#!/usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2004 Dan Fritz.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
# Public License for more details.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a testcase generator for the timezone.py file.
# It finds daylight saving transition times, and outputs them as an unittest case
# Usage:
# TZ='<tz>' python timezone_test_gen.py <testcase number> <tz>
# where <tz> is the timezone you want to generate tests for: Australia/Sydney
# and <testcase number> is the number you want your testcase to start at.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Subversion Information, do not edit
# $Rev: $
# $LastChangedDate: $
# $LastChangedRevision: $
# $LastChangedBy: $
# $Log: $
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import time
import sys
from tvgrab.datetime2 import DateTime,Date,Time,now
from copy import copy
import re
def toUtcOffset(sec):
# altzone has DST included
offset = time.altzone + 3600
if sec.t[8]:
offset -= 3600
az = abs(offset) # altzone
rv = str(az/3600) + ":"
az = az % 3600
rv += str(az/60).zfill(2) + ":"
az = az % 60
rv += str(az).zfill(2)
if offset > 0:
# Lol, this is funny. altzone is positive if utcoffset is negative.
# A bit US centric, are we?
rv = "-" + rv
return rv
def findTransition(from_dt, to_dt):
if from_dt.t[8] == to_dt.t[8]:
return None
diff = to_dt - from_dt
index_dt = copy(from_dt).addSeconds(diff/2.0)
while diff > 1 :
if index_dt.t[8] == from_dt.t[8]:
from_dt = index_dt
to_dt = index_dt
diff = to_dt - from_dt
index_dt = copy(from_dt).addSeconds(diff/2.0)
if from_dt.t[8] != to_dt.t[8]:
return from_dt
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "utcOffset = " + toUtcOffset(now())
from_dt = DateTime(Date("2000-01-01"), Time("01:00:00"))
to_dt = DateTime(Date("2025-01-01"), Time("01:00:00"))
remove_silly_octal_mode = re.compile(",0(\d)")
testNumber = int(sys.argv[1])
tzName = sys.argv[2]
while from_dt < to_dt:
tran_dt = findTransition(copy(from_dt), copy(from_dt).addHours(24*7))
if tran_dt:
#generate the testcase
tc = " def test" + str(testNumber).zfill(3) + "(self): self.vt("
tran_dt.output_fmt = "d(%Y,%m,%d,%H,%M,%S)"
tc += str(tran_dt)
tc += ",'" + tzName + "',('"
tc += toUtcOffset(tran_dt) + "','" + toUtcOffset(tran_dt.addSeconds(1))
tc += "'))"
tc = remove_silly_octal_mode.sub(", \g<1>", tc)
print tc
testNumber += 1