#!/usr/bin/env python
import unittest, sys, types, time
from ZSI import TC,SoapWriter,ParsedSoap,EvaluateException
from ZSI.wstools.Namespaces import SCHEMA,SOAP
NSDICT = {'tns':'xmlns:tns="urn:a"',
'xsi':'xmlns:xsi="%s"' %SCHEMA.XSI3,
'xsd':'xmlns:xsd="%s"' %SCHEMA.XSD3,
'soap':'xmlns:SOAP-ENC="%s"' %SOAP.ENC,
class AnyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"Test Any serialize and parse"
def check_empty_array(self):
"""Empty Array returned as list()
data = []
s = str(SoapWriter().serialize(data,TC.Any(aslist=True)))
p = ParsedSoap(s).Parse(TC.Any())
self.failUnless(data==p, 'expecting "%s", got "%s"' %(data,p))
def check_empty_struct(self):
"""Empty Struct is None, maybe dict() makes more sense, but this
is fairly hard to determine if not typed (which is the norm).
data = {}
s = str(SoapWriter().serialize(data,TC.Any()))
p = ParsedSoap(s).Parse(TC.Any())
self.failUnless(p==None, 'expecting "%s", got "%s"' %(None,p))
def check_parse_empty_all(self):
# None
skip = [TC.FPEnumeration, TC.Enumeration, TC.IEnumeration, TC.List, TC.Integer]
for typeclass in filter(lambda c: type(c) in [types.ClassType,type] and not issubclass(c, TC.String) and issubclass(c, TC.SimpleType), TC.__dict__.values()):
if typeclass in skip: continue
tc = typeclass()
sw = SoapWriter()
sw.serialize(None, typecode=tc, typed=True)
soap = str(sw)
ps = ParsedSoap(soap)
parsed = ps.Parse(TC.Any())
self.assertEqual(None, parsed)
def check_parse_empty_string(self):
# Empty String
typecodes = TC.Any.parsemap.values()
for tc in filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, TC.String), TC.Any.parsemap.values()):
sw = SoapWriter()
sw.serialize("", typecode=tc, typed=True)
soap = str(sw)
ps = ParsedSoap(soap)
parsed = ps.Parse(TC.Any())
self.assertEqual("", parsed)
def check_builtins(self):
myInt,myLong,myStr,myDate,myFloat = 123,2147483648,\
u"hello", time.gmtime(), 1.0001
orig = [myInt,myLong,myStr,myDate,myFloat]
sw = SoapWriter()
sw.serialize(orig, typecode=TC.Any(pname="builtins", aslist=True))
ps = ParsedSoap(str(sw))
parsed = ps.Parse(TC.Any())
self.assertEqual(len(orig), len(parsed))
self.assertEqual(myInt, parsed[0])
self.assertEqual(myLong, parsed[1])
self.assertEqual(myStr, parsed[2])
self.assertEqual(myDate[0:6], parsed[3][0:6])
self.assertEqual(myFloat, parsed[4])
self.assertEqual(type(myInt), type(parsed[0]))
self.assertEqual(type(myLong), type(parsed[1]))
self.assertEqual(type(myStr), type(parsed[2]))
self.assertEqual(tuple, type(parsed[3]))
self.assertEqual(type(myFloat), type(parsed[4]))
def check_any_nill(self):
result = ['23', {'a' : None, 'b': 5}]
soap = str(SoapWriter().serialize(result, TC.Any(pname="NilRequest", nillable=True, aslist=True)))
ps = ParsedSoap(soap)
tc = TC.Any(nillable=True)
pyobj = ps.Parse(tc)
def check_any_compound(self):
# from zsi developer's guide
xml = """
<tns:foo %(tns)s %(xsi)s %(soap)s>
<tns:i xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:integer">12</tns:i>
<tns:name xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:string">Hello world</tns:name>
</tns:foo>""" %NSDICT
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, envelope=False)
self.failUnless(ps.Parse(TC.Any()) == {'i': 12, 'name': 'Hello world'})
self.failUnless(ps.Parse(TC.Any(aslist=True)) == [12, 'Hello world'])
def check_any_typed_soap_integer(self):
# from zsi developer's guide
value = 12
d = dict(value=value)
xml = """<tns:i xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:integer" %(xsi)s %(soap)s %(tns)s>%(value)d</tns:i>""" %d
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, envelope=False)
self.failUnless(ps.Parse(TC.Any()) == value)
def check_any_typed_xsd_int(self):
# from zsi developer's guide
value = 12
d = dict(value=value)
xml = """<tns:i xsi:type="xsd:int" %(xsi)s %(soap)s %(tns)s %(xsd)s>%(value)d</tns:i>""" %d
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, envelope=False)
self.failUnless(ps.Parse(TC.Any()) == value)
def check_any_typed_nonNegativeInteger(self):
# from zsi developer's guide
value = 12
d = dict(value=value)
xml = """<tns:i xsi:type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" %(xsi)s %(soap)s %(tns)s %(xsd)s>%(value)d</tns:i>""" %d
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, envelope=False)
self.failUnless(ps.Parse(TC.Any()) == value)
def check_any_untyped_int(self):
# from zsi developer's guide
d = dict(value=12)
xml = """<tns:i %(tns)s>12</tns:i>""" %NSDICT
ps = ParsedSoap(xml, envelope=False)
self.failUnless(int(ps.Parse(TC.Any())) == 12)
# Creates permutation of test options: "check", "check_any", etc
_SEP = '_'
for t in [i[0].split(_SEP) for i in filter(lambda i: callable(i[1]), AnyTestCase.__dict__.items())]:
test = ''
for f in t:
test += f
if globals().has_key(test): test += _SEP; continue
def _closure():
name = test
def _makeTestSuite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(AnyTestCase, name))
return suite
return _makeTestSuite
globals()[test] = _closure()
test += _SEP
makeTestSuite = check
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__" : main()