import sys
import types
import re
def ad_escape(s):
return re.sub(r"([^<]*)<([^>]*)>", r"\g<1>\\<\g<2>\\>", s)
class DocInfo:
def __init__(self, name, ob): = name
self.ob = ob
self.short_desc = ""
self.desc = ""
def BuildArgInfos(ob):
ret = []
vars = list(ob.func_code.co_varnames[:ob.func_code.co_argcount])
vars.reverse() # for easier default checking.
defs = list(ob.func_defaults or [])
for i, n in enumerate(vars):
info = DocInfo(n, ob)
info.short_desc = info.desc = n
info.default = ""
if len(defs):
default = repr(defs.pop())
# the default may be an object, so the repr gives '<...>' - and
# the angle brackets screw autoduck.
info.default = default.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")
return ret
def BuildInfo(name, ob):
ret = DocInfo(name, ob)
docstring = ob.__doc__ or ""
ret.desc = ret.short_desc = docstring.strip()
if ret.desc:
ret.short_desc = ret.desc.splitlines()[0]
return ret
def should_build_function(build_info):
return build_info.ob.__doc__ and not build_info.ob.__name__.startswith('_')
# docstring aware paragraph generator. Isn't there something in docutils
# we can use?
def gen_paras(val):
chunks = []
in_docstring = False
for line in val.splitlines():
line = ad_escape(line.strip())
if not line or (not in_docstring and line.startswith(">>> ")):
if chunks:
yield chunks
chunks = []
if not line:
in_docstring = False
in_docstring = True
yield chunks or ['']
def format_desc(desc):
# A little complicated! Given the docstring for a module, we want to:
# write:
# 'first_para_of_docstring'
# '@comm next para of docstring'
# '@comm next para of docstring' ... etc
# BUT - also handling enbedded doctests, where we write
# '@iex >>> etc.'
if not desc:
return ""
g = gen_paras(desc)
first =
chunks = [first[0]]
chunks.extend(["// " + l for l in first[1:]])
for lines in g:
first = lines[0]
if first.startswith(">>> "):
prefix = "// @iex \n// "
prefix = "\n// @comm "
chunks.append(prefix + first)
chunks.extend(["// " + l for l in lines[1:]])
return "\n".join(chunks)
def build_module(fp, mod_name):
mod = sys.modules[mod_name]
functions = []
classes = []
constants = []
for name, ob in mod.__dict__.items():
if name.startswith("_"):
if hasattr(ob, "__module__") and ob.__module__ != mod_name:
if type(ob) in [types.ClassType, type]:
classes.append(BuildInfo(name, ob))
elif type(ob)==types.FunctionType:
functions.append(BuildInfo(name, ob))
elif name.upper()==name and type(ob) in (int, str):
constants.append( (name, ob) )
info = BuildInfo(mod_name, mod)
print >> fp, "// @module %s|%s" % (mod_name, format_desc(info.desc))
functions = [f for f in functions if should_build_function(f)]
for ob in functions:
print >> fp, "// @pymeth %s|%s" % (, ob.short_desc)
for ob in classes:
# only classes with docstrings get printed.
if not ob.ob.__doc__:
ob_name = mod_name + "." +
print >> fp, "// @pyclass %s|%s" % (, ob.short_desc)
for ob in functions:
print >> fp, "// @pymethod |%s|%s|%s" % (mod_name,, format_desc(ob.desc))
for ai in BuildArgInfos(ob.ob):
print >> fp, "// @pyparm |%s|%s|%s" % (, ai.default, ai.short_desc)
for ob in classes:
# only classes with docstrings get printed.
if not ob.ob.__doc__:
ob_name = mod_name + "." +
print >> fp, "// @object %s|%s" % (ob_name, format_desc(ob.desc))
func_infos = []
# We need to iter the keys then to a getattr() so the funky descriptor
# things work.
for n in ob.ob.__dict__.iterkeys():
o = getattr(ob.ob, n)
if isinstance(o, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
info = BuildInfo(n, o)
if should_build_function(info):
for fi in func_infos:
print >> fp, "// @pymeth %s|%s" % (, fi.short_desc)
for fi in func_infos:
print >> fp, "// @pymethod |%s|%s|%s" % (ob_name,, format_desc(fi.desc))
if hasattr(fi.ob, 'im_self') and fi.ob.im_self is ob.ob:
print >> fp, "// @comm This is a @classmethod."
print >> fp, "// @pymethod |%s|%s|%s" % (ob_name,, format_desc(fi.desc))
for ai in BuildArgInfos(fi.ob):
print >> fp, "// @pyparm |%s|%s|%s" % (, ai.default, ai.short_desc)
for (name, val) in constants:
desc = "%s = %r" % (name, val)
if type(val) in (int, long):
desc += " (0x%x)" % (val,)
print >> fp, "// @const %s|%s|%s" % (mod_name, name, desc)
def main(fp, args):
print >> fp, "// @doc"
for arg in args:
build_module(sys.stdout, arg)
if __name__=='__main__':
main(sys.stdout, sys.argv[1:])