"""Wrapper for mod_python, for use as a CherryPy HTTP server when testing.
To autostart modpython, the "apache" executable or script must be
on your system path, or you must override the global APACHE_PATH.
On some platforms, "apache" may be called "apachectl" or "apache2ctl"--
create a symlink to them if needed.
If you wish to test the WSGI interface instead of our _cpmodpy interface,
you also need the 'modpython_gateway' module at:
1. Apache processes Range headers automatically; CherryPy's truncated
output is then truncated again by Apache. See test_core.testRanges.
This was worked around in http://www.cherrypy.org/changeset/1319.
2. Apache does not allow custom HTTP methods like CONNECT as per the spec.
See test_core.testHTTPMethods.
3. Max request header and body settings do not work with Apache.
4. Apache replaces status "reason phrases" automatically. For example,
CherryPy may set "304 Not modified" but Apache will write out
"304 Not Modified" (capital "M").
5. Apache does not allow custom error codes as per the spec.
6. Apache (or perhaps modpython, or modpython_gateway) unquotes %xx in the
Request-URI too early.
7. mod_python will not read request bodies which use the "chunked"
transfer-coding (it passes REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR to ap_setup_client_block
instead of REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK, see Apache2's http_protocol.c and
mod_python's requestobject.c).
8. Apache will output a "Content-Length: 0" response header even if there's
no response entity body. This isn't really a bug; it just differs from
the CherryPy default.
import os
curdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__))
import re
import time
from cherrypy.test import test
def read_process(cmd, args=""):
pipein, pipeout = os.popen4("%s %s" % (cmd, args))
firstline = pipeout.readline()
if (re.search(r"(not recognized|No such file|not found)", firstline,
raise IOError('%s must be on your system path.' % cmd)
output = firstline + pipeout.read()
return output
APACHE_PATH = "httpd"
CONF_PATH = "test_mp.conf"
conf_modpython_gateway = """
# Apache2 server conf file for testing CherryPy with modpython_gateway.
DocumentRoot "/"
Listen %s
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
SetHandler python-program
PythonFixupHandler cherrypy.test.modpy::wsgisetup
PythonOption testmod %s
PythonHandler modpython_gateway::handler
PythonOption wsgi.application cherrypy::tree
PythonOption socket_host %s
PythonDebug On
conf_cpmodpy = """
# Apache2 server conf file for testing CherryPy with _cpmodpy.
DocumentRoot "/"
Listen %s
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
SetHandler python-program
PythonFixupHandler cherrypy.test.modpy::cpmodpysetup
PythonHandler cherrypy._cpmodpy::handler
PythonOption cherrypy.setup cherrypy.test.%s::setup_server
PythonOption socket_host %s
PythonDebug On
def start(testmod, host, port, conf_template):
mpconf = CONF_PATH
if not os.path.isabs(mpconf):
mpconf = os.path.join(curdir, mpconf)
f = open(mpconf, 'wb')
f.write(conf_template % (port, testmod, host))
result = read_process(APACHE_PATH, "-k start -f %s" % mpconf)
if result:
print result
def stop():
"""Gracefully shutdown a server that is serving forever."""
read_process(APACHE_PATH, "-k stop")
loaded = False
def wsgisetup(req):
global loaded
if not loaded:
loaded = True
options = req.get_options()
import cherrypy
"log.error_file": os.path.join(curdir, "test.log"),
"environment": "test_suite",
"server.socket_host": options['socket_host'],
modname = options['testmod']
mod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [''])
from mod_python import apache
return apache.OK
def cpmodpysetup(req):
global loaded
if not loaded:
loaded = True
options = req.get_options()
import cherrypy
"log.error_file": os.path.join(curdir, "test.log"),
"environment": "test_suite",
"server.socket_host": options['socket_host'],
from mod_python import apache
return apache.OK
class ModPythonTestHarness(test.TestHarness):
"""TestHarness for ModPython and CherryPy."""
use_wsgi = False
def _run(self, conf):
import cherrypy
cherrypy.server.using_apache = True
from cherrypy.test import webtest
webtest.WebCase.PORT = self.port
webtest.WebCase.harness = self
webtest.WebCase.scheme = "http"
webtest.WebCase.interactive = self.interactive
print "Running tests:", self.server
if self.use_wsgi:
cherrypy.server.using_wsgi = True
conf_template = conf_modpython_gateway
cherrypy.server.using_wsgi = False
conf_template = conf_cpmodpy
# mod_python, since it runs in the Apache process, must be
# started separately for each test, and then *that* process
# must run the setup_server() function for the test.
# Then our process can run the actual test.
success = True
for testmod in self.tests:
start(testmod, self.host, self.port, conf_template)
suite = webtest.ReloadingTestLoader().loadTestsFromName(testmod)
result = webtest.TerseTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
success &= result.wasSuccessful()
if success:
return 0
return 1