#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2001 actzero, inc. All rights reserved.
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, "..")
from SOAPpy import *
# Uncomment to see outgoing HTTP headers and SOAP and incoming
Config.dumpSOAPIn = 1
Config.dumpSOAPOut = 1
Config.debug = 1
# specify name of authorization function
Config.authMethod = "_authorize"
# Set this to 0 to test authorization
allowAll = 1
# ask for returned SOAP responses to be converted to basic python types
Config.simplify_objects = 1
# provide a mechanism to stop the server
run = 1
def quit():
global run
if Config.SSLserver:
from M2Crypto import SSL
def _authorize(*args, **kw):
global allowAll, Config
if Config.debug:
print "Authorize (function) called! (result = %d)" % allowAll
print "Arguments: %s" % kw
if allowAll:
return 1
return 0
# Simple echo
def echo(s):
global Config
# Test of context retrieval
ctx = Server.GetSOAPContext()
if Config.debug:
print "SOAP Context: ", ctx
return s + s
# An echo class
class echoBuilder2:
def echo2(self, val):
return val * 3
# A class that has an instance variable which is an echo class
class echoBuilder:
def __init__(self):
self.prop = echoBuilder2()
def echo_ino(self, val):
return val + val
def _authorize(self, *args, **kw):
global allowAll, Config
if Config.debug:
print "Authorize (method) called with arguments:"
print "*args=%s" % str(args)
print "**kw =%s" % str(kw)
print "Approved -> %d" % allowAll
if allowAll:
return 1
return 0
# Echo with context
def echo_wc(s, _SOAPContext):
global Config
c = _SOAPContext
sep = '-' * 72
# The Context object has extra info about the call
if Config.debug:
print "-- XML", sep[7:]
# The original XML request
print c.xmldata
print "-- Header", sep[10:]
# The SOAP Header or None if not present
print c.header
if c.header:
print "-- Header.mystring", sep[19:]
# An element of the SOAP Header
print c.header.mystring
print "-- Body", sep[8:]
# The whole Body object
print c.body
print "-- Peer", sep[8:]
if not GSI:
# The socket object, useful for
print c.connection.getpeername()
# The socket object, useful for
print c.connection.get_remote_address()
ctx = c.connection.get_security_context()
print ctx.inquire()[0].display()
print "-- SOAPAction", sep[14:]
# The SOAPaction HTTP header
print c.soapaction
print "-- HTTP headers", sep[16:]
# All the HTTP headers
print c.httpheaders
return s + s
# Echo with keyword arguments
def echo_wkw(**kw):
return kw['first'] + kw['second'] + kw['third']
# Simple echo
def echo_simple(*arg):
return arg
def echo_header(s, _SOAPContext):
global Config
c = _SOAPContext
return s, c.header
addr = ('localhost', 9900)
GSI = 0
SSL = 0
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-s':
SSL = 1
if not Config.SSLserver:
raise RuntimeError, \
"this Python installation doesn't have OpenSSL and M2Crypto"
ssl_context = SSL.Context()
server = SOAPServer(addr, ssl_context = ssl_context)
prefix = 'https'
elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-g':
GSI = 1
from SOAPpy.GSIServer import GSISOAPServer
server = GSISOAPServer(addr)
prefix = 'httpg'
server = SOAPServer(addr)
prefix = 'http'
print "Server listening at: %s://%s:%d/" % (prefix, addr[0], addr[1])
# register the method
server.registerFunction(echo, path = "/pathtest")
server.registerFunction(_authorize, path = "/pathtest")
# Register a whole object
o = echoBuilder()
server.registerObject(o, path = "/pathtest")
# Register a function which gets called with the Context object
server.registerFunction(MethodSig(echo_wc, keywords = 0, context = 1),
path = "/pathtest")
server.registerFunction(MethodSig(echo_wc, keywords = 0, context = 1))
# Register a function that takes keywords
server.registerKWFunction(echo_wkw, path = "/pathtest")
server.registerFunction(MethodSig(echo_header, keywords=0, context=1))
# Start the server
while run:
except KeyboardInterrupt: