# Copyright (C) 2004 Anthony Baxter
# This file is necessary to make this directory a package
from twisted.python.components import Interface
class ApplicationSIPInterface(Interface):
"""This interface describes the interface to the Application that
the SIP layer uses.
def acceptCall(self, **calldesc):
""" Setup a new call.
calldesc describes the new call, it's a dictionary with the
following entries:
calltype : 'outbound' or 'inbound'
Returns (callcookie,deferred) - .callback() will be invoked if
the call is to be accepted, or .errback() if the call is to be
rejected. 'callcookie' is a unique identifier used for all
dealings with the Application in the future about this call.
def startCall(self, callcookie, cb):
""" Call setup is complete, the call is now live. Accepts a callback
which is invoked when the application wishes to terminate the call.
The callback is passed a reason for the call teardown.
def endCall(self, callcookie, reason):
""" Other end has terminated the call.
class ApplicationRTPInterface(Interface):
"""This interface describes the interface that an RTP implementation
uses to talk to the Application instance
def receiveRTP(self, callcookie, payloadType, payloadData):
""" Pass an RTP packet that was received from the network to the
application. This might be audio, comfort noise (CN), an NTE
packet, or something else.
def giveRTP(self, callcookie):
""" The network layer wants an RTP packet to send. Return a 2-tuple
of (payloadType, payloadData)
class ApplicationUIInterface(Interface):
""" This interface describes the interface that the UI can use
to communicate with the Application.
def placeCall(self, sipURL):
""" Place a call. returns a a deferred. The deferred's callback
will be passed a call cookie when the call is setup. The
UI should use the call cookie in all future communications
with the Application to indicate which call it is handling.
The deferred's errback will be called if the call setup fails.
def dropCall(self, cookie):
""" Drop call identified by the call cookie. """
def startDTMF(self, cookie, digit):
""" Start sending DTMF digit 'digit' """
def stopDTMF(self, cookie, digit):
""" Stop sending DTMF digit 'digit' """
class Application(ApplicationSIPInterface,
def __init__(self):
""" Create the application. The application should create the SIP
listener and any user interface that's needed.