#!/usr/bin/python -O
# baseClient.py
# Description: A basic client for baseserver. Unless you need to do
# something special, you should not need to write your
# own client for your server. This client automagically
# knows what commands the server offers and lets the user
# call them. It is currently limited to four args for
# the server functions, so if you need more, either
# make a class that inherits this one and make a member
# function there (easy), or hack Client to allow more
# args. BTW - this was not my choice... python's scoping
# sucks with lambdas.
# Requires: xmlrpc
# Copyright: LGPL
# Created: March 20, 2001
# Author: Chris Jensen - chris@sourcelight.com
# Last Update: 04/25/2001
import xmlrpc
ClientError = 'ClientError'
ERR_CLOSE = 'Connection is closed. Call reconnect.'
NONE = []
# Client
# Client(host, port, timeout)
# Constructor. host and port are the server to connect to. timeout is the
# maximum time you should wait for the server to procedd your request. A
# value less than 0 means block until the server responds.
# reconnect()
# Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost.
# The rest of the callable functions are provided by the server. To get a command
# list, call the usage function, which SHOULD return a complete list of functions
# and thier usage. Obviously, if you write the server, you know what's there.
class Client:
def __init__(self, host, port, timeout=-1.0):
self.host = host # host
self.port = port # server port
self.timeout = timeout # xmlrpc timeout
self.client = xmlrpc.client(host, port)
self.cmds = self.__talk__('getclient')
if not self.cmds:
raise ClientError, 'could not get command list'
def __getattr__(self, fn):
if fn not in self.cmds:
raise AttributeError, '%s instance has no attribute %s' % (
self.__class__, fn)
return (lambda a1=NONE,a2=NONE,a3=NONE,a4=NONE,x=fn,y=self.__talk__:
y(x, a1, a2, a3, a4))
## special commands.
# kill the server
def kill(self):
if not self.client:
raise ClientError, ERR_CLOSE
self.timeout = 1.0
try: self.__talk__('kill')
except: pass
self.client = None
# disconnect from the server
def leave(self):
self.client = None
# reconnect to the server
def reconnect(self):
self.client = xmlrpc.client(self.host, self.port)
## helper functions
# do a send and receive with the server
def __talk__(self, command, *args):
args = filter(lambda x,y=NONE: (x is not y), args)
if not self.client:
raise ClientError, ERR_CLOSE
return self.client.execute(command, args,
self.client = xmlrpc.client(self.host, self.port)
return self.client.execute(command, args,