#!/usr/bin/python -O
# baseControl.py
# Description: Contains the most basic implementation of a control class
# for my standard server architecture. To use, make a class
# the using baseControl as a base class. Then add your
# functions there. Be sure to use a '_' as the first
# character in the names of functions you do NOT want to be
# externally callable. The list of externally callable
# functions is generated automagically.
# A small example is given.
# Be carefule of one thing, None is not in the xmlrpc spec,
# so xmlrpc does not support the None type.
# Requires: xmlrpc
# Copyright: LGPL
# Created: March 20, 2001
# Author: Chris Jensen - chris@sourcelight.com
# Last Update: 04/10/2001
import string
import sys
# baseControl
# baseControl(usage, logobj=sys.stderr)
# Constructor. usage is the usage string for your subclass. logobj is
# an object that has a write method (ex. sys.stderr (default), file obj, etc.)
# dispatch(*args)
# This only should be called by the xmlrpc stuff. It is called when a command
# comes into the xmlrpc server.
# link(cmdlist, cmduse)
# This only needs to be called be the baseServer object on initialization.
# Nothing else is really public, except for the functions in a sub-class, which
# are called through xmlrpc.
class baseControl:
def __init__(self, usage, logobj=None):
self.closed = 0
self.usage = usage # command usage
self.logobj = (logobj or sys.stderr) # log to logobj if
# given, else stderr
def __del__(self):
if not self.closed:
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'dispatch':
return self._dispatch
if name == 'link':
return self._link
raise AttributeError, "'%s' instance has no attribute '%s'" % (
self.__class__, name)
def _close(self):
self.closed = 1
return 1
def _dispatch(self, *args):
(cmd, argv) = (args[3], args[4])
if self.closed:
raise 'Access Error', 'Control object has been closed.'
return apply(self.fnmap.get(cmd), tuple(argv))
def _link(self, cmdlist, cmduse):
cmduse = cmduse + self.usage
for i in self.fnmap.keys():
cmdlist[i] = self.dispatch
return (cmdlist, cmduse)
def _log(self, msg):
self.logobj.write('%s\n' % string.strip(msg))
def __loadmethods__(self):
self.fnmap = {}
for i in dir(self.__class__) + dir(self.__class__.__bases__[0]):
if ((i[0] == '_')
or (not callable(getattr(self, i)))):
self.fnmap[i] = getattr(self, i)
exusage = '''
echo arg
returns arg as a string
echo2 arg1 arg2
returns (arg1, arg2) as a string
# example Control class
class exControl(baseControl):
def __init__(self, logobj=None):
baseControl.__init__(self, exusage, logobj)
def echo(self, arg):
return str(arg)
def echo2(self, arg1, arg2):
return str((arg1, arg2))