Tutorial - Object inheritance
You are free to derive your request handler classes from any base
class you wish. In most real-world applications, you will probably
want to create a central base class used for all your pages, which takes
care of things like printing a common page header and footer.
import cherrypy
class Page:
# Store the page title in a class attribute
title = 'Untitled Page'
def header(self):
return '''
''' % (self.title, self.title)
def footer(self):
return '''
# Note that header and footer don't get their exposed attributes
# set to True. This isn't necessary since the user isn't supposed
# to call header or footer directly; instead, we'll call them from
# within the actually exposed handler methods defined in this
# class' subclasses.
class HomePage(Page):
# Different title for this page
title = 'Tutorial 5'
def __init__(self):
# create a subpage
self.another = AnotherPage()
def index(self):
# Note that we call the header and footer methods inherited
# from the Page class!
return self.header() + '''
Isn't this exciting? There's
<a href="./another/">another page</a>, too!
''' + self.footer()
index.exposed = True
class AnotherPage(Page):
title = 'Another Page'
def index(self):
return self.header() + '''
And this is the amazing second page!
''' + self.footer()
index.exposed = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os.path
thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
cherrypy.quickstart(config=os.path.join(thisdir, 'tutorial.conf'))