# A wrapper for the python module _xmlrpc (which was written in C)
# Copyright (C) 2001, Shilad Sen, Sourcelight Technologies, Inc.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# The author can be reached at:
# shilad.sen@sourcelight.com
# Shilad Sen
# Sourcelight Technologies, Inc.
# 906 University Place, Suite B-211
# Evanston, IL 60201
# Thanks to Chris Jensen for the windows port and Pat Szuta for DateTime
# and Base64 objects.
import sys
import _xmlrpc
# An xmlrpc server object
# addMethods(dict):
# "Registers" commands. Commands take a dictionary where
# keys are command names and values are the functions to call.
# Each function must take 4 args (serv, src, uri, method, params)
# and return the value to be returned to the client. If an error
# is raised, a fault response is created, and the client will (in
# this client implementation) raise the same error. Note that the
# the server can delay responding until a later time by raising
# a xmlrpc.postpone error. See queueResponse and queueFault.
# activeFds():
# Returns a 3-tuple of the active file descriptor sets for
# They are: (input_fds, output_fds, exception_fds)
# bindAndListen(port, queue=DEF_QUEUE):
# Bind the server to a port and start listening. This function
# takes the port to bind to and an optional queue size.
# setOnErr(onErr):
# Set an error handler for server errors. (For example, for bad
# requests). Each error handler should take the server and the
# source that caused the error. Error handlers must return an
# integer, that is composed of the following values bitwise
# or'ed together:
# ONERR_KEEP_DEF: do default error handling
# (consists of printing traceback and
# dropping the client)
# ONERR_KEEP_WORK: don't raise this exception any higher
# work(timeout=-1.0):
# Process requests for some period of time
# All internal errors (such as bad requests) are raised here.
# You should set an error handler using server.setOnErr() if
# this is not your desired behavior
# setFdAndListen(port, queue=5):
# The same as bindAndListen, but uses a supplied socket fd.
# Useful mainly for inetd servers inheriting a socket through
# stdin.
# setAuth(authFunc):
# Set a handler used for basic authentication. The handler
# will get three arguments: (uri, name, password) and return
# a two-tuple of a 1 or 0 (1 indicating success) and the
# domain the authentication should apply to. Note that the
# domain is not currently used.
# addSource(src):
# Monitor a source into the server's file descriptor event loop.
# delSource(src):
# Remove a source from the server's file descriptor event loop.
# queueResponse(src, result):
# This function is only useful if the response has been delayed
# by raising a xmlrpc.postpone exception. This function will
# complete the response to the given client (source).
# queueFault(src, faultCode, faultString):
# Same as queueResponse but raises a fault.
class server:
def __init__(self):
self._o = _xmlrpc.server()
self.comtab = {}
def addMethods(self, dict):
d = {}
for (name, func) in dict.items():
d[name] = self.dispatch
self.comtab[name] = func
def dispatch(self, serv, src, uri, method, params):
return self.comtab[method](self, src, uri, method, params)
def bindAndListen(self, port, queue=5):
self._o.bindAndListen(port, queue)
def close(self):
def setFdAndListen(self, fd, queue=5):
self._o.setFdAndListen(fd, queue)
def work(self, timeout=-1.0):
def exit(self):
def activeFds(self):
return self._o.activeFds()
def setAuth(self, authFunc):
def setOnErr(self, onErr):
def addSource(self, src):
def delSource(self, src):
def queueResponse(self, src, response):
self._o.queueResponse(src, response)
def queueFault(self, src, faultCode, faultString):
self._o.queueFault(src, faultCode, faultString)
# An xmlrpc client class
# activeFds():
# Returns a 3-tuple of the active file descriptor sets for
# They are: (input_fds, output_fds, exception_fds)
# close():
# Free any file descriptors associated with the client
# execute(method, params, timeout=-1.0):
# Execute a command on a remote host that has been connected to.
# If the server generates a fault response, an exception is
# raised.
# nbExecute(method, params, pyfunc, extArgs):
# Queue up a command for execution when "work()" is called.
# setOnErr(onErr):
# Set an error handler for internal client errors (i.e. read
# failed). This is only if you use nbExecute. Each error
# handler should take the server and the source that caused the
# error. Error handlers must return an integer that is composed
# of the following values bitwise or'ed together:
# ONERR_KEEP_DEF: do default error handling
# (consists of printing traceback and
# dropping the client)
# ONERR_KEEP_WORK: don't raise this exception any higher
# work(timeout=-1.0):
# Process requests for some period of time
# All internal errors (such as bad requests) are raised here.
# You should set an error handler using client.setOnErr() if
# this is not your desired behavior
class client:
def __init__(self, host, port, url='/', serv=None):
if serv:
self._o = _xmlrpc.clientFromServer(
host, port, url, serv._o)
self._o = _xmlrpc.client(host, port, url)
def activeFds(self):
return self._o.activeFds()
def close(self):
def execute(self, method, params, timeout=-1.0, name=None, passw=None):
return self._o.execute(method, params, timeout, name, passw)
def fdState(self):
return self._o.fdState()
def nbExecute(self, method, params, pyfunc,
extArgs=None, name=None, passw=None):
self._o.nbexecute(method, params, self.nbDispatch,
(pyfunc, extArgs), name, passw)
def nbDispatch(self, src, response, (pyfunc, extArgs)):
pyfunc(self, response, extArgs)
def work(self, timeout=-1.0):
def setOnErr(self, onErr):
# An xmlrpc source. This is not documented yet.
# setOnErr(onErr):
# Set an error handler for server errors. (For example, for bad
# requests). Each error handler should take the server and the
# source that caused the error. Error handlers must return an
# integer, that is composed of the following values bitwise
# or'ed together:
# ONERR_KEEP_DEF: do default error handling
# (consists of printing traceback and
# dropping the client)
# ONERR_KEEP_WORK: don't raise this exception any higher
class source:
def __init__(self, fd):
self._o = _xmlrpc.source(fd)
def getDesc(self):
return self._o.getDesc()
def setDesc(self, desc):
def setOnErr(self, onErr):
def setCallback(self, func, actions, params):
self._o.setCallback(self.marshaller, actions, params)
self._func = func
def marshaller(self, src, actions, args):
return self._func(self, actions, args)
# module wide definitions
def setLogLevel(level):
def setLogger(file):
def getDateFormat():
return _xmlrpc.getDateFormat()
def setDateFormat(format):
# boolean data type; constructor takes 0 or 1; value can be used in logic exp
boolean = _xmlrpc.boolean
booleanType = type(boolean(0))
# dateTime data type; constructor takes 6 tuple
dateTime = _xmlrpc.dateTime
dateTimeType = type(dateTime(1,1,1,1,1,1))
# base64 data type; constructor takes binary sting
base64 = _xmlrpc.base64
base64Type = type(base64(''))
# fault data type
fault = _xmlrpc.fault
# A postpone error can be raised by a server's handler function to notify
# the client that a response will be returned LATER
postpone = _xmlrpc.postpone
# xml encode an xmlrpc data value
def encode(value):
return _xmlrpc.encode(value)
# decode xml representing an xmlrpc data value
# returns a tuple of the value an any unused portion of the xml string
def decode(xml):
return _xmlrpc.decode(xml)
# build a string representing a xmlrpc request
# method must be a string which is the name of the remote function
# params must be a sequence of some sort
# addInfo is a dictionary of additional header information
def buildRequest(uri, method, params, addInfo={}):
return _xmlrpc.buildRequest(uri, method, params, addInfo)
# build a string representing a xmlrpc response
# result is the result object to be returned to the client
# addInfo is a dictionary of additional header information
def buildResponse(result, addInfo={}):
return _xmlrpc.buildResponse(result, addInfo)
# build a string representing a xmlrpc fault
# errCode is an integer representing the error
# errStr is a string representing the error
# addInfo is a dictionary of additional header information
def buildFault(errCode, errStr, addInfo={}):
return _xmlrpc.buildFault(errCode, errStr, addInfo)
# parse a string representing a xmlrpc response
# a tuple of the result and any additional header info are included
# if a fault page is parsed, a corresponding exception is raised
def parseResponse(response):
return _xmlrpc.parseResponse(response)
# parse a string representing a xmlrpc request
# a tuple of the method name, params, and additional header info are included
def parseRequest(request):
return _xmlrpc.parseRequest(request)