""" db_print.py -- a simple demo for ADO database reads."""
import adodbapi
adodbapi.adodbapi.verbose = True # adds details to the sample printout
# connection string templates from http://www.connectionstrings.com
# Switch test providers by changing the "if True" below
# connection string for an Access data table:
if True:
_databasename = "Test.mdb"
# generic -> 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s; User Id=%s; Password=%s;' % (_databasename, _username, _password)
constr = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s' \
% _databasename
_table_name= 'Products'
# connection string for an SQL server
_computername="" #or name of computer with SQL Server
_databasename="Northwind" #or something else
_table_name= 'Products'
if True:
# this will open a MS-SQL table with Windows authentication
constr = r"Initial Catalog=%s; Data Source=%s; Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security=SSPI" \
%(_databasename, _computername)
# this set opens a MS-SQL table with SQL authentication
constr = r"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Initial Catalog=%s; Data Source=%s; user ID=%s; Password=%s; " \
% (_databasename, _computername, _username, _password)
# connection string for MySQL
if False:
# this will open a MySQL table (assuming you have the ODBC driver from MySQL.org
_computername = 'star.vernonscomputershop.com'
_databasename = 'test'
constr = 'Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=%s;Port=3306;Database=%s;Option=3;' \
% (_computername,_databasename)
_table_name= 'Test_tbl'
# connection string for AS400
if False:
constr = "Provider=IBMDA400; DATA SOURCE=%s;DEFAULT COLLECTION=%s;User ID=%s;Password=%s" \
% (_computername, _databasename, _username, _password)
# NOTE! user's PC must have OLE support installed in IBM Client Access Express
#tell the server we are not planning to update...
adodbapi.adodbapi.defaultIsolationLevel = adodbapi.adodbapi.adXactBrowse
#and we want a local cursor (so that we will have an accurate rowcount)
adodbapi.adodbapi.defaultCursorLocation = adodbapi.adodbapi.adUseClient
#create the connection
con = adodbapi.connect(constr)
#make a cursor on the connection
c = con.cursor()
#run an SQL statement on the cursor
sql = 'select * from %s' % _table_name
print 'Executing the command: "%s"' % sql
#check the results
print 'result rowcount shows as= %d. (Note: -1 means "not known")' \
% (c.rowcount,)
print 'result data description is:'
print ' NAME TypeCd DispSize IntrnlSz Prec Scale Null?'
for d in c.description:
print ('%16s %6d %8d %8d %4d %5d %5d') % d
print 'result first ten records are:'
#get the results
db = c.fetchmany(10)
#print them
for rec in db:
print repr(rec)