:mod:`pyffi.formats.cgf` --- Crytek (.cgf and .cga)
.. autoclass:: CgfFormat
Regression tests
Read a CGF file
>>> # get file version and file type, and read cgf file
>>> stream = open('tests/cgf/test.cgf', 'rb')
>>> data = CgfFormat.Data()
>>> # read chunk table only
>>> data.inspect(stream)
>>> # check chunk types
>>> list(chunktype.__name__ for chunktype in data.chunk_table.get_chunk_types())
['SourceInfoChunk', 'TimingChunk']
>>> data.chunks # no chunks yet
>>> # read full file
>>> data.read(stream)
>>> # get all chunks
>>> for chunk in data.chunks:
... print(chunk) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.SourceInfoChunk'> instance at ...
* source_file : <None>
* date : Fri Sep 28 22:40:44 2007
* author : blender@BLENDER
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.TimingChunk'> instance at ...
* secs_per_tick : 0.000208333338378
* ticks_per_frame : 160
* global_range :
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.RangeEntity'> instance at ...
* name : GlobalRange
* start : 0
* end : 100
* num_sub_ranges : 0
Parse all CGF files in a directory tree
>>> for stream, data in CgfFormat.walkData('tests/cgf'):
... print(stream.name)
... try:
... data.read(stream)
... except Exception:
... print("Warning: read failed due corrupt file, corrupt format description, or bug.")
... print(len(data.chunks))
... # do something with the chunks
... for chunk in data.chunks:
... chunk.apply_scale(2.0)
Warning: read failed due corrupt file, corrupt format description, or bug.
Create a CGF file from scratch
>>> from pyffi.formats.cgf import CgfFormat
>>> node1 = CgfFormat.NodeChunk()
>>> node1.name = "hello"
>>> node2 = CgfFormat.NodeChunk()
>>> node1.num_children = 1
>>> node1.children.update_size()
>>> node1.children[0] = node2
>>> node2.name = "world"
>>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>>> stream = TemporaryFile()
>>> data = CgfFormat.Data() # default is far cry
>>> data.chunks = [node1, node2]
>>> # note: write returns number of padding bytes
>>> data.write(stream)
>>> # py3k returns 0 on seek; this hack removes return code from doctest
>>> if stream.seek(0): pass
>>> data.inspectVersionOnly(stream)
>>> hex(data.header.version)
>>> data.read(stream)
>>> # get all chunks
>>> for chunk in data.chunks:
... print(chunk) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +REPORT_NDIFF
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.NodeChunk'> instance at 0x...
* name : hello
* object : None
* parent : None
* num_children : 1
* material : None
* is_group_head : False
* is_group_member : False
* reserved_1 :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
0: 0
1: 0
* transform :
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* pos : [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* rot :
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Quat'> instance at 0x...
* x : 0.0
* y : 0.0
* z : 0.0
* w : 0.0
* scl : [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* pos_ctrl : None
* rot_ctrl : None
* scl_ctrl : None
* property_string : <None>
* children :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.NodeChunk'> instance at 0x...
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.NodeChunk'> instance at 0x...
* name : world
* object : None
* parent : None
* num_children : 0
* material : None
* is_group_head : False
* is_group_member : False
* reserved_1 :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
0: 0
1: 0
* transform :
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
[ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* pos : [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* rot :
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Quat'> instance at 0x...
* x : 0.0
* y : 0.0
* z : 0.0
* w : 0.0
* scl : [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* pos_ctrl : None
* rot_ctrl : None
* scl_ctrl : None
* property_string : <None>
* children : <class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at 0x...
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Python File Format Interface
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
# disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the Python File Format Interface
# project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
# or promote products derived from this software without specific
# prior written permission.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import itertools
import logging
import struct
import os
import re
import warnings
from itertools import izip
import pyffi.object_models.common
import pyffi.object_models
import pyffi.object_models.xml
import pyffi.utils.mathutils
import pyffi.utils.tangentspace
from pyffi.object_models.xml.basic import BasicBase
from pyffi.utils.graph import EdgeFilter
class _MetaCgfFormat(pyffi.object_models.xml.MetaFileFormat):
"""Metaclass which constructs the chunk map during class creation."""
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
super(_MetaCgfFormat, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
# map chunk type integers to chunk type classes
cls.CHUNK_MAP = dict(
(getattr(cls.ChunkType, chunk_name),
getattr(cls, '%sChunk' % chunk_name))
for chunk_name in cls.ChunkType._enumkeys
if chunk_name != "ANY")
class CgfFormat(pyffi.object_models.xml.FileFormat):
"""Stores all information about the cgf file format."""
__metaclass__ = _MetaCgfFormat
xml_file_name = 'cgf.xml'
# where to look for cgf.xml and in what order: CGFXMLPATH env var,
# or module directory
xml_file_path = [os.getenv('CGFXMLPATH'), os.path.dirname(__file__)]
EPSILON = 0.0001 # used for comparing floats
# regular expression for file name extension matching on cgf files
RE_FILENAME = re.compile(r'^.*\.(cgf|cga|chr|caf)$', re.IGNORECASE)
# version and user version for far cry
VER_FARCRY = 0x744
# version and user version for crysis
VER_CRYSIS = 0x744
# basic types
int = pyffi.object_models.common.Int
uint = pyffi.object_models.common.UInt
byte = pyffi.object_models.common.Byte
ubyte = pyffi.object_models.common.UByte
short = pyffi.object_models.common.Short
ushort = pyffi.object_models.common.UShort
char = pyffi.object_models.common.Char
float = pyffi.object_models.common.Float
bool = pyffi.object_models.common.Bool
String = pyffi.object_models.common.ZString
SizedString = pyffi.object_models.common.SizedString
# implementation of cgf-specific basic types
class String16(pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString):
"""String of fixed length 16."""
_len = 16
class String32(pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString):
"""String of fixed length 32."""
_len = 32
class String64(pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString):
"""String of fixed length 64."""
_len = 64
class String128(pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString):
"""String of fixed length 128."""
_len = 128
class String256(pyffi.object_models.common.FixedString):
"""String of fixed length 256."""
_len = 256
class FileSignature(BasicBase):
"""The CryTek file signature with which every
cgf file starts."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(CgfFormat.FileSignature, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return 'XXXXXX'
def _str(self, game):
if game == "Aion":
return 'NCAion'.encode("ascii")
return 'CryTek'.encode("ascii")
def read(self, stream, **kwargs):
"""Read signature from stream.
:param stream: The stream to read from.
:type stream: file
game = kwargs['data'].game
gamesig = self._str(game)
signat = stream.read(8)
if not signat.startswith(gamesig):
raise ValueError(
"invalid CGF signature: expected %s but got %s"
%(gamesig, signat))
def write(self, stream, **kwargs):
"""Write signature to stream.
:param stream: The stream to read from.
:type stream: file
self._str(kwargs['data'].game).ljust(8, '\x00'.encode("ascii")))
def get_value(self):
"""Get signature.
:return: The signature.
return self.__str__()
def set_value(self, value):
"""Not implemented."""
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set signature value.")
def get_size(self, **kwargs):
"""Return number of bytes that the signature occupies in a file.
:return: Number of bytes.
return 8
def get_hash(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a hash value for the signature.
:return: An immutable object that can be used as a hash.
return self.__str__()
class Ref(BasicBase):
"""Reference to a chunk, up the hierarchy."""
_is_template = True
_has_links = True
_has_refs = True
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(CgfFormat.Ref, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._template = kwargs.get('template', type(None))
self._value = None
def get_value(self):
"""Get chunk being referred to.
:return: The chunk being referred to.
return self._value
def set_value(self, value):
"""Set chunk reference.
:param value: The value to assign.
:type value: L{CgfFormat.Chunk}
if value == None:
self._value = None
if not isinstance(value, self._template):
raise TypeError(
'expected an instance of %s but got instance of %s'
%(self._template, value.__class__))
self._value = value
def read(self, stream, **kwargs):
"""Read chunk index.
:param stream: The stream to read from.
:type stream: file
:keyword link_stack: The stack containing all block indices.
:type link_stack: list of ints
self._value = None # fix_links will set this field
block_index, = struct.unpack('<i', stream.read(4))
kwargs.get('link_stack', []).append(block_index)
def write(self, stream, **kwargs):
"""Write chunk index.
:param stream: The stream to write to.
:type stream: file
:keyword block_index_dct: Dictionary mapping blocks to indices.
:type block_index_dct: dict
if self._value == None:
stream.write(struct.pack('<i', -1))
'<i', kwargs.get('block_index_dct')[self._value]))
def fix_links(self, **kwargs):
"""Resolve chunk index into a chunk.
:keyword block_dct: Dictionary mapping block index to block.
:type block_dct: dict
:keyword link_stack: The stack containing all block indices.
:type link_stack: list of ints
logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.cgf.data")
block_index = kwargs.get('link_stack').pop(0)
# case when there's no link
if block_index == -1:
self._value = None
# other case: look up the link and check the link type
block = kwargs.get('block_dct')[block_index]
except KeyError:
# make this raise an exception when all reference errors
# are sorted out
logger.warn("invalid chunk reference (%i)" % block_index)
self._value = None
if not isinstance(block, self._template):
if block_index == 0:
# crysis often uses index 0 to refer to an invalid index
# so don't complain on this one
block = None
# make this raise an exception when all reference errors
# are sorted out
expected instance of %s
but got instance of %s""" % (self._template, block.__class__))
self._value = block
def get_links(self, **kwargs):
"""Return the chunk reference.
:return: Empty list if no reference, or single item list containing
the reference.
if self._value != None:
return [self._value]
return []
def get_refs(self, **kwargs):
"""Return the chunk reference.
:return: Empty list if no reference, or single item list containing
the reference.
if self._value != None:
return [self._value]
return []
def __str__(self):
# don't recurse
if self._value != None:
return '%s instance at 0x%08X'\
% (self._value.__class__, id(self._value))
return 'None'
def get_size(self, **kwargs):
"""Return number of bytes this type occupies in a file.
:return: Number of bytes.
return 4
def get_hash(self, **kwargs):
"""Return a hash value for the chunk referred to.
:return: An immutable object that can be used as a hash.
return self._value.get_hash() if not self._value is None else None
class Ptr(Ref):
"""Reference to a chunk, down the hierarchy."""
_is_template = True
_has_links = True
_has_refs = False
def __str__(self):
# avoid infinite recursion
if self._value != None:
return '%s instance at 0x%08X'\
% (self._value.__class__, id(self._value))
return 'None'
def get_refs(self, **kwargs):
"""Ptr does not point down, so get_refs returns empty list.
:return: C{[]}
return []
def version_number(version_str):
"""Converts version string into an integer.
:param version_str: The version string.
:type version_str: str
:return: A version integer.
>>> hex(CgfFormat.version_number('744'))
return int(version_str, 16)
# exceptions
class CgfError(Exception):
"""Exception for CGF specific errors."""
class Data(pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data):
"""A class to contain the actual cgf data.
Note that L{versions} and L{chunk_table} are not automatically kept
in sync with the L{chunks}, but they are
resynchronized when calling L{write}.
:ivar game: The cgf game.
:type game: ``int``
:ivar header: The cgf header.
:type header: L{CgfFormat.Header}
:ivar chunks: List of chunks (the actual data).
:type chunks: ``list`` of L{CgfFormat.Chunk}
:ivar versions: List of chunk versions.
:type versions: ``list`` of L{int}
class VersionUInt(pyffi.object_models.common.UInt):
def set_value(self, value):
if value is None:
self._value = None
pyffi.object_models.common.UInt.set_value(self, value)
def __str__(self):
if self._value is None:
return "None"
return "0x%08X" % self.get_value()
def get_detail_display(self):
return self.__str__()
def __init__(self, filetype=0xffff0000, game="Far Cry"):
# 0xffff0000 = CgfFormat.FileType.GEOM
"""Initialize cgf data. By default, this creates an empty
cgf document of the given filetype and game.
:param filetype: The file type (animation, or geometry).
:type filetype: ``int``
:param game: The game.
:type game: ``str``
# create new header
self.header = CgfFormat.Header()
self.header.type = filetype
self.header.version = 0x744 # no other chunk table versions
# empty list of chunks
self.chunks = []
# empty list of versions (one per chunk)
self.versions = []
# chunk table
self.chunk_table = CgfFormat.ChunkTable()
# game
# TODO store this in a way that can be displayed by qskope
self.game = game
# new functions
def version(self):
return self.header.version
def user_version(self):
if self.game == "Far Cry":
return CgfFormat.UVER_FARCRY
elif self.game == "Crysis":
return CgfFormat.UVER_CRYSIS
elif self.game == "Aion":
# XXX guessing for Aion!
return CgfFormat.UVER_FARCRY
raise ValueError("unknown game %s" % game)
def inspectVersionOnly(self, stream):
"""This function checks the version only, and is faster
than the usual inspect function (which reads the full
chunk table). Sets the L{header} and L{game} instance
variables if the stream contains a valid cgf file.
Call this function if you simply wish to check that a file is
a cgf file without having to parse even the header.
:raise ``ValueError``: If the stream does not contain a cgf file.
:param stream: The stream from which to read.
:type stream: ``file``
pos = stream.tell()
signat = stream.read(8)
filetype, version, offset = struct.unpack('<III',
except IOError:
except Exception:
# something went wrong with unpack
# this means that the file is less than 20 bytes
# cannot be a cgf file
raise ValueError("File too small to be a cgf file.")
# test the data
if (signat[:6] != "CryTek".encode("ascii")
and signat[:6] != "NCAion".encode("ascii")):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid signature (got '%s' instead of 'CryTek' or 'NCAion')"
% signat[:6])
if filetype not in (CgfFormat.FileType.GEOM,
raise ValueError("Invalid file type.")
if version not in CgfFormat.versions.values():
raise ValueError("Invalid file version.")
# quick and lame game check:
# far cry has chunk table at the end, crysis at the start
if signat[:6] == "NCAion".encode("ascii"):
self.game = "Aion"
elif offset == 0x14:
self.game = "Crysis"
self.game = "Far Cry"
# load the actual header
self.header.read(stream, data=self)
# GlobalNode
def get_global_child_nodes(self, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()):
"""Returns chunks without parent."""
# calculate all children of all chunks
children = set()
for chunk in self.chunks:
children |= set(chunk.get_global_child_nodes())
# iterate over all chunks that are NOT in the list of children
return (chunk for chunk in self.chunks
if not chunk in children)
# DetailNode
def replace_global_node(self, oldbranch, newbranch,
for i, chunk in enumerate(self.chunks):
if chunk is oldbranch:
self.chunks[i] = newbranch
chunk.replace_global_node(oldbranch, newbranch,
def get_detail_child_nodes(self, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()):
yield self.header
yield self.chunk_table
def get_detail_child_names(self, edge_filter=EdgeFilter()):
yield "header"
yield "chunk table"
# overriding pyffi.object_models.FileFormat.Data methods
def inspect(self, stream):
"""Quickly checks whether the stream appears to contain
cgf data, and read the cgf header and chunk table. Resets stream to
original position.
Call this function if you only need to inspect the header and
chunk table.
:param stream: The file to inspect.
:type stream: ``file``
logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.cgf.data")
pos = stream.tell()
logger.debug("Reading header at 0x%08X." % stream.tell())
self.header.read(stream, data=self)
logger.debug("Reading chunk table version 0x%08X at 0x%08X." % (self.header.version, stream.tell()))
def read(self, stream):
"""Read a cgf file. Does not reset stream position.
:param stream: The stream from which to read.
:type stream: ``file``
validate = True # whether we validate on reading
logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.cgf.data")
version = self.version()
user_version = self.user_version()
# is it a caf file? these are missing chunk headers on controllers
# (note: stream.name may not be a python string for some file
# implementations, notably PyQt4, so convert it explicitely)
is_caf = (str(stream.name)[-4:].lower() == ".caf")
chunk_types = [
chunk_type for chunk_type in dir(CgfFormat.ChunkType) \
if chunk_type[:2] != '__']
# get the chunk sizes (for double checking that we have all data)
if validate:
chunk_offsets = [chunkhdr.offset
for chunkhdr in self.chunk_table.chunk_headers]
chunk_sizes = []
for chunkhdr in self.chunk_table.chunk_headers:
next_chunk_offsets = [offset for offset in chunk_offsets
if offset > chunkhdr.offset]
if next_chunk_offsets:
chunk_sizes.append(min(next_chunk_offsets) - chunkhdr.offset)
stream.seek(0, 2)
chunk_sizes.append(stream.tell() - chunkhdr.offset)
# read the chunks
link_stack = [] # list of chunk identifiers, as added to the stack
chunk_dct = {} # maps chunk index to actual chunk
self.chunks = [] # records all chunks as read from cgf file in proper order
self.versions = [] # records all chunk versions as read from cgf file
for chunknum, chunkhdr in enumerate(self.chunk_table.chunk_headers):
# check that id is unique
if chunkhdr.id in chunk_dct:
raise ValueError('chunk id %i not unique'%chunkhdr.id)
# get chunk type
for chunk_type in chunk_types:
if getattr(CgfFormat.ChunkType, chunk_type) == chunkhdr.type:
raise ValueError('unknown chunk type 0x%08X'%chunkhdr.type)
chunk = getattr(CgfFormat, '%sChunk' % chunk_type)()
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(
'undecoded chunk type 0x%08X (%sChunk)'
%(chunkhdr.type, chunk_type))
# check the chunk version
if not self.game in chunk.get_games():
'game %s does not support %sChunk; '
'trying anyway'
% (self.game, chunk_type))
if not chunkhdr.version in chunk.get_versions(self.game):
'chunk version 0x%08X not supported for '
'game %s and %sChunk; '
'trying anyway'
% (chunkhdr.version, self.game, chunk_type))
# now read the chunk
logger.debug("Reading %s chunk version 0x%08X at 0x%08X" % (chunk_type, chunkhdr.version, stream.tell()))
# in far cry, most chunks start with a copy of chunkhdr
# in crysis, more chunks start with chunkhdr
# caf files are special: they don't have headers on controllers
if not(user_version == CgfFormat.UVER_FARCRY
and chunkhdr.type in [
CgfFormat.ChunkType.MeshMorphTarget]) \
and not(user_version == CgfFormat.UVER_CRYSIS
and chunkhdr.type in [
CgfFormat.ChunkType.BoneInitialPos]) \
and not(is_caf
and chunkhdr.type in [
CgfFormat.ChunkType.Controller]) \
and not((self.game == "Aion") and chunkhdr.type in [
chunkhdr_copy = CgfFormat.ChunkHeader()
version = version,
user_version = user_version)
# check that the copy is valid
# note: chunkhdr_copy.offset != chunkhdr.offset check removed
# as many crysis cgf files have this wrong
if chunkhdr_copy.type != chunkhdr.type \
or chunkhdr_copy.version != chunkhdr.version \
or chunkhdr_copy.id != chunkhdr.id:
raise ValueError(
'chunk starts with invalid header:\n\
expected\n%sbut got\n%s'%(chunkhdr, chunkhdr_copy))
chunkhdr_copy = None
version = chunkhdr.version,
user_version = user_version,
link_stack = link_stack)
chunk_dct[chunkhdr.id] = chunk
if validate:
# calculate size
size = chunk.get_size(version = chunkhdr.version,
user_version = user_version)
# take into account header copy
if chunkhdr_copy:
size += chunkhdr_copy.get_size(version = version,
user_version = user_version)
# check with number of bytes read
if size != stream.tell() - chunkhdr.offset:
get_size returns wrong size when reading %s at 0x%08X
actual bytes read is %i, get_size yields %i (expected %i bytes)"""
% (chunk.__class__.__name__,
stream.tell() - chunkhdr.offset,
# check for padding bytes
if chunk_sizes[chunknum] & 3 == 0:
padlen = ((4 - size & 3) & 3)
#assert(stream.read(padlen) == '\x00' * padlen)
size += padlen
# check size
if size != chunk_sizes[chunknum]:
chunk size mismatch when reading %s at 0x%08X
%i bytes available, but actual bytes read is %i"""
% (chunk.__class__.__name__,
chunk_sizes[chunknum], size))
# fix links
for chunk, chunkversion in zip(self.chunks, self.versions):
version=chunkversion, user_version=user_version,
block_dct=chunk_dct, link_stack=link_stack)
if link_stack != []:
raise CgfFormat.CgfError(
'not all links have been popped from the stack (bug?)')
def write(self, stream):
"""Write a cgf file. The L{header} and L{chunk_table} are
recalculated from L{chunks}. Returns number of padding bytes
written (this is for debugging purposes only).
:param stream: The stream to which to write.
:type stream: file
:return: Number of padding bytes written.
logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.cgf.data")
# is it a caf file? these are missing chunk headers on controllers
is_caf = (str(stream.name)[-4:].lower() == ".caf")
# variable to track number of padding bytes
total_padding = 0
# sanity check on version
version = self.version()
user_version = self.user_version()
# chunk versions
# write header
hdr_pos = stream.tell()
self.header.offset = -1 # is set at the end
stream, data=self,
version=self.header.version, user_version=user_version)
# chunk id is simply its index in the chunks list
block_index_dct = dict((chunk, i)
for i, chunk in enumerate(self.chunks))
# write chunks and add headers to chunk table
self.chunk_table = CgfFormat.ChunkTable()
self.chunk_table.num_chunks = len(self.chunks)
#print(self.chunk_table) # DEBUG
# crysis: write chunk table now
if user_version == CgfFormat.UVER_CRYSIS:
self.header.offset = stream.tell()
version=version, user_version=user_version)
for chunkhdr, chunk, chunkversion in zip(self.chunk_table.chunk_headers,
self.chunks, self.versions):
logger.debug("Writing %s chunk version 0x%08X at 0x%08X" % (chunk.__class__.__name__, chunkhdr.version, stream.tell()))
# set up chunk header
chunkhdr.type = getattr(
CgfFormat.ChunkType, chunk.__class__.__name__[:-5])
chunkhdr.version = chunkversion
chunkhdr.offset = stream.tell()
chunkhdr.id = block_index_dct[chunk]
# write chunk header
if not(user_version == CgfFormat.UVER_FARCRY
and chunkhdr.type in [
CgfFormat.ChunkType.MeshMorphTarget]) \
and not(user_version == CgfFormat.UVER_CRYSIS
and chunkhdr.type in [
CgfFormat.ChunkType.BoneInitialPos]) \
and not(is_caf
and chunkhdr.type in [
#print(chunkhdr) # DEBUG
version = version,
user_version = user_version)
# write chunk
stream, version = chunkversion, user_version = user_version,
block_index_dct = block_index_dct)
# write padding bytes to align blocks
padlen = (4 - stream.tell() & 3) & 3
if padlen:
stream.write("\x00".encode("ascii") * padlen)
total_padding += padlen
# write/update chunk table
logger.debug("Writing chunk table version 0x%08X at 0x%08X" % (self.header.version, stream.tell()))
if user_version == CgfFormat.UVER_CRYSIS:
end_pos = stream.tell()
stream, version=self.header.version, user_version=user_version)
self.header.offset = stream.tell()
stream, version=self.header.version, user_version=user_version)
end_pos = stream.tell()
# update header
stream, data=self, version=version, user_version=user_version)
# seek end of written data
# return number of padding bytes written
return total_padding
def update_versions(self):
"""Update L{versions} for the given chunks and game."""
self.versions = [max(chunk.get_versions(self.game))
for chunk in self.chunks]
except KeyError:
raise CgfFormat.CgfError("game %s not supported" % self.game)
# extensions of generated structures
class Chunk:
def tree(self, block_type = None, follow_all = True):
"""A generator for parsing all blocks in the tree (starting from and
including C{self}).
:param block_type: If not ``None``, yield only blocks of the type C{block_type}.
:param follow_all: If C{block_type} is not ``None``, then if this is ``True`` the function will parse the whole tree. Otherwise, the function will not follow branches that start by a non-C{block_type} block."""
# yield self
if not block_type:
yield self
elif isinstance(self, block_type):
yield self
elif not follow_all:
return # don't recurse further
# yield tree attached to each child
for child in self.get_refs():
for block in child.tree(block_type = block_type, follow_all = follow_all):
yield block
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
class ChunkTable:
def get_chunk_types(self):
"""Iterate all chunk types (in the form of Python classes) referenced
in this table.
return (CgfFormat.CHUNK_MAP[chunk_header.type]
for chunk_header in self.chunk_headers)
class BoneInitialPosChunk:
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
if abs(scale - 1.0) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
for mat in self.initial_pos_matrices:
mat.pos.x *= scale
mat.pos.y *= scale
mat.pos.z *= scale
def get_global_node_parent(self):
"""Get the block parent (used for instance in the QSkope global
return self.mesh
class DataStreamChunk:
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
if abs(scale - 1.0) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
for vert in self.vertices:
vert.x *= scale
vert.y *= scale
vert.z *= scale
class Matrix33:
def as_list(self):
"""Return matrix as 3x3 list."""
return [
[self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13],
[self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23],
[self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33]
def as_tuple(self):
"""Return matrix as 3x3 tuple."""
return (
(self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13),
(self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23),
(self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33)
def __str__(self):
"[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n"
% (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13,
self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23,
self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33))
def set_identity(self):
"""Set to identity matrix."""
self.m_11 = 1.0
self.m_12 = 0.0
self.m_13 = 0.0
self.m_21 = 0.0
self.m_22 = 1.0
self.m_23 = 0.0
self.m_31 = 0.0
self.m_32 = 0.0
self.m_33 = 1.0
def is_identity(self):
"""Return ``True`` if the matrix is close to identity."""
if (abs(self.m_11 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_12) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_13) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_21) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_22 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_23) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_31) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_32) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_33 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON):
return False
return True
def get_copy(self):
"""Return a copy of the matrix."""
mat = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
mat.m_11 = self.m_11
mat.m_12 = self.m_12
mat.m_13 = self.m_13
mat.m_21 = self.m_21
mat.m_22 = self.m_22
mat.m_23 = self.m_23
mat.m_31 = self.m_31
mat.m_32 = self.m_32
mat.m_33 = self.m_33
return mat
def get_transpose(self):
"""Get transposed of the matrix."""
mat = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
mat.m_11 = self.m_11
mat.m_12 = self.m_21
mat.m_13 = self.m_31
mat.m_21 = self.m_12
mat.m_22 = self.m_22
mat.m_23 = self.m_32
mat.m_31 = self.m_13
mat.m_32 = self.m_23
mat.m_33 = self.m_33
return mat
def is_scale_rotation(self):
"""Returns true if the matrix decomposes nicely into scale * rotation."""
# NOTE: 0.01 instead of CgfFormat.EPSILON to work around bad files
# calculate self * self^T
# this should correspond to
# (scale * rotation) * (scale * rotation)^T
# = scale * rotation * rotation^T * scale^T
# = scale * scale^T
self_transpose = self.get_transpose()
mat = self * self_transpose
# off diagonal elements should be zero
if (abs(mat.m_12) + abs(mat.m_13)
+ abs(mat.m_21) + abs(mat.m_23)
+ abs(mat.m_31) + abs(mat.m_32)) > 0.01:
return False
return True
def is_rotation(self):
"""Returns ``True`` if the matrix is a rotation matrix
(a member of SO(3))."""
# NOTE: 0.01 instead of CgfFormat.EPSILON to work around bad files
if not self.is_scale_rotation():
return False
scale = self.get_scale()
if abs(scale.x - 1.0) > 0.01 \
or abs(scale.y - 1.0) > 0.01 \
or abs(scale.z - 1.0) > 0.01:
return False
return True
def get_determinant(self):
"""Return determinant."""
return (self.m_11*self.m_22*self.m_33
def get_scale(self):
"""Gets the scale (assuming is_scale_rotation is true!)."""
# calculate self * self^T
# this should correspond to
# (rotation * scale)* (rotation * scale)^T
# = scale * scale^T
# = diagonal matrix with scales squared on the diagonal
mat = self * self.get_transpose()
scale = CgfFormat.Vector3()
scale.x = mat.m_11 ** 0.5
scale.y = mat.m_22 ** 0.5
scale.z = mat.m_33 ** 0.5
if self.get_determinant() < 0:
return -scale
return scale
def get_scale_rotation(self):
"""Decompose the matrix into scale and rotation, where scale is a float
and rotation is a C{Matrix33}. Returns a pair (scale, rotation)."""
rot = self.get_copy()
scale = self.get_scale()
if min(abs(x) for x in scale.as_tuple()) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
raise ZeroDivisionError('scale is zero, unable to obtain rotation')
rot.m_11 /= scale.x
rot.m_12 /= scale.x
rot.m_13 /= scale.x
rot.m_21 /= scale.y
rot.m_22 /= scale.y
rot.m_23 /= scale.y
rot.m_31 /= scale.z
rot.m_32 /= scale.z
rot.m_33 /= scale.z
return (scale, rot)
def set_scale_rotation(self, scale, rotation):
"""Compose the matrix as the product of scale * rotation."""
if not isinstance(scale, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError('scale must be Vector3')
if not isinstance(rotation, CgfFormat.Matrix33):
raise TypeError('rotation must be Matrix33')
if not rotation.is_rotation():
raise ValueError('rotation must be rotation matrix')
self.m_11 = rotation.m_11 * scale.x
self.m_12 = rotation.m_12 * scale.x
self.m_13 = rotation.m_13 * scale.x
self.m_21 = rotation.m_21 * scale.y
self.m_22 = rotation.m_22 * scale.y
self.m_23 = rotation.m_23 * scale.y
self.m_31 = rotation.m_31 * scale.z
self.m_32 = rotation.m_32 * scale.z
self.m_33 = rotation.m_33 * scale.z
def get_scale_quat(self):
"""Decompose matrix into scale and quaternion."""
scale, rot = self.get_scale_rotation()
quat = CgfFormat.Quat()
trace = 1.0 + rot.m_11 + rot.m_22 + rot.m_33
if trace > CgfFormat.EPSILON:
s = (trace ** 0.5) * 2
quat.x = -( rot.m_32 - rot.m_23 ) / s
quat.y = -( rot.m_13 - rot.m_31 ) / s
quat.z = -( rot.m_21 - rot.m_12 ) / s
quat.w = 0.25 * s
elif rot.m_11 > max((rot.m_22, rot.m_33)):
s = (( 1.0 + rot.m_11 - rot.m_22 - rot.m_33 ) ** 0.5) * 2
quat.x = 0.25 * s
quat.y = (rot.m_21 + rot.m_12 ) / s
quat.z = (rot.m_13 + rot.m_31 ) / s
quat.w = -(rot.m_32 - rot.m_23 ) / s
elif rot.m_22 > rot.m_33:
s = (( 1.0 + rot.m_22 - rot.m_11 - rot.m_33 ) ** 0.5) * 2
quat.x = (rot.m_21 + rot.m_12 ) / s
quat.y = 0.25 * s
quat.z = (rot.m_32 + rot.m_23 ) / s
quat.w = -(rot.m_13 - rot.m_31 ) / s
s = (( 1.0 + rot.m_33 - rot.m_11 - rot.m_22 ) ** 0.5) * 2
quat.x = (rot.m_13 + rot.m_31 ) / s
quat.y = (rot.m_32 + rot.m_23 ) / s
quat.z = 0.25 * s
quat.w = -(rot.m_21 - rot.m_12 ) / s
return scale, quat
def get_inverse(self):
"""Get inverse (assuming is_scale_rotation is true!)."""
# transpose inverts rotation but keeps the scale
# dividing by scale^2 inverts the scale as well
scale = self.get_scale()
mat = self.get_transpose()
mat.m_11 /= scale.x ** 2
mat.m_12 /= scale.x ** 2
mat.m_13 /= scale.x ** 2
mat.m_21 /= scale.y ** 2
mat.m_22 /= scale.y ** 2
mat.m_23 /= scale.y ** 2
mat.m_31 /= scale.z ** 2
mat.m_32 /= scale.z ** 2
mat.m_33 /= scale.z ** 2
def __mul__(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, (float, int, long)):
mat = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
mat.m_11 = self.m_11 * rhs
mat.m_12 = self.m_12 * rhs
mat.m_13 = self.m_13 * rhs
mat.m_21 = self.m_21 * rhs
mat.m_22 = self.m_22 * rhs
mat.m_23 = self.m_23 * rhs
mat.m_31 = self.m_31 * rhs
mat.m_32 = self.m_32 * rhs
mat.m_33 = self.m_33 * rhs
return mat
elif isinstance(rhs, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError("matrix*vector not supported;\
please use left multiplication (vector*matrix)")
elif isinstance(rhs, CgfFormat.Matrix33):
mat = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
mat.m_11 = self.m_11 * rhs.m_11 + self.m_12 * rhs.m_21 + self.m_13 * rhs.m_31
mat.m_12 = self.m_11 * rhs.m_12 + self.m_12 * rhs.m_22 + self.m_13 * rhs.m_32
mat.m_13 = self.m_11 * rhs.m_13 + self.m_12 * rhs.m_23 + self.m_13 * rhs.m_33
mat.m_21 = self.m_21 * rhs.m_11 + self.m_22 * rhs.m_21 + self.m_23 * rhs.m_31
mat.m_22 = self.m_21 * rhs.m_12 + self.m_22 * rhs.m_22 + self.m_23 * rhs.m_32
mat.m_23 = self.m_21 * rhs.m_13 + self.m_22 * rhs.m_23 + self.m_23 * rhs.m_33
mat.m_31 = self.m_31 * rhs.m_11 + self.m_32 * rhs.m_21 + self.m_33 * rhs.m_31
mat.m_32 = self.m_31 * rhs.m_12 + self.m_32 * rhs.m_22 + self.m_33 * rhs.m_32
mat.m_33 = self.m_31 * rhs.m_13 + self.m_32 * rhs.m_23 + self.m_33 * rhs.m_33
return mat
raise TypeError(
"do not know how to multiply Matrix33 with %s"%rhs.__class__)
def __div__(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, (float, int, long)):
mat = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
mat.m_11 = self.m_11 / rhs
mat.m_12 = self.m_12 / rhs
mat.m_13 = self.m_13 / rhs
mat.m_21 = self.m_21 / rhs
mat.m_22 = self.m_22 / rhs
mat.m_23 = self.m_23 / rhs
mat.m_31 = self.m_31 / rhs
mat.m_32 = self.m_32 / rhs
mat.m_33 = self.m_33 / rhs
return mat
raise TypeError(
"do not know how to divide Matrix33 by %s"%rhs.__class__)
def __rmul__(self, lhs):
if isinstance(lhs, (float, int, long)):
return self * lhs # commutes
raise TypeError(
"do not know how to multiply %s with Matrix33"%lhs.__class__)
def __eq__(self, mat):
if not isinstance(mat, CgfFormat.Matrix33):
raise TypeError(
"do not know how to compare Matrix33 and %s"%mat.__class__)
if (abs(self.m_11 - mat.m_11) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_12 - mat.m_12) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_13 - mat.m_13) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_21 - mat.m_21) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_22 - mat.m_22) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_23 - mat.m_23) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_31 - mat.m_31) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_32 - mat.m_32) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_33 - mat.m_33) > CgfFormat.EPSILON):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, mat):
return not self.__eq__(mat)
class Matrix44:
def as_list(self):
"""Return matrix as 4x4 list."""
return [
[self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14],
[self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24],
[self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34],
[self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44]
def as_tuple(self):
"""Return matrix as 4x4 tuple."""
return (
(self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14),
(self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24),
(self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34),
(self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44)
def set_rows(self, row0, row1, row2, row3):
"""Set matrix from rows."""
self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14 = row0
self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24 = row1
self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34 = row2
self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44 = row3
def __str__(self):
'[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n'
'[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n'
'[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n'
'[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]\n'
% (self.m_11, self.m_12, self.m_13, self.m_14,
self.m_21, self.m_22, self.m_23, self.m_24,
self.m_31, self.m_32, self.m_33, self.m_34,
self.m_41, self.m_42, self.m_43, self.m_44))
def set_identity(self):
"""Set to identity matrix."""
self.m_11 = 1.0
self.m_12 = 0.0
self.m_13 = 0.0
self.m_14 = 0.0
self.m_21 = 0.0
self.m_22 = 1.0
self.m_23 = 0.0
self.m_24 = 0.0
self.m_31 = 0.0
self.m_32 = 0.0
self.m_33 = 1.0
self.m_34 = 0.0
self.m_41 = 0.0
self.m_42 = 0.0
self.m_43 = 0.0
self.m_44 = 1.0
def is_identity(self):
"""Return ``True`` if the matrix is close to identity."""
if (abs(self.m_11 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_12) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_13) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_14) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_21) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_22 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_23) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_24) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_31) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_32) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_33 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_34) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_41) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_42) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_43) > CgfFormat.EPSILON
or abs(self.m_44 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON):
return False
return True
def get_copy(self):
"""Create a copy of the matrix."""
mat = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
mat.m_11 = self.m_11
mat.m_12 = self.m_12
mat.m_13 = self.m_13
mat.m_14 = self.m_14
mat.m_21 = self.m_21
mat.m_22 = self.m_22
mat.m_23 = self.m_23
mat.m_24 = self.m_24
mat.m_31 = self.m_31
mat.m_32 = self.m_32
mat.m_33 = self.m_33
mat.m_34 = self.m_34
mat.m_41 = self.m_41
mat.m_42 = self.m_42
mat.m_43 = self.m_43
mat.m_44 = self.m_44
return mat
def get_matrix_33(self):
"""Returns upper left 3x3 part."""
m = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
m.m_11 = self.m_11
m.m_12 = self.m_12
m.m_13 = self.m_13
m.m_21 = self.m_21
m.m_22 = self.m_22
m.m_23 = self.m_23
m.m_31 = self.m_31
m.m_32 = self.m_32
m.m_33 = self.m_33
return m
def set_matrix_33(self, m):
"""Sets upper left 3x3 part."""
if not isinstance(m, CgfFormat.Matrix33):
raise TypeError('argument must be Matrix33')
self.m_11 = m.m_11
self.m_12 = m.m_12
self.m_13 = m.m_13
self.m_21 = m.m_21
self.m_22 = m.m_22
self.m_23 = m.m_23
self.m_31 = m.m_31
self.m_32 = m.m_32
self.m_33 = m.m_33
def get_translation(self):
"""Returns lower left 1x3 part."""
t = CgfFormat.Vector3()
t.x = self.m_41
t.y = self.m_42
t.z = self.m_43
return t
def set_translation(self, translation):
"""Returns lower left 1x3 part."""
if not isinstance(translation, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError('argument must be Vector3')
self.m_41 = translation.x
self.m_42 = translation.y
self.m_43 = translation.z
def is_scale_rotation_translation(self):
if not self.get_matrix_33().is_scale_rotation(): return False
if abs(self.m_14) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_24) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_34) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_44 - 1.0) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
return True
def get_scale_rotation_translation(self):
rotscl = self.get_matrix_33()
scale, rot = rotscl.get_scale_rotation()
trans = self.get_translation()
return (scale, rot, trans)
def get_scale_quat_translation(self):
rotscl = self.get_matrix_33()
scale, quat = rotscl.get_scale_quat()
trans = self.get_translation()
return (scale, quat, trans)
def set_scale_rotation_translation(self, scale, rotation, translation):
if not isinstance(scale, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError('scale must be Vector3')
if not isinstance(rotation, CgfFormat.Matrix33):
raise TypeError('rotation must be Matrix33')
if not isinstance(translation, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError('translation must be Vector3')
if not rotation.is_rotation():
logger = logging.getLogger("pyffi.cgf.matrix")
mat = rotation * rotation.get_transpose()
idmat = CgfFormat.Matrix33()
error = (mat - idmat).sup_norm()
logger.warning("improper rotation matrix (error is %f)" % error)
logger.debug(" matrix =")
for line in str(rotation).split("\n"):
logger.debug(" %s" % line)
logger.debug(" its determinant = %f" % rotation.get_determinant())
logger.debug(" matrix * matrix^T =")
for line in str(mat).split("\n"):
logger.debug(" %s" % line)
self.m_14 = 0.0
self.m_24 = 0.0
self.m_34 = 0.0
self.m_44 = 1.0
self.set_matrix_33(rotation * scale)
def get_inverse(self, fast=True):
"""Calculates inverse (fast assumes is_scale_rotation_translation is True)."""
def adjoint(m, ii, jj):
result = []
for i, row in enumerate(m):
if i == ii: continue
for j, x in enumerate(row):
if j == jj: continue
return result
def determinant(m):
if len(m) == 2:
return m[0][0]*m[1][1] - m[1][0]*m[0][1]
result = 0.0
for i in xrange(len(m)):
det = determinant(adjoint(m, i, 0))
if i & 1:
result -= m[i][0] * det
result += m[i][0] * det
return result
if fast:
m = self.get_matrix_33().get_inverse()
t = -(self.get_translation() * m)
n = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
n.m_14 = 0.0
n.m_24 = 0.0
n.m_34 = 0.0
n.m_44 = 1.0
return n
m = self.as_list()
nn = [[0.0 for i in xrange(4)] for j in xrange(4)]
det = determinant(m)
if abs(det) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
raise ZeroDivisionError('cannot invert matrix:\n%s'%self)
for i in xrange(4):
for j in xrange(4):
if (i+j) & 1:
nn[j][i] = -determinant(adjoint(m, i, j)) / det
nn[j][i] = determinant(adjoint(m, i, j)) / det
n = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
return n
def __mul__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 * x
m.m_12 = self.m_12 * x
m.m_13 = self.m_13 * x
m.m_14 = self.m_14 * x
m.m_21 = self.m_21 * x
m.m_22 = self.m_22 * x
m.m_23 = self.m_23 * x
m.m_24 = self.m_24 * x
m.m_31 = self.m_31 * x
m.m_32 = self.m_32 * x
m.m_33 = self.m_33 * x
m.m_34 = self.m_34 * x
m.m_41 = self.m_41 * x
m.m_42 = self.m_42 * x
m.m_43 = self.m_43 * x
m.m_44 = self.m_44 * x
return m
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError("matrix*vector not supported; please use left multiplication (vector*matrix)")
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector4):
raise TypeError("matrix*vector not supported; please use left multiplication (vector*matrix)")
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Matrix44):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 * x.m_11 + self.m_12 * x.m_21 + self.m_13 * x.m_31 + self.m_14 * x.m_41
m.m_12 = self.m_11 * x.m_12 + self.m_12 * x.m_22 + self.m_13 * x.m_32 + self.m_14 * x.m_42
m.m_13 = self.m_11 * x.m_13 + self.m_12 * x.m_23 + self.m_13 * x.m_33 + self.m_14 * x.m_43
m.m_14 = self.m_11 * x.m_14 + self.m_12 * x.m_24 + self.m_13 * x.m_34 + self.m_14 * x.m_44
m.m_21 = self.m_21 * x.m_11 + self.m_22 * x.m_21 + self.m_23 * x.m_31 + self.m_24 * x.m_41
m.m_22 = self.m_21 * x.m_12 + self.m_22 * x.m_22 + self.m_23 * x.m_32 + self.m_24 * x.m_42
m.m_23 = self.m_21 * x.m_13 + self.m_22 * x.m_23 + self.m_23 * x.m_33 + self.m_24 * x.m_43
m.m_24 = self.m_21 * x.m_14 + self.m_22 * x.m_24 + self.m_23 * x.m_34 + self.m_24 * x.m_44
m.m_31 = self.m_31 * x.m_11 + self.m_32 * x.m_21 + self.m_33 * x.m_31 + self.m_34 * x.m_41
m.m_32 = self.m_31 * x.m_12 + self.m_32 * x.m_22 + self.m_33 * x.m_32 + self.m_34 * x.m_42
m.m_33 = self.m_31 * x.m_13 + self.m_32 * x.m_23 + self.m_33 * x.m_33 + self.m_34 * x.m_43
m.m_34 = self.m_31 * x.m_14 + self.m_32 * x.m_24 + self.m_33 * x.m_34 + self.m_34 * x.m_44
m.m_41 = self.m_41 * x.m_11 + self.m_42 * x.m_21 + self.m_43 * x.m_31 + self.m_44 * x.m_41
m.m_42 = self.m_41 * x.m_12 + self.m_42 * x.m_22 + self.m_43 * x.m_32 + self.m_44 * x.m_42
m.m_43 = self.m_41 * x.m_13 + self.m_42 * x.m_23 + self.m_43 * x.m_33 + self.m_44 * x.m_43
m.m_44 = self.m_41 * x.m_14 + self.m_42 * x.m_24 + self.m_43 * x.m_34 + self.m_44 * x.m_44
return m
raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply Matrix44 with %s"%x.__class__)
def __div__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 / x
m.m_12 = self.m_12 / x
m.m_13 = self.m_13 / x
m.m_14 = self.m_14 / x
m.m_21 = self.m_21 / x
m.m_22 = self.m_22 / x
m.m_23 = self.m_23 / x
m.m_24 = self.m_24 / x
m.m_31 = self.m_31 / x
m.m_32 = self.m_32 / x
m.m_33 = self.m_33 / x
m.m_34 = self.m_34 / x
m.m_41 = self.m_41 / x
m.m_42 = self.m_42 / x
m.m_43 = self.m_43 / x
m.m_44 = self.m_44 / x
return m
raise TypeError("do not know how to divide Matrix44 by %s"%x.__class__)
def __rmul__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
return self * x
raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply %s with Matrix44"%x.__class__)
def __eq__(self, m):
if isinstance(m, type(None)):
return False
if not isinstance(m, CgfFormat.Matrix44):
raise TypeError("do not know how to compare Matrix44 and %s"%m.__class__)
if abs(self.m_11 - m.m_11) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_12 - m.m_12) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_13 - m.m_13) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_14 - m.m_14) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_21 - m.m_21) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_22 - m.m_22) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_23 - m.m_23) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_24 - m.m_24) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_31 - m.m_31) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_32 - m.m_32) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_33 - m.m_33) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_34 - m.m_34) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_41 - m.m_41) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_42 - m.m_42) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_43 - m.m_43) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.m_44 - m.m_44) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
return True
def __ne__(self, m):
return not self.__eq__(m)
def __add__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (CgfFormat.Matrix44)):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 + x.m_11
m.m_12 = self.m_12 + x.m_12
m.m_13 = self.m_13 + x.m_13
m.m_14 = self.m_14 + x.m_14
m.m_21 = self.m_21 + x.m_21
m.m_22 = self.m_22 + x.m_22
m.m_23 = self.m_23 + x.m_23
m.m_24 = self.m_24 + x.m_24
m.m_31 = self.m_31 + x.m_31
m.m_32 = self.m_32 + x.m_32
m.m_33 = self.m_33 + x.m_33
m.m_34 = self.m_34 + x.m_34
m.m_41 = self.m_41 + x.m_41
m.m_42 = self.m_42 + x.m_42
m.m_43 = self.m_43 + x.m_43
m.m_44 = self.m_44 + x.m_44
return m
elif isinstance(x, (int, long, float)):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 + x
m.m_12 = self.m_12 + x
m.m_13 = self.m_13 + x
m.m_14 = self.m_14 + x
m.m_21 = self.m_21 + x
m.m_22 = self.m_22 + x
m.m_23 = self.m_23 + x
m.m_24 = self.m_24 + x
m.m_31 = self.m_31 + x
m.m_32 = self.m_32 + x
m.m_33 = self.m_33 + x
m.m_34 = self.m_34 + x
m.m_41 = self.m_41 + x
m.m_42 = self.m_42 + x
m.m_43 = self.m_43 + x
m.m_44 = self.m_44 + x
return m
raise TypeError("do not know how to add Matrix44 and %s"%x.__class__)
def __sub__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (CgfFormat.Matrix44)):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 - x.m_11
m.m_12 = self.m_12 - x.m_12
m.m_13 = self.m_13 - x.m_13
m.m_14 = self.m_14 - x.m_14
m.m_21 = self.m_21 - x.m_21
m.m_22 = self.m_22 - x.m_22
m.m_23 = self.m_23 - x.m_23
m.m_24 = self.m_24 - x.m_24
m.m_31 = self.m_31 - x.m_31
m.m_32 = self.m_32 - x.m_32
m.m_33 = self.m_33 - x.m_33
m.m_34 = self.m_34 - x.m_34
m.m_41 = self.m_41 - x.m_41
m.m_42 = self.m_42 - x.m_42
m.m_43 = self.m_43 - x.m_43
m.m_44 = self.m_44 - x.m_44
return m
elif isinstance(x, (int, long, float)):
m = CgfFormat.Matrix44()
m.m_11 = self.m_11 - x
m.m_12 = self.m_12 - x
m.m_13 = self.m_13 - x
m.m_14 = self.m_14 - x
m.m_21 = self.m_21 - x
m.m_22 = self.m_22 - x
m.m_23 = self.m_23 - x
m.m_24 = self.m_24 - x
m.m_31 = self.m_31 - x
m.m_32 = self.m_32 - x
m.m_33 = self.m_33 - x
m.m_34 = self.m_34 - x
m.m_41 = self.m_41 - x
m.m_42 = self.m_42 - x
m.m_43 = self.m_43 - x
m.m_44 = self.m_44 - x
return m
raise TypeError("do not know how to substract Matrix44 and %s"
% x.__class__)
def sup_norm(self):
"""Calculate supremum norm of matrix (maximum absolute value of all
return max(max(abs(elem) for elem in row)
for row in self.as_list())
class MeshChunk:
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
if abs(scale - 1.0) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
for vert in self.vertices:
vert.p.x *= scale
vert.p.y *= scale
vert.p.z *= scale
self.min_bound.x *= scale
self.min_bound.y *= scale
self.min_bound.z *= scale
self.max_bound.x *= scale
self.max_bound.y *= scale
self.max_bound.z *= scale
def get_vertices(self):
"""Generator for all vertices."""
if self.vertices:
for vert in self.vertices:
yield vert.p
elif self.vertices_data:
for vert in self.vertices_data.vertices:
yield vert
def get_normals(self):
"""Generator for all normals."""
if self.vertices:
for vert in self.vertices:
yield vert.n
elif self.normals_data:
for norm in self.normals_data.normals:
yield norm
def get_colors(self):
"""Generator for all vertex colors."""
if self.vertex_colors:
for color in self.vertex_colors:
# Far Cry has no alpha channel
yield (color.r, color.g, color.b, 255)
elif self.colors_data:
if self.colors_data.rgb_colors:
for color in self.colors_data.rgb_colors:
yield (color.r, color.g, color.b, 255)
elif self.colors_data.rgba_colors:
for color in self.colors_data.rgba_colors:
yield (color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
def get_num_triangles(self):
"""Get number of triangles."""
if self.faces:
return self.num_faces
elif self.indices_data:
return self.indices_data.num_elements // 3
return 0
def get_triangles(self):
"""Generator for all triangles."""
if self.faces:
for face in self.faces:
yield face.v_0, face.v_1, face.v_2
elif self.indices_data:
it = iter(self.indices_data.indices)
while True:
yield it.next(), it.next(), it.next()
def get_material_indices(self):
"""Generator for all materials (per triangle)."""
if self.faces:
for face in self.faces:
yield face.material
elif self.mesh_subsets:
for meshsubset in self.mesh_subsets.mesh_subsets:
for i in xrange(meshsubset.num_indices // 3):
yield meshsubset.mat_id
def get_uvs(self):
"""Generator for all uv coordinates."""
if self.uvs:
for uv in self.uvs:
yield uv.u, uv.v
elif self.uvs_data:
for uv in self.uvs_data.uvs:
yield uv.u, 1.0 - uv.v # OpenGL fix!
def get_uv_triangles(self):
"""Generator for all uv triangles."""
if self.uv_faces:
for uvface in self.uv_faces:
yield uvface.t_0, uvface.t_1, uvface.t_2
elif self.indices_data:
# Crysis: UV triangles coincide with triangles
it = iter(self.indices_data.indices)
while True:
yield it.next(), it.next(), it.next()
### DEPRECATED: USE set_geometry INSTEAD ###
def set_vertices_normals(self, vertices, normals):
"""B{Deprecated. Use L{set_geometry} instead.} Set vertices and normals. This used to be the first function to call
when setting mesh geometry data.
Returns list of chunks that have been added."""
# Far Cry
self.num_vertices = len(vertices)
# Crysis
self.vertices_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.vertices_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.VERTICES
self.vertices_data.bytes_per_element = 12
self.vertices_data.num_elements = len(vertices)
self.normals_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.normals_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.NORMALS
self.normals_data.bytes_per_element = 12
self.normals_data.num_elements = len(vertices)
# set vertex coordinates and normals for Far Cry
for cryvert, vert, norm in izip(self.vertices, vertices, normals):
cryvert.p.x = vert[0]
cryvert.p.y = vert[1]
cryvert.p.z = vert[2]
cryvert.n.x = norm[0]
cryvert.n.y = norm[1]
cryvert.n.z = norm[2]
# set vertex coordinates and normals for Crysis
for cryvert, crynorm, vert, norm in izip(self.vertices_data.vertices,
vertices, normals):
cryvert.x = vert[0]
cryvert.y = vert[1]
cryvert.z = vert[2]
crynorm.x = norm[0]
crynorm.y = norm[1]
crynorm.z = norm[2]
### STILL WIP!!! ###
def set_geometry(self,
verticeslist = None, normalslist = None,
triangleslist = None, matlist = None,
uvslist = None, colorslist = None):
"""Set geometry data.
>>> from pyffi.formats.cgf import CgfFormat
>>> chunk = CgfFormat.MeshChunk()
>>> vertices1 = [(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(1,0,0),(1,1,0)]
>>> vertices2 = [(0,0,1),(0,1,1),(1,0,1),(1,1,1)]
>>> normals1 = [(0,0,-1),(0,0,-1),(0,0,-1),(0,0,-1)]
>>> normals2 = [(0,0,1),(0,0,1),(0,0,1),(0,0,1)]
>>> triangles1 = [(0,1,2),(2,1,3)]
>>> triangles2 = [(0,1,2),(2,1,3)]
>>> uvs1 = [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)]
>>> uvs2 = [(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)]
>>> colors1 = [(0,1,2,3),(4,5,6,7),(8,9,10,11),(12,13,14,15)]
>>> colors_2 = [(50,51,52,53),(54,55,56,57),(58,59,60,61),(62,63,64,65)]
>>> chunk.set_geometry(verticeslist = [vertices1, vertices2],
... normalslist = [normals1, normals2],
... triangleslist = [triangles1, triangles2],
... uvslist = [uvs1, uvs2],
... matlist = [2,5],
... colorslist = [colors1, colors_2])
>>> print(chunk) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +REPORT_UDIFF
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.MeshChunk'> instance at ...
* has_vertex_weights : False
* has_vertex_colors : True
* in_world_space : False
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* flags_1 : 0
* flags_2 : 0
* num_vertices : 8
* num_indices : 12
* num_uvs : 8
* num_faces : 4
* material : None
* num_mesh_subsets : 2
* mesh_subsets : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.MeshSubsetsChunk'> instance at ...
* vert_anim : None
* vertices :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 0.000 1.000 0.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 1.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 1.000 1.000 0.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
4: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
5: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 0.000 1.000 1.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
6: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 1.000 0.000 1.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
7: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Vertex'> instance at ...
* p : [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ]
* n : [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
* faces :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Face'> instance at ...
* v_0 : 0
* v_1 : 1
* v_2 : 2
* material : 2
* sm_group : 1
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Face'> instance at ...
* v_0 : 2
* v_1 : 1
* v_2 : 3
* material : 2
* sm_group : 1
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Face'> instance at ...
* v_0 : 4
* v_1 : 5
* v_2 : 6
* material : 5
* sm_group : 1
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Face'> instance at ...
* v_0 : 6
* v_1 : 5
* v_2 : 7
* material : 5
* sm_group : 1
* uvs :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 0.0
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 1.0
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 0.0
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 1.0
4: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 0.0
5: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 1.0
6: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 0.0
7: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 1.0
* uv_faces :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UVFace'> instance at ...
* t_0 : 0
* t_1 : 1
* t_2 : 2
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UVFace'> instance at ...
* t_0 : 2
* t_1 : 1
* t_2 : 3
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UVFace'> instance at ...
* t_0 : 4
* t_1 : 5
* t_2 : 6
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UVFace'> instance at ...
* t_0 : 6
* t_1 : 5
* t_2 : 7
* vertex_colors :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 0
* g : 1
* b : 2
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 4
* g : 5
* b : 6
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 8
* g : 9
* b : 10
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 12
* g : 13
* b : 14
4: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 50
* g : 51
* b : 52
5: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 54
* g : 55
* b : 56
6: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 58
* g : 59
* b : 60
7: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGB'> instance at ...
* r : 62
* g : 63
* b : 64
* vertices_data : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* normals_data : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* uvs_data : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* colors_data : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* colors_2_data : None
* indices_data : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* tangents_data : <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* sh_coeffs_data : None
* shape_deformation_data : None
* bone_map_data : None
* face_map_data : None
* vert_mats_data : None
* reserved_data :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: None
1: None
2: None
3: None
* physics_data :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: None
1: None
2: None
3: None
* min_bound : [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
* max_bound : [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ]
* reserved_3 :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: 0
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 0
7: 0
8: 0
9: 0
10: 0
11: 0
12: 0
13: 0
14: 0
15: 0
16: 0
>>> print(chunk.mesh_subsets) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.MeshSubsetsChunk'> instance at ...
* flags :
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.MeshSubsetsFlags'> instance at ...
* sh_has_decompr_mat : 0
* bone_indices : 0
* num_mesh_subsets : 2
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* reserved_3 : 0
* mesh_subsets :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.MeshSubset'> instance at ...
* first_index : 0
* num_indices : 6
* first_vertex : 0
* num_vertices : 4
* mat_id : 2
* radius : 0.7071067...
* center : [ 0.500 0.500 0.000 ]
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.MeshSubset'> instance at ...
* first_index : 6
* num_indices : 6
* first_vertex : 4
* num_vertices : 4
* mat_id : 5
* radius : 0.7071067...
* center : [ 0.500 0.500 1.000 ]
>>> print(chunk.vertices_data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* flags : 0
* data_stream_type : VERTICES
* num_elements : 8
* bytes_per_element : 12
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* vertices :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
1: [ 0.000 1.000 0.000 ]
2: [ 1.000 0.000 0.000 ]
3: [ 1.000 1.000 0.000 ]
4: [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
5: [ 0.000 1.000 1.000 ]
6: [ 1.000 0.000 1.000 ]
7: [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 ]
>>> print(chunk.normals_data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* flags : 0
* data_stream_type : NORMALS
* num_elements : 8
* bytes_per_element : 12
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* normals :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
1: [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
2: [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
3: [ 0.000 0.000 -1.000 ]
4: [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
5: [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
6: [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
7: [ 0.000 0.000 1.000 ]
>>> print(chunk.indices_data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* flags : 0
* data_stream_type : INDICES
* num_elements : 12
* bytes_per_element : 2
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* indices :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: 0
1: 1
2: 2
3: 2
4: 1
5: 3
6: 4
7: 5
8: 6
9: 6
10: 5
11: 7
>>> print(chunk.uvs_data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* flags : 0
* data_stream_type : UVS
* num_elements : 8
* bytes_per_element : 8
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* uvs :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 1.0
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 0.0
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 1.0
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 0.0
4: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 1.0
5: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 0.0
* v : 0.0
6: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 1.0
7: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.UV'> instance at ...
* u : 1.0
* v : 0.0
>>> print(chunk.tangents_data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* flags : 0
* data_stream_type : TANGENTS
* num_elements : 8
* bytes_per_element : 16
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* tangents :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
0, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
1, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
1, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
2, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
2, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
3, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
3, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
4, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
4, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
5, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
5, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
6, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
6, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
7, 0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 32767
* y : 0
* z : 0
* w : 32767
7, 1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.Tangent'> instance at ...
* x : 0
* y : -32767
* z : 0
* w : 32767
>>> print(chunk.colors_data) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.DataStreamChunk'> instance at ...
* flags : 0
* data_stream_type : COLORS
* num_elements : 8
* bytes_per_element : 4
* reserved_1 : 0
* reserved_2 : 0
* rgba_colors :
<class 'pyffi.object_models.xml.array.Array'> instance at ...
0: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 0
* g : 1
* b : 2
* a : 3
1: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 4
* g : 5
* b : 6
* a : 7
2: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 8
* g : 9
* b : 10
* a : 11
3: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 12
* g : 13
* b : 14
* a : 15
4: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 50
* g : 51
* b : 52
* a : 53
5: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 54
* g : 55
* b : 56
* a : 57
6: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 58
* g : 59
* b : 60
* a : 61
7: <class 'pyffi.formats.cgf.IRGBA'> instance at ...
* r : 62
* g : 63
* b : 64
* a : 65
:param verticeslist: A list of lists of vertices (one list per material).
:param normalslist: A list of lists of normals (one list per material).
:param triangleslist: A list of lists of triangles (one list per material).
:param matlist: A list of material indices. Optional.
:param uvslist: A list of lists of uvs (one list per material). Optional.
:param colorslist: A list of lists of RGBA colors (one list per material).
Optional. Each color is a tuple (r, g, b, a) with each component an
integer between 0 and 255.
# argument sanity checking
# check length of lists
if len(verticeslist) != len(normalslist):
raise ValueError("normalslist must have same length as verticeslist")
if len(triangleslist) != len(normalslist):
raise ValueError("triangleslist must have same length as verticeslist")
if not matlist is None and len(verticeslist) != len(matlist):
raise ValueError("matlist must have same length as verticeslist")
if not uvslist is None and len(verticeslist) != len(uvslist):
raise ValueError("uvslist must have same length as verticeslist")
if not colorslist is None and len(verticeslist) != len(colorslist):
raise ValueError("colorslist must have same length as verticeslist")
# check length of lists in lists
for vertices, normals in izip(verticeslist, normalslist):
if len(vertices) != len(normals):
raise ValueError("vertex and normal lists must have same length")
if not uvslist is None:
for vertices, uvs in izip(verticeslist, uvslist):
if len(vertices) != len(uvs):
raise ValueError("vertex and uv lists must have same length")
if not colorslist is None:
for vertices, colors in izip(verticeslist, colorslist):
if len(vertices) != len(colors):
raise ValueError("vertex and color lists must have same length")
# get total number of vertices
numvertices = sum(len(vertices) for vertices in verticeslist)
if numvertices > 65535:
raise ValueError("cannot store geometry: too many vertices (%i and maximum is 65535)" % numvertices)
numtriangles = sum(len(triangles) for triangles in triangleslist)
# Far Cry data preparation
self.num_vertices = numvertices
selfvertices_iter = iter(self.vertices)
self.num_faces = numtriangles
selffaces_iter = iter(self.faces)
if not uvslist is None:
self.num_uvs = numvertices
selfuvs_iter = iter(self.uvs)
selfuv_faces_iter = iter(self.uv_faces)
if not colorslist is None:
self.has_vertex_colors = True
selfvertex_colors_iter = iter(self.vertex_colors)
# Crysis data preparation
self.num_indices = numtriangles * 3
self.vertices_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.vertices_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.VERTICES
self.vertices_data.bytes_per_element = 12
self.vertices_data.num_elements = numvertices
selfvertices_data_iter = iter(self.vertices_data.vertices)
self.normals_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.normals_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.NORMALS
self.normals_data.bytes_per_element = 12
self.normals_data.num_elements = numvertices
selfnormals_data_iter = iter(self.normals_data.normals)
self.indices_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.indices_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.INDICES
self.indices_data.bytes_per_element = 2
self.indices_data.num_elements = numtriangles * 3
if not uvslist is None:
# uvs
self.uvs_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.uvs_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.UVS
self.uvs_data.bytes_per_element = 8
self.uvs_data.num_elements = numvertices
selfuvs_data_iter = iter(self.uvs_data.uvs)
# have tangent space
has_tangentspace = True
# no tangent space
has_tangentspace = False
if not colorslist is None:
# vertex colors
self.colors_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.colors_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.COLORS
self.colors_data.bytes_per_element = 4
self.colors_data.num_elements = numvertices
selfcolors_data_iter = iter(self.colors_data.rgba_colors)
self.num_mesh_subsets = len(verticeslist)
self.mesh_subsets = CgfFormat.MeshSubsetsChunk()
self.mesh_subsets.num_mesh_subsets = self.num_mesh_subsets
# set up default iterators
if matlist is None:
matlist = itertools.repeat(0)
if uvslist is None:
uvslist = itertools.repeat(None)
if colorslist is None:
colorslist = itertools.repeat(None)
# now iterate over all materials
firstvertexindex = 0
firstindicesindex = 0
for vertices, normals, triangles, mat, uvs, colors, meshsubset in izip(
verticeslist, normalslist,
triangleslist, matlist,
uvslist, colorslist,
# set Crysis mesh subset info
meshsubset.first_index = firstindicesindex
meshsubset.num_indices = len(triangles) * 3
meshsubset.first_vertex = firstvertexindex
meshsubset.num_vertices = len(vertices)
meshsubset.mat_id = mat
center, radius = pyffi.utils.mathutils.getCenterRadius(vertices)
meshsubset.radius = radius
meshsubset.center.x = center[0]
meshsubset.center.y = center[1]
meshsubset.center.z = center[2]
# set vertex coordinates and normals for Far Cry
for vert, norm in izip(vertices, normals):
cryvert = selfvertices_iter.next()
cryvert.p.x = vert[0]
cryvert.p.y = vert[1]
cryvert.p.z = vert[2]
cryvert.n.x = norm[0]
cryvert.n.y = norm[1]
cryvert.n.z = norm[2]
# set vertex coordinates and normals for Crysis
for vert, norm in izip(vertices, normals):
cryvert = selfvertices_data_iter.next()
crynorm = selfnormals_data_iter.next()
cryvert.x = vert[0]
cryvert.y = vert[1]
cryvert.z = vert[2]
crynorm.x = norm[0]
crynorm.y = norm[1]
crynorm.z = norm[2]
# set Far Cry face info
for triangle in triangles:
cryface = selffaces_iter.next()
cryface.v_0 = triangle[0] + firstvertexindex
cryface.v_1 = triangle[1] + firstvertexindex
cryface.v_2 = triangle[2] + firstvertexindex
cryface.material = mat
# set Crysis face info
for i, vertexindex in enumerate(itertools.chain(*triangles)):
self.indices_data.indices[i + firstindicesindex] \
= vertexindex + firstvertexindex
if not uvs is None:
# set Far Cry uv info
for triangle in triangles:
cryuvface = selfuv_faces_iter.next()
cryuvface.t_0 = triangle[0] + firstvertexindex
cryuvface.t_1 = triangle[1] + firstvertexindex
cryuvface.t_2 = triangle[2] + firstvertexindex
for uv in uvs:
cryuv = selfuvs_iter.next()
cryuv.u = uv[0]
cryuv.v = uv[1]
# set Crysis uv info
for uv in uvs:
cryuv = selfuvs_data_iter.next()
cryuv.u = uv[0]
cryuv.v = 1.0 - uv[1] # OpenGL fix
if not colors is None:
# set Far Cry color info
for color in colors:
crycolor = selfvertex_colors_iter.next()
crycolor.r = color[0]
crycolor.g = color[1]
crycolor.b = color[2]
# note: Far Cry does not support alpha color channel
# set Crysis color info
for color in colors:
crycolor = selfcolors_data_iter.next()
crycolor.r = color[0]
crycolor.g = color[1]
crycolor.b = color[2]
crycolor.a = color[3]
# update index offsets
firstvertexindex += len(vertices)
firstindicesindex += 3 * len(triangles)
# update tangent space
if has_tangentspace:
# set global bounding box
minbound, maxbound = pyffi.utils.mathutils.getBoundingBox(
self.min_bound.x = minbound[0]
self.min_bound.y = minbound[1]
self.min_bound.z = minbound[2]
self.max_bound.x = maxbound[0]
self.max_bound.y = maxbound[1]
self.max_bound.z = maxbound[2]
def update_tangent_space(self):
"""Recalculate tangent space data."""
# set up tangent space
self.tangents_data = CgfFormat.DataStreamChunk()
self.tangents_data.data_stream_type = CgfFormat.DataStreamType.TANGENTS
self.tangents_data.bytes_per_element = 16
self.tangents_data.num_elements = self.num_vertices
selftangents_data_iter = iter(self.tangents_data.tangents)
# set Crysis tangents info
tangents, binormals, orientations = pyffi.utils.tangentspace.getTangentSpace(
vertices = list((vert.x, vert.y, vert.z)
for vert in self.vertices_data.vertices),
normals = list((norm.x, norm.y, norm.z)
for norm in self.normals_data.normals),
uvs = list((uv.u, uv.v)
for uv in self.uvs_data.uvs),
triangles = list(self.get_triangles()),
orientation = True)
for crytangent, tan, bin, orient in izip(self.tangents_data.tangents,
tangents, binormals, orientations):
if orient > 0:
tangent_w = 32767
tangent_w = -32767
crytangent[1].x = int(32767 * tan[0])
crytangent[1].y = int(32767 * tan[1])
crytangent[1].z = int(32767 * tan[2])
crytangent[1].w = tangent_w
crytangent[0].x = int(32767 * bin[0])
crytangent[0].y = int(32767 * bin[1])
crytangent[0].z = int(32767 * bin[2])
crytangent[0].w = tangent_w
class MeshMorphTargetChunk:
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
if abs(scale - 1.0) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
for morphvert in self.morph_vertices:
morphvert.vertex_target.x *= scale
morphvert.vertex_target.y *= scale
morphvert.vertex_target.z *= scale
def get_global_node_parent(self):
"""Get the block parent (used for instance in the QSkope global view)."""
return self.mesh
def get_global_display(self):
"""Return a name for the block."""
return self.target_name
class MeshSubsetsChunk:
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
if abs(scale - 1.0) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
for meshsubset in self.mesh_subsets:
meshsubset.radius *= scale
meshsubset.center.x *= scale
meshsubset.center.y *= scale
meshsubset.center.z *= scale
class MtlChunk:
def get_name_shader_script(self):
"""Extract name, shader, and script."""
name = self.name
shader_begin = name.find("(")
shader_end = name.find(")")
script_begin = name.find("/")
if (script_begin != -1):
if (name.count("/") != 1):
# must have exactly one script
raise ValueError("%s malformed, has multiple ""/"""%name)
mtlscript = name[script_begin+1:]
mtlscript = ""
if (shader_begin != -1): # if a shader was specified
mtl_end = shader_begin
# must have exactly one shader
if (name.count("(") != 1):
# some names are buggy and have "((" instead of "("
# like in jungle_camp_sleeping_barack
# here we handle that case
if name[shader_begin + 1] == "(" \
and name[shader_begin + 1:].count("(") == 1:
shader_begin += 1
raise ValueError("%s malformed, has multiple ""("""%name)
if (name.count(")") != 1):
raise ValueError("%s malformed, has multiple "")"""%name)
# shader name should non-empty
if shader_begin > shader_end:
raise ValueError("%s malformed, ""("" comes after "")"""%name)
# script must be immediately followed by the material
if (script_begin != -1) and (shader_end + 1 != script_begin):
raise ValueError("%s malformed, shader not followed by script"%name)
mtlname = name[:mtl_end]
mtlshader = name[shader_begin+1:shader_end]
if script_begin != -1:
mtlname = name[:script_begin]
mtlname = name[:]
mtlshader = ""
return mtlname, mtlshader, mtlscript
class NodeChunk:
def get_global_node_parent(self):
"""Get the block parent (used for instance in the QSkope global view)."""
return self.parent
def apply_scale(self, scale):
"""Apply scale factor on data."""
if abs(scale - 1.0) < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
self.transform.m_41 *= scale
self.transform.m_42 *= scale
self.transform.m_43 *= scale
self.pos.x *= scale
self.pos.y *= scale
self.pos.z *= scale
def update_pos_rot_scl(self):
"""Update position, rotation, and scale, from the transform."""
scale, quat, trans = self.transform.get_scale_quat_translation()
self.pos.x = trans.x
self.pos.y = trans.y
self.pos.z = trans.z
self.rot.x = quat.x
self.rot.y = quat.y
self.rot.z = quat.z
self.rot.w = quat.w
self.scl.x = scale.x
self.scl.y = scale.y
self.scl.z = scale.z
class SourceInfoChunk:
def get_global_display(self):
"""Return a name for the block."""
idx = max(self.source_file.rfind("\\"), self.source_file.rfind("/"))
return self.source_file[idx+1:]
class TimingChunk:
def get_global_display(self):
"""Return a name for the block."""
return self.global_range.name
class Vector3:
def as_list(self):
return [self.x, self.y, self.z]
def as_tuple(self):
return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
def norm(self):
return (self.x*self.x + self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z) ** 0.5
def normalize(self):
norm = self.norm()
if norm < CgfFormat.EPSILON:
raise ZeroDivisionError('cannot normalize vector %s'%self)
self.x /= norm
self.y /= norm
self.z /= norm
def get_copy(self):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x
v.y = self.y
v.z = self.z
return v
def __str__(self):
return "[ %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f ]"%(self.x, self.y, self.z)
def __mul__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x * x
v.y = self.y * x
v.z = self.z * x
return v
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector3):
return self.x * x.x + self.y * x.y + self.z * x.z
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Matrix33):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x * x.m_11 + self.y * x.m_21 + self.z * x.m_31
v.y = self.x * x.m_12 + self.y * x.m_22 + self.z * x.m_32
v.z = self.x * x.m_13 + self.y * x.m_23 + self.z * x.m_33
return v
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Matrix44):
return self * x.get_matrix_33() + x.get_translation()
raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply Vector3 with %s"%x.__class__)
def __rmul__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = x * self.x
v.y = x * self.y
v.z = x * self.z
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to multiply %s and Vector3"%x.__class__)
def __div__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x / x
v.y = self.y / x
v.z = self.z / x
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to divide Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__)
def __add__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x + x
v.y = self.y + x
v.z = self.z + x
return v
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector3):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x + x.x
v.y = self.y + x.y
v.z = self.z + x.z
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to add Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__)
def __radd__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = x + self.x
v.y = x + self.y
v.z = x + self.z
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to add %s and Vector3"%x.__class__)
def __sub__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x - x
v.y = self.y - x
v.z = self.z - x
return v
elif isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector3):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.x - x.x
v.y = self.y - x.y
v.z = self.z - x.z
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to substract Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__)
def __rsub__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = x - self.x
v.y = x - self.y
v.z = x - self.z
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to substract %s and Vector3"%x.__class__)
def __neg__(self):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = -self.x
v.y = -self.y
v.z = -self.z
return v
# cross product
def crossproduct(self, x):
if isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector3):
v = CgfFormat.Vector3()
v.x = self.y*x.z - self.z*x.y
v.y = self.z*x.x - self.x*x.z
v.z = self.x*x.y - self.y*x.x
return v
raise TypeError("do not know how to calculate crossproduct of Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__)
def __eq__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, type(None)):
return False
if not isinstance(x, CgfFormat.Vector3):
raise TypeError("do not know how to compare Vector3 and %s"%x.__class__)
if abs(self.x - x.x) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.y - x.y) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
if abs(self.z - x.z) > CgfFormat.EPSILON: return False
return True
def __ne__(self, x):
return not self.__eq__(x)