# configuration for this webapp
import tsnakelets.testcookie
import tsnakelets.test
import tsnakelets.form
import tsnakelets.snoop
from snakeserver.user import LoginUser
def dirListAllower(path):
return True # for test purposes: allow all paths (including snakelet source directory)
def documentAllower(path):
return True # for test purposes: allow all documents (including Python source files)
name="Test Web application"
# indexPages = ["index.y", "index.html", "index.htm"]
# defaultErrorPage="errorpage.y" # set a global error page
snakelets= {
"cookie.sn": tsnakelets.testcookie.TestCookie,
"snoop.sn": tsnakelets.snoop.Snoop,
"memory.sn": tsnakelets.test.Memory,
"redirect.sn": tsnakelets.test.Redirecter,
"encoding.sn": tsnakelets.test.Encoding,
"error.sn": tsnakelets.test.Error,
"included.sn": tsnakelets.test.Included,
"utf8form/formaccepter.sn": tsnakelets.form.FormAccepter,
"utf8form/utf8formaccepter.sn": tsnakelets.form.UTF8FormAccepter,
"auth/mgmt/httpauth.sn": tsnakelets.test.HTTPAuthenticator_management,
"auth/bo/httpauth.sn": tsnakelets.test.HTTPAuthenticator_backoffice,
"doc/*.pdf": tsnakelets.snoop.Snoop,
"fake/index.sn": tsnakelets.test.FakeIndex, # fake index page
"index.sn": tsnakelets.test.FakeIndex, # fake index page in webapp root
configItems = {
"maxPOSTsize": 400000,
"authpattern.y": ["admin"],
"tstauth/*": ["admin"]
def authorizeUser(authmethod, url, username, password, request):
# hard-coded users with their passwords and roles
passwords = { "mike": "apples", "janet": "pookie" } # usually the pw's would be encrypted or hashed
privileges = { "mike": ["admin","dba"], "janet": ["secretary"] }
if username in passwords and passwords[username]==password:
# as an example, we return a full LoginUser object:
return LoginUser(username,password,"Full username here",privileges[username])
# ...but it is also possible to just return the set of privileges:
# return privileges[username]
return None
def init(webapp):
print ">> INIT WEBAPP",webapp
def close(webapp):
print ">> CLOSE DOWN WEBAPP",webapp