"""A CherryPy tool for hosting a foreign WSGI application."""
import sys
import warnings
import cherrypy
# is this sufficient for start_response?
def start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
cherrypy.response.status = status
headers_dict = dict(response_headers)
def make_environ():
"""grabbed some of below from wsgiserver.py
for hosting WSGI apps in non-WSGI environments (yikes!)
request = cherrypy.request
# create and populate the wsgi environ
environ = dict()
environ["wsgi.version"] = (1,0)
environ["wsgi.url_scheme"] = request.scheme
environ["wsgi.input"] = request.rfile
environ["wsgi.errors"] = sys.stderr
environ["wsgi.multithread"] = True
environ["wsgi.multiprocess"] = False
environ["wsgi.run_once"] = False
environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] = request.method
environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] = request.script_name
environ["PATH_INFO"] = request.path_info
environ["QUERY_STRING"] = request.query_string
environ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] = request.protocol
environ["SERVER_NAME"] = request.local.name
environ["SERVER_PORT"] = request.local.port
environ["REMOTE_HOST"] = request.remote.name
environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] = request.remote.ip
environ["REMOTE_PORT"] = request.remote.port
# then all the http headers
headers = request.headers
environ["CONTENT_TYPE"] = headers.get("Content-type", "")
environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] = headers.get("Content-length", "")
for (k, v) in headers.iteritems():
envname = "HTTP_" + k.upper().replace("-","_")
environ[envname] = v
return environ
def run(app, env=None):
"""Run the given WSGI app and set response.body to its output."""
warnings.warn("This module is deprecated and will be removed in "
"Cherrypy 3.2. See http://www.cherrypy.org/ticket/700 "
"for more information.")
environ = cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ.copy()
environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = cherrypy.request.script_name
environ['PATH_INFO'] = cherrypy.request.path_info
except AttributeError:
environ = make_environ()
if env:
# run the wsgi app and have it set response.body
response = app(environ, start_response)
cherrypy.response.body = [x for x in response]
if hasattr(response, "close"):
return True