import datetime
import threading
import time
import cherrypy
from cherrypy.lib import cptools,http
class MemoryCache:
maxobjects = 1000
maxobj_size = 100000
maxsize = 10000000
delay = 600
def __init__(self):
t = threading.Thread(target=self.expire_cache, name='expire_cache')
self.expiration_thread = t
if hasattr(threading.Thread, "daemon"):
# Python 2.6+
t.daemon = True
def clear(self):
"""Reset the cache to its initial, empty state."""
self.cache = {}
self.expirations = {}
self.tot_puts = 0
self.tot_gets = 0
self.tot_hist = 0
self.tot_expires = 0
self.tot_non_modified = 0
self.cursize = 0
def key(self):
return cherrypy.url(qs=cherrypy.request.query_string)
def expire_cache(self):
# expire_cache runs in a separate thread which the servers are
# not aware of. It's possible that "time" will be set to None
# arbitrarily, so we check "while time" to avoid exceptions.
# See tickets #99 and #180 for more information.
while time:
now = time.time()
for expiration_time, objects in self.expirations.items():
if expiration_time <= now:
for obj_size, obj_key in objects:
del self.cache[obj_key]
self.tot_expires += 1
self.cursize -= obj_size
except KeyError:
# the key may have been deleted elsewhere
del self.expirations[expiration_time]
def get(self):
"""Return the object if in the cache, else None."""
self.tot_gets += 1
cache_item = self.cache.get(self.key(), None)
if cache_item:
self.tot_hist += 1
return cache_item
return None
def put(self, obj):
if len(self.cache) < self.maxobjects:
# Size check no longer includes header length
obj_size = len(obj[2])
total_size = self.cursize + obj_size
# checks if there's space for the object
if (obj_size < self.maxobj_size and total_size < self.maxsize):
# add to the expirations list and cache
expiration_time = cherrypy.response.time + self.delay
obj_key = self.key()
bucket = self.expirations.setdefault(expiration_time, [])
bucket.append((obj_size, obj_key))
self.cache[obj_key] = obj
self.tot_puts += 1
self.cursize = total_size
def delete(self):
self.cache.pop(self.key(), None)
def get(invalid_methods=("POST", "PUT", "DELETE"), **kwargs):
"""Try to obtain cached output. If fresh enough, raise HTTPError(304).
* invalidates (deletes) any cached response for this resource
* sets request.cached = False
* sets request.cacheable = False
else if a cached copy exists:
* sets request.cached = True
* sets request.cacheable = False
* sets response.headers to the cached values
* checks the cached Last-Modified response header against the
current If-(Un)Modified-Since request headers; raises 304
if necessary.
* sets response.status and response.body to the cached values
* returns True
* sets request.cached = False
* sets request.cacheable = True
* returns False
request = cherrypy.request
# POST, PUT, DELETE should invalidate (delete) the cached copy.
# See
if request.method in invalid_methods:
request.cached = False
request.cacheable = False
return False
cache_data = cherrypy._cache.get()
request.cached = c = bool(cache_data)
request.cacheable = not c
if c:
response = cherrypy.response
s, h, b, create_time, original_req_headers = cache_data
# Check 'Vary' selecting headers. If any headers mentioned in "Vary"
# differ between the cached and current request, bail out and
# let the rest of CP handle the request. This should properly
# mimic the behavior of isolated caches as RFC 2616 assumes:
# "If the selecting request header fields for the cached entry
# do not match the selecting request header fields of the new
# request, then the cache MUST NOT use a cached entry to satisfy
# the request unless it first relays the new request to the origin
# server in a conditional request and the server responds with
# 304 (Not Modified), including an entity tag or Content-Location
# that indicates the entity to be used.
# TODO: can we store multiple variants based on Vary'd headers?
for header_element in h.elements('Vary'):
key = header_element.value
if original_req_headers[key] != request.headers.get(key, 'missing'):
request.cached = False
request.cacheable = True
return False
# Copy the response headers. See
response.headers = rh = http.HeaderMap()
for k in h:
dict.__setitem__(rh, k, dict.__getitem__(h, k))
# Add the required Age header
response.headers["Age"] = str(int(response.time - create_time))
# Note that validate_since depends on a Last-Modified header;
# this was put into the cached copy, and should have been
# resurrected just above (response.headers = cache_data[1]).
except cherrypy.HTTPRedirect, x:
if x.status == 304:
cherrypy._cache.tot_non_modified += 1
# serve it & get out from the request
response.status = s
response.body = b
return c
def tee_output():
def tee(body):
"""Tee response.body into a list."""
output = []
for chunk in body:
yield chunk
# Might as well do this here; why cache if the body isn't consumed?
if response.headers.get('Pragma', None) != 'no-cache':
# save the cache data
body = ''.join(output)
vary = [he.value for he in
if vary:
sel_headers = dict([(k, v) for k, v
in cherrypy.request.headers.iteritems()
if k in vary])
sel_headers = {}
cherrypy._cache.put((response.status, response.headers or {},
body, response.time, sel_headers))
response = cherrypy.response
response.body = tee(response.body)
def expires(secs=0, force=False):
"""Tool for influencing cache mechanisms using the 'Expires' header.
'secs' must be either an int or a datetime.timedelta, and indicates the
number of seconds between response.time and when the response should
expire. The 'Expires' header will be set to (response.time + secs).
If 'secs' is zero, the 'Expires' header is set one year in the past, and
the following "cache prevention" headers are also set:
'Pragma': 'no-cache'
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
If 'force' is False (the default), the following headers are checked:
'Etag', 'Last-Modified', 'Age', 'Expires'. If any are already present,
none of the above response headers are set.
response = cherrypy.response
headers = response.headers
cacheable = False
if not force:
# some header names that indicate that the response can be cached
for indicator in ('Etag', 'Last-Modified', 'Age', 'Expires'):
if indicator in headers:
cacheable = True
if not cacheable:
if isinstance(secs, datetime.timedelta):
secs = (86400 * secs.days) + secs.seconds
if secs == 0:
if force or "Pragma" not in headers:
headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
if cherrypy.request.protocol >= (1, 1):
if force or "Cache-Control" not in headers:
headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, must-revalidate"
# Set an explicit Expires date in the past.
expiry = http.HTTPDate(1169942400.0)
expiry = http.HTTPDate(response.time + secs)
if force or "Expires" not in headers:
headers["Expires"] = expiry