# $Id: httpauth.py,v 1.13 2008/10/12 15:42:16 irmen Exp $
# HTTP authentication logic
# This is part of "Snakelets" - Python Web Application Server
# which is (c) Irmen de Jong - irmen@users.sourceforge.net
import sys, hashlib
class AuthError(Exception): pass
class WrongPassword(AuthError): pass
# Perform HTTP authentication.
# params:
# request, response: snakelet request, response objects.
# authorizeUserPasswordFunc: callback function func(method, url, username, passwd, request)
# that must return True or False indicating if the user+passwd is correct.
# authMethod: authentication method to use. "httpbasic" (or "httpdigest", but that is not supported!)
# authRealm: optional 'realm' string to use in the password dialog.
# AUTH OK --> returns (authorized user name, password, set-of-privileges)
# AUTH FAILED --> has prepared the response for HTTP authentication headers,
# and raises AuthError
def HTTPauthenticate(request, response, url, authorizeUserPasswordFunc, authMethod="httpbasic", authRealm=None):
def KD(secret, data):
return hashlib.md5(secret + ":" + data).hexdigest()
# first try and see if the browser sent us some authorization headers,
# if so, process these to try to authorize the user.
auth=request.getAuth() # 'Authorization' header from http request
if not auth:
raise AuthError('browser needs to supply authentication information for this URL') # no auth provided.
(scheme, digest) = auth.split(' ',1)
if scheme.lower()=='basic': # Basic authentication
(username, password)=digest.decode('base-64').split(':')
privileges = authorizeUserPasswordFunc("httpbasic", url, username, password, request)
if privileges is not None:
return username,password,privileges # successful authentication!!!
except Exception,x:
print >>sys.stderr, "error during passwd check:",x
# raise AuthError("error during passwd check: "+str(x))
raise WrongPassword('invalid username or password')
except ValueError:
raise AuthError('invalid digest string')
elif scheme.lower()=='digest':
# XXX due to the fact that we don't store plain passwords in Snakelets users,
# it is impossible to support digest auth. That requires access to plain passwords.
# The code below seems to work fine otherwise though.
raise AuthError('unsupported auth method: '+scheme) # not supported....
digest=[d.strip() for d in digest.split(',')]
for digestitem in digest:
(name,value) = digestitem.split('=')
if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
username = dig['username']
password="password" # XXX should be gotten from from user database, but impossible: we don't store plain passwords
if dig.get('algorithm') in (None, 'md5', 'MD5'):
hA1=hashlib.md5( username+':'+dig['realm']+':'+ password).hexdigest()
raise AuthError('unsupported algorithm: '+dig['algorithm'])
if dig.get('qop') in (None, 'auth','Auth'):
raise AuthError('unsupported QOP: '+dig['qop'])
if dig['qop'].lower() == "auth":
computed_request_digest = KD(hA1, dig['nonce']+':'+dig['nc']+':'+dig['cnonce']+':'+dig['qop']+':'+hA2 )
computed_request_digest = KD(hA1, dig['nonce']+":"+hA2 )
if computed_request_digest!=dig['response']:
raise AuthError("Invalid Authentication") # invalid user/password/whatever...
privileges = authorizeUserPasswordFunc("httpdigest", url, username, password, request)
if privileges is not None:
return username,password,privileges # Successful authentication
except Exception,x:
print >>sys.stderr, "error during passwd check:",x
# raise AuthError("error during passwd check: "+str(x))
raise WrongPassword("Invalid Authentication") # invalid user/password/whatever...
raise AuthError('unsupported auth method: '+scheme) # not supported....
except AuthError,x:
# Something went wrong with authenticating the user.
# Send HTTP authentication headers.
if authMethod=="httpbasic": # Basic authentication
name = authRealm or request.getWebApp().getName()[1] or "Web application"
response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate","Basic realm=\""+name+"\"")
response.sendError(401) # AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED
elif authMethod=="httpdigest": # Digest authentication
response.sendError(501, "digest-auth not supported")
raise AuthError('digest-auth not supported') # not supported due to no access to plain passwords....
realm = request.getWebApp().getName()[1] or "Web Application"
nonce= "dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093" ## XXX make nonce randomly!!
details = "Digest realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%s\", algorithm=\"MD5\", qop=\"auth\"" % (realm, nonce)
response.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", details)
response.sendError(401) # AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED
raise ValueError("unknown auth method "+authMethod)