions for the test suite."""
import os
import sys
mydir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
codedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mydir))
if codedir not in sys.path:
import unittest
# Set skipxml to true if an XML parser could not be found.
pyexpat = None
skipxml = 0
import pyexpat
except ImportError:
# the C extension in PyXML
import xml.parsers.pyexpat
except ImportError:
skipxml = 1
pyexpat = xml.parsers.pyexpat
# Set oldexpat if the StartDoctypeDeclHandler and XmlDeclHandler are
# not supported. The tests need to know whether the events reported
# by those handlers should be expected, but need to make sure the
# right thing is returned if they are.
oldexpat = 0
if pyexpat is not None:
p = pyexpat.ParserCreate()
# Can't use hasattr() since pyexpat supports the handler
# attributes in a broken way.
p.StartDoctypeDeclHandler = None
except AttributeError:
oldexpat = 1
def run_suite(suite, outf=None, errf=None):
if outf is None:
outf = sys.stdout
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(outf)
result = runner.run(suite)
## print "\n\n"
## if result.errors:
## print "Errors (unexpected exceptions):"
## map(print_error, result.errors)
## print
## if result.failures:
## print "Failures (assertion failures):"
## map(print_error, result.failures)
## print
newerrs = len(result.errors) + len(result.failures)
if newerrs:
print "'Errors' indicate exceptions other than AssertionError."
print "'Failures' indicate AssertionError"
if errf is None:
errf = sys.stderr
errf.write("%d errors, %d failures\n"
% (len(result.errors), len(result.failures)))
return newerrs
def print_error(info):
testcase, (type, e, tb) = info