# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2005-2009, Tassos Koutsovassilis
# This file is part of Porcupine.
# Porcupine is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Porcupine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Porcupine; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"Porcupine Date class"
import time
from porcupine.config.resources import Locale
from porcupine.config.resources import ResourceStrings
from porcupine.core.decorators import deprecated
class Date(object):
Porcupine Date class
This class is a helper class for handling dates.
@ivar value: Floating point number expressed in seconds since the epoch
@type value: float
resources = ResourceStrings({
'*' : Locale({
# dates
'DAYS' : ['Monday',
'MONTHS' : ['January',
'AM' : 'AM',
'PM' : 'PM',
'el' : Locale({
# dates
'DAYS' : ['',
'MONTHS' : ['',
'AM' : '',
'PM' : '',
def __init__(self, fTime=None):
@param fTime: a floating point number expressed
in seconds since the epoch, in UTC. If ommited
the current time is used.
@type fTime: float
self.value = fTime or time.time()
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.value, other.value)
def format(self, format, locale='*'):
Convert the date to a string as specified by the format argument.
@param format: The following directives can be embedded in the
format string::
-yyyy four digit year
-yy two digit year
-month full month
-mmm short month
-mm month as a decimal number
-dd day of the month as a decimal number
-day full week day
-ddd short week day
-h24 24-based hours
-h12 12-based hours
-min minutes
-sec seconds
-MM locale's AM or PM
@type format: str
@param locale: The locale string. If ommited the '*' is used.
@type locale: str
@return: The formatted string
@rtype: str
tupTime = time.localtime(self.value)
sYear = str(tupTime[0])
iMonth = tupTime[1]-1
iDate = tupTime[2]
iHours = tupTime[3]
if iHours>12:
iHours12 = iHours - 12
ampm = self.resources.get_resource('PM', locale)
iHours12 = iHours
ampm = self.resources.get_resource('AM', locale)
iMins = tupTime[4]
iSecs = tupTime[5]
iWeekday = tupTime[6]
months = self.resources.get_resource('MONTHS', locale)
days = self.resources.get_resource('DAYS', locale)
format = format.replace('yyyy', sYear)
format = format.replace('yy', sYear[2:4])
format = format.replace('month', months[iMonth])
format = format.replace('mmm', unicode(months[iMonth],
format = format.replace('mm', str(iMonth + 1))
format = format.replace('min', '%02d' % iMins)
format = format.replace('sec', '%02d' % iSecs)
format = format.replace('ddd', unicode(days[iWeekday],
format = format.replace('dd', str(iDate))
format = format.replace('day', days[iWeekday])
format = format.replace('h24', '%02d' % iHours)
format = format.replace('h12', str(iHours12))
format = format.replace('MM', ampm)
return format
def to_iso_8601(self):
This method formats the date in the Iso8601 format
Sample output C{'2004-01-29T18:00:12'}
@rtype: str
tupTime = time.localtime(self.value)
return('%04i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i' % tupTime[:6])
toIso8601 = deprecated(to_iso_8601)
def from_iso_8601(s):
Convert an Iso8601 string to a L{Date} object.
@param s: an Iso8601 formatted string
@type s: str
@rtype: L{Date}
tupTime = time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
return Date(time.mktime(tupTime))
fromIso8601 = staticmethod(deprecated(from_iso_8601))
from_iso_8601 = staticmethod(from_iso_8601)