"""Functions to run cherrypy.response through Tidy or NSGML."""
import cgi
import os
import StringIO
import traceback
import cherrypy
def tidy(temp_dir, tidy_path, strict_xml=False, errors_to_ignore=None,
indent=False, wrap=False, warnings=True):
"""Run cherrypy.response through Tidy.
If either 'indent' or 'wrap' are specified, then response.body will be
set to the output of tidy. Otherwise, only errors (including warnings,
if warnings is True) will change the body.
Note that we use the standalone Tidy tool rather than the python
mxTidy module. This is because this module does not seem to be
stable and it crashes on some HTML pages (which means that the
server would also crash)
response = cherrypy.response
# the tidy tool, by its very nature it's not generator friendly,
# so we just collapse the body and work with it.
orig_body = response.collapse_body()
fct = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
ct = fct.split(';')[0]
encoding = ''
i = fct.find('charset=')
if i != -1:
encoding = fct[i + 8:]
if ct == 'text/html':
page_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'page.html')
open(page_file, 'wb').write(orig_body)
out_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'tidy.out')
err_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'tidy.err')
tidy_enc = encoding.replace('-', '')
if tidy_enc:
tidy_enc = '-' + tidy_enc
strict_xml = ("", " -xml")[bool(strict_xml)]
if indent:
indent = ' -indent'
indent = ''
if wrap is False:
wrap = ''
wrap = ' -wrap %d' % int(tidyWrap)
wrap = ''
result = os.system('"%s" %s%s%s%s -f %s -o %s %s' %
(tidy_path, tidy_enc, strict_xml, indent, wrap,
err_file, out_file, page_file))
use_output = bool(indent or wrap) and not result
if use_output:
output = open(out_file, 'rb').read()
new_errs = []
for err in open(err_file, 'rb').read().splitlines():
if (err.find('Error') != -1 or
(warnings and err.find('Warning') != -1)):
ignore = 0
for err_ign in errors_to_ignore or []:
if err.find(err_ign) != -1:
ignore = 1
if not ignore:
if new_errs:
response.body = wrong_content('<br />'.join(new_errs), orig_body)
if response.headers.has_key("Content-Length"):
# Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
del response.headers["Content-Length"]
elif strict_xml:
# The HTML is OK, but is it valid XML?
# Use elementtree to parse XML
from elementtree.ElementTree import parse
tag_list = ['nbsp', 'quot']
for tag in tag_list:
orig_body = orig_body.replace('&' + tag + ';', tag.upper())
if encoding:
enctag = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>' % encoding
orig_body = enctag + orig_body
f = StringIO.StringIO(orig_body)
tree = parse(f)
# Wrong XML
body_file = StringIO.StringIO()
traceback.print_exc(file = body_file)
body_file = '<br />'.join(body_file.getvalue())
response.body = wrong_content(body_file, orig_body, "XML")
if response.headers.has_key("Content-Length"):
# Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
del response.headers["Content-Length"]
if use_output:
response.body = [output]
if response.headers.has_key("Content-Length"):
# Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
del response.headers["Content-Length"]
def html_space(text):
"""Escape text, replacing space with nbsp and tab with 4 nbsp's."""
return cgi.escape(text).replace('\t', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
def html_break(text):
"""Escape text, replacing newline with HTML br element."""
return cgi.escape(text).replace('\n', '<br />')
def wrong_content(header, body, content_type="HTML"):
output = ["Wrong %s:<br />%s<br />" % (content_type, html_break(header))]
for i, line in enumerate(body.splitlines()):
output.append("%03d - %s" % (i + 1, html_space(line)))
return "<br />".join(output)
def nsgmls(temp_dir, nsgmls_path, catalog_path, errors_to_ignore=None):
response = cherrypy.response
# the tidy tool, by its very nature it's not generator friendly,
# so we just collect the body and work with it.
orig_body = response.collapse_body()
fct = response.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
ct = fct.split(';')[0]
encoding = ''
i = fct.find('charset=')
if i != -1:
encoding = fct[i + 8:]
if ct == 'text/html':
# Remove bits of Javascript (nsgmls doesn't seem to handle
# them correctly (for instance, if <a appears in your
# Javascript code nsgmls complains about it)
while True:
i = orig_body.find('<script')
if i == -1:
j = orig_body.find('</script>', i)
if j == -1:
orig_body = orig_body[:i] + orig_body[j+9:]
page_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'page.html')
open(page_file, 'wb').write(orig_body)
err_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'nsgmls.err')
command = ('%s -c%s -f%s -s -E10 %s' %
(nsgmls_path, catalog_path, err_file, page_file))
command = command.replace('\\', '/')
errs = open(err_file, 'rb').read()
new_errs = []
for err in errs.splitlines():
ignore = False
for err_ign in errors_to_ignore or []:
if err.find(err_ign) != -1:
ignore = True
if not ignore:
if new_errs:
response.body = wrong_content('<br />'.join(new_errs), orig_body)
if response.headers.has_key("Content-Length"):
# Delete Content-Length header so finalize() recalcs it.
del response.headers["Content-Length"]