# Initialization for the win32com package
import win32api, sys, os
import pythoncom
# flag if we are in a "frozen" build.
_frozen = getattr(sys, "frozen", 1==0)
# pythoncom dumbly defaults this to zero - we believe sys.frozen over it.
if _frozen and not getattr(pythoncom, "frozen", 0):
pythoncom.frozen = sys.frozen
# Add support for an external "COM Extensions" path.
# Concept is that you can register a seperate path to be used for
# COM extensions, outside of the win32com directory. These modules, however,
# look identical to win32com built-in modules.
# This is the technique that we use for the "standard" COM extensions.
# eg "win32com.mapi" or "win32com.axscript" both work, even though they do not
# live under the main win32com directory.
__gen_path__ = ''
__build_path__ = None
### TODO - Load _all_ \\Extensions subkeys - for now, we only read the default
### Modules will work if loaded into "win32comext" path.
def SetupEnvironment():
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = -2147483646 # Avoid pulling in win32con for just these...
# Open the root key once, as this is quite slow on NT.
keyName = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\PythonCore\\%s\\PythonPath\\win32com" % sys.winver
key = win32api.RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , keyName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE)
except (win32api.error, AttributeError):
key = None
found = 0
if key is not None:
__path__.append( win32api.RegQueryValue(key, "Extensions" ))
found = 1
except win32api.error:
# Nothing registered
if not found:
__path__.append( win32api.GetFullPathName( __path__[0] + "\\..\\win32comext") )
except win32api.error:
# Give up in disgust!
# For the sake of developers, we also look up a "BuildPath" key
# If extension modules add support, we can load their .pyd's from a completely
# different directory (see the comments below)
if key is not None:
global __build_path__
__build_path__ = win32api.RegQueryValue(key, "BuildPath")
except win32api.error:
# __build_path__ neednt be defined.
global __gen_path__
if key is not None:
__gen_path__ = win32api.RegQueryValue(key, "GenPath")
except win32api.error:
if key is not None:
# A Helper for developers. A sub-package's __init__ can call this help function,
# which allows the .pyd files for the extension to live in a special "Build" directory
# (which the win32com developers do!)
def __PackageSupportBuildPath__(package_path):
# See if we have a special directory for the binaries (for developers)
if not _frozen and __build_path__:
if not _frozen:
# If we don't have a special __gen_path__, see if we have a gen_py as a
# normal module and use that (ie, "win32com.gen_py" may already exist as
# a package.
if not __gen_path__:
import win32com.gen_py
__gen_path__ = sys.modules["win32com.gen_py"].__path__[0]
except ImportError:
# If a win32com\gen_py directory already exists, then we use it
# (gencache doesn't insist it have an __init__, but our __import__
# above does!
__gen_path__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__path__[0], "gen_py"))
if not os.path.isdir(__gen_path__):
# We used to dynamically create a directory under win32com -
# but this sucks. If the dir doesn't already exist, we we
# create a version specific directory under the user temp
# directory.
__gen_path__ = os.path.join(
win32api.GetTempPath(), "gen_py",
"%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))
# we must have a __gen_path__, but may not have a gen_py module -
# set that up.
if "win32com.gen_py" not in sys.modules:
# Create a "win32com.gen_py", but with a custom __path__
import imp
gen_py = imp.new_module("win32com.gen_py")
gen_py.__path__ = [ __gen_path__ ]
del imp
gen_py = sys.modules["win32com.gen_py"]
# get rid of these for module users
del os, sys, win32api, pythoncom