# Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew T. Csillag <drew_csillag@geocities.com>
# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General
# Public License or the SkunkWeb License, as specified in the
# README file.
import types
import Date
from Date import DateTime
import string
from PyDO import SYSDATE#circular import ok, since we're loaded after PyDO
#import sapdb
from string import split
class _NO_VALUE: pass
def _isdml(sql):
if sql[:7] in ('UPDATE ', 'DELETE ', 'INSERT '):
return 1
class PyDOsapdb:
"""PyDBI - PyDO sapdb driver"""
def __init__(self, connectString):
self.connectString = connectString
user,pwd,dbname,host,self.verbose = self._parseConnectString(connectString)
self.realConn = (user,pwd,dbname,host)
self.conn = sapdbapi.connect(user,pwd,dbname,host,timeout="0")
self.bvcount = 0
self.bindVariables = 1
self.__lastrowid = None
if self.verbose:
def _parseConnectString(self, s):
bits = string.split(s, '|')
verbose = 0
items = split(bits[0])
if not items: raise ValueError,"Invalid connection string"
db_host, items = items[0], items[1:]
if '@' in db_host:
db, host = split(db_host,'@',1)
database = db
database = db_host
user, items = items[0], items[1:]
password, items = items[0], items[1:]
if len(bits) == 1:
return user,password,database,host,0
if bits[1] == 'verbose':
verbose = 1
return user,password,database,host,verbose
def getConnection(self):
return self.conn
def sqlStringAndValue(self, val, attr, dbtype):
if val == SYSDATE:
return 'NOW()', _NO_VALUE
#return 'SYSDATE', _NO_VALUE
if Date.isDateTime(val):
val = _dateConvertToDB(val, dbtype)
# if string.upper(dbtype) == "LONG RAW":
# val = sapdbapi.dbi.dbiRaw(val)
self.bvcount = self.bvcount + 1
return '?', val
def getBindVariable(self):
self.bvcount = self.bvcount + 1
return '?'
def convertData(self, val, dbtype):
return self.typeCheckAndConvert(val, 'bogus', dbtype)
def resetQuery(self):
self.bvcount = 0
def getAutoIncrement(self, name):
return self.__lastrowid
def getSequence(self, name):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
sql = 'select %s.nextval from dual' % name
if self.verbose:
print 'SQL>', sql
return cur.fetchall()[0][0]
def execute(self, sql, values, attributes):
cur = self.conn.cursor()
values = filter(lambda x: x != _NO_VALUE, values)
if self.verbose:
print 'SQL>', sql
print 'VALUES>', values
self.__lastrowid = None # clear previous value
r = cur.execute(sql, tuple(values))
#if self.verbose:
# print 'RETURN>', r
if _isdml(sql):
try: self.__lastrowid = cur.lastrowid
except: pass # must not have been an INSERT
return r
result = []
while 1:
row = cur.fetchone()
if not row:
desc = map(lambda x: _remTable(x), cur.description)
if attributes is None:
return result, desc
return self.convertResultRows(desc, attributes, result)
def convertResultRows(self, colnames, attributes, rows):
newresult = []
for row in rows:
d = {}
for item, col in map(None, row, colnames):
#do date conversions here if possible (yes! - attributes)
a = attributes[col]
if _isLongKind(a) and item is not None:
item = _longConvertFromDB(item)
elif _isDateKind(a):
item = _dateConvertFromDB(item,a)
d[col] = item
return newresult
def commit(self):
if self.verbose:
def rollback(self):
if self.verbose:
def postInsertUpdate(self, object, newvals, isinsert):
def typeCheckAndConvert(self, val, aname, attr):
#nulls always allowed (unless the db says no)
if val is None: return val
if _isDateKind(attr):
if not (Date.isDateTime(val) or val is SYSDATE):
val = DateTime.DateTimeFrom(val)
val = _dateConvertToDB(val,attr)
elif (_isNumber(attr) and
not isinstance(val, types.FloatType) and
not isinstance(val, types.IntType)):
raise TypeError, ('trying to assign %s to %s and is not'
' a number') % (val, aname)
elif _isString(attr) and not isinstance(val, types.StringType) and not isinstance(val, types.UnicodeType):
raise TypeError, 'trying to assign %s to %s and is not a string'% (
val, aname)
return val
def getProcedure(self, procName):
def getCursor(self):
return self.conn.cursor()
def convertCursorResult(self, cursor, attrMap):
res = cur.fetchall()
desc = map(lambda x:x[0], cursor.description)
return self.convertResultRows(desc, attrMap, res)
#so connections get rolled back on mod destruction, otherwise conns commit.
def _isDateKind(type):
if type in ['Date','Time','Timestamp']:
return 1
def _dateConvertToDB(val,attr):
if val == SYSDATE:
return 'NOW()'
elif attr == 'Date':
return sapdbapi.Date(val.year,val.month,val.day)
elif attr == 'Time':
return sapdbapi.Time(val.hour,val.minute,val.second)
elif attr == 'Timestamp':
return sapdbapi.Timestamp(val.year,val.month,val.day,val.hour,val.minute,val.second)
def _dateConvertFromDB(val,type):
if val is None: # DateTimeFrom can't handle None as an argument
return None
return DateTime.DateTimeFrom(sapdbapi.valTranslation[type](val))
def _isNumber(attr):
if attr in ['Integer','Smallint'] or attr[:5] in ['Float', 'Fixed']:
return 1
def _isLongKind(attr):
if attr == 'Long':
return 1
def _longConvertFromDB(val):
ret = ''
while 1:
d = val.read(1000)
if len(d) == 0:
ret = ret + d
return ret
def _isString(attr):
return attr[:7] == 'Varchar' or attr[:4] == 'Char'
def _remTable(desc):
desc = desc[0]
ind = string.rfind(desc, '.')
if ind == -1:
return desc
return desc[ind+1:]