This is an example of wrapping an arbitary SocketServer.TCPServer derived
server into an NT service with out too much pain and suffering.
# TCPServerService is the generic NT service <-> TCPServer interaction code
import TCPServerService
# Mark's cool helper module...
import win32serviceutil
import win32service
import win32event
import SocketServer
import BaseHTTPServer
# Edna is the TCPServer we will turn into an NT Service
import edna
except ImportError:
import sys
# in some cases, the above failure leaves a bad module around. torch it.
del sys.modules['edna']
except KeyError:
import edna
class EdnaSvc(TCPServerService.TCPServerService,
# This following line is optional...
# You can let edna pick up the normal threading mixin if
# you want your service to end immediately, and abort
# any pending requests, instead of making the service
# hang around until all pending requests are finished.
# Here belong some special attributes pertaining to the installation
# of this service.
# _svc_name_, and _svc_display_name_ are required!
# _svc_name_ is what you use when you want to start/stop the service.
# e.g.: "net start edna", "net stop edna"
# This is also the name of the registry key, where your configuration
# settings are stored.
# i.e. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Edna
_svc_name_ = "Edna"
# _svc_display_name_ is the nice name the control panel will display
# for your service
_svc_display_name_ = "Edna MP3 Streaming Service"
# The following are optional
# _svc_deps_: This should be set to the list of service names
# That need to be started before this one.
# _exe_name_: This should be set to a service .EXE if you're not
# going to use PythonService.exe
def __init__(self, args):
fname = win32serviceutil.GetServiceCustomOption(self, "ConfigurationFile")
edna.Server.__init__(self, fname)
TCPServerService.TCPServerService.__init__(self, args)
def waitForPendingRequests(self):
Wait for any pending requests to finish/close...
This only does anything useful if a mixin similar to
TCPServerService.SvcTrackingThreadingMixin is in the class definition.
while self.thread_handles:
# The 5000 says, SCM, I think I'm going to finish shutting down in 5s.
self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, 5000)
#print "Waiting for %d threads to finish..." % (len(self.thread_handles))
# Actually wait for 3s just to be paranoid.
rc = win32event.WaitForMultipleObjects(self.thread_handles, 1, 3000)
# Keep looping until ALL threads go away...
# You might want to have a maximum time out here to force a shutdown
# if for example it we've gone 5+ min, and we still have some threads
# that still haven't shutdown.
ConfigFileNotFound = "ConfigFileNotFound"
def customOptionHandler(opts):
"This is only called when the service is installed."
fFoundConfigFile = 0
for opt, val in opts:
if opt == "-c":
# This installs the location of the Edna configuration file into:
# HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Edna\Parameters\ConfigurationFile
fFoundConfigFile = 1
if not fFoundConfigFile:
print "Error: You forgot to pass in a path to your Edna configuration file., use the '-c' option."
raise ConfigFileNotFound
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys, regsetup
# This magic function, handles service installation/removal, etc....
# Sample command lines:
# Installation:
# python ednaNTSvc.py -c d:\edna\edna.conf --startup auto install
# Removal:
# python ednaNTSvc.py remove
# etc...
argv = sys.argv,
customInstallOptions = "c:",
customOptionHandler = customOptionHandler)
# Make sure these files are in the Python path...
regsetup.FindRegisterModule("ednaNTSvc", 'ednaNTSvc.py', sys.path)
regsetup.FindRegisterModule("TCPServerService", 'TCPServerService.py', sys.path)
regsetup.FindRegisterModule("edna", "edna.py", "..")
regsetup.FindRegisterModule("ezt", "ezt.py", "..")