"""Verify that PersistentMapping works with old versions of Zope.
The comments in PersistentMapping.py address the issue in some detail.
The pickled form of a PersistentMapping must use _container to store
the actual mapping, because old versions of Zope used this attribute.
If the new code doesn't generate pickles that are consistent with the
old code, developers will have a hard time testing the new code.
import unittest
import ZODB
from ZODB.MappingStorage import MappingStorage
from ZODB.Transaction import Transaction
import cPickle
import cStringIO
import sys
# This pickle contains a persistent mapping pickle created from the
# old code.
pickle = ('((U\x0bPersistenceq\x01U\x11PersistentMappingtq\x02Nt.}q\x03U\n'
class PMTests(unittest.TestCase):
def checkOldStyleRoot(self):
# insert the pickle in place of the root
s = MappingStorage()
t = Transaction()
s.store('\000' * 8, None, pickle, '', t)
db = ZODB.DB(s)
# If the root can be loaded successfully, we should be okay.
r = db.open().root()
# But make sure it looks like a new mapping
self.assert_(hasattr(r, 'data'))
self.assert_(not hasattr(r, '_container'))
def checkNewPicklesAreSafe(self):
s = MappingStorage()
db = ZODB.DB(s)
r = db.open().root()
r[1] = 1
r[2] = 2
## r[3] = r
# MappingStorage stores serialno + pickle in its _index.
root_pickle = s._index['\000' * 8][8:]
f = cStringIO.StringIO(root_pickle)
u = cPickle.Unpickler(f)
klass_info = u.load()
klass = find_global(*klass_info[0])
inst = klass()
state = u.load()
self.assert_(hasattr(inst, '_container'))
self.assert_(not hasattr(inst, 'data'))
def find_global(modulename, classname):
"""Helper for this test suite to get special PersistentMapping"""
if classname == "PersistentMapping":
class PersistentMapping:
def __setstate__(self, state):
return PersistentMapping
mod = sys.modules[modulename]
return getattr(mod, classname)
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(PMTests, 'check')
if __name__ == "__main__":
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
loader.testMethodPrefix = "check"