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"""Contains knowledge to build a COM object definition.

This module is used by both the @dynamic@ and @makepy@ modules to build
all knowledge of a COM object.

This module contains classes which contain the actual knowledge of the object.
This include parameter and return type information, the COM dispid and CLSID, etc.

Other modules may use this information to generate .py files, use the information
dynamically, or possibly even generate .html documentation for objects.

# NOTES: DispatchItem and MapEntry used by
#        the rest is used by
#        OleItem, DispatchItem, MapEntry, BuildCallList() is used by makepy

import sys
import string
from keyword import iskeyword

import pythoncom
from pywintypes import TimeType
import winerror
import datetime

# A string ending with a quote can not be safely triple-quoted.
def _safeQuotedString(s):
  if s[-1]=='"': s = s[:-1]+'\\"'
  return '"""%s"""' % s

error = "PythonCOM.Client.Build error"
class NotSupportedException(Exception): pass # Raised when we cant support a param type.

NoTranslateTypes = [
  pythoncom.VT_BOOL,          pythoncom.VT_CLSID,        pythoncom.VT_CY,
  pythoncom.VT_DATE,          pythoncom.VT_DECIMAL,       pythoncom.VT_EMPTY,
  pythoncom.VT_ERROR,         pythoncom.VT_FILETIME,     pythoncom.VT_HRESULT,
  pythoncom.VT_I1,            pythoncom.VT_I2,           pythoncom.VT_I4,
  pythoncom.VT_I8,            pythoncom.VT_INT,          pythoncom.VT_NULL,
  pythoncom.VT_R4,            pythoncom.VT_R8,           pythoncom.VT_NULL,
  pythoncom.VT_UI1,            pythoncom.VT_UI2,           pythoncom.VT_UI4,
  pythoncom.VT_UI8,            pythoncom.VT_UINT,          pythoncom.VT_VOID,

NoTranslateMap = {}
for v in NoTranslateTypes:
  NoTranslateMap[v] = None

class MapEntry:
  "Simple holder for named attibutes - items in a map."
  def __init__(self, desc_or_id, names=None, doc=None, resultCLSID=pythoncom.IID_NULL, resultDoc = None, hidden=0):
    if type(desc_or_id)==type(0):
      self.dispid = desc_or_id
      self.desc = None
      self.dispid = desc_or_id[0]
      self.desc = desc_or_id

    self.names = names
    self.doc = doc
    self.resultCLSID = resultCLSID
    self.resultDocumentation = resultDoc
    self.wasProperty = 0 # Have I been transformed into a function so I can pass args?
    self.hidden = hidden
  def GetResultCLSID(self):
    rc = self.resultCLSID
    if rc == pythoncom.IID_NULL: return None
    return rc
  # Return a string, suitable for output - either "'{...}'" or "None"
  def GetResultCLSIDStr(self):
    rc = self.GetResultCLSID()
    if rc is None: return "None"
    return repr(str(rc)) # Convert the IID object to a string, then to a string in a string.

  def GetResultName(self):
    if self.resultDocumentation is None:
      return None
    return self.resultDocumentation[0]

class OleItem:
  typename = "OleItem"

  def __init__(self, doc=None):
    self.doc = doc
    if self.doc:
        self.python_name = MakePublicAttributeName(self.doc[0])
        self.python_name = None
    self.bWritten = 0
    self.bIsDispatch = 0
    self.bIsSink = 0
    self.clsid = None
    self.co_class = None

class DispatchItem(OleItem):
  typename = "DispatchItem"

  def __init__(self, typeinfo=None, attr=None, doc=None, bForUser=1):
    self.propMap = {}
    self.propMapGet = {}
    self.propMapPut = {}
    self.mapFuncs = {}
    self.defaultDispatchName = None
    self.hidden = 0

    if typeinfo:
      self.Build(typeinfo, attr, bForUser)

  def _propMapPutCheck_(self,key,item):
    ins, outs, opts = self.CountInOutOptArgs(item.desc[2])
    if ins>1: # if a Put property takes more than 1 arg:
      if opts+1==ins or ins==item.desc[6]+1:
        newKey = "Set" + key
        deleteExisting = 0 # This one is still OK
        deleteExisting = 1 # No good to us
        if key in self.mapFuncs or key in self.propMapGet:
          newKey = "Set" + key
          newKey = key
      item.wasProperty = 1
      self.mapFuncs[newKey] = item
      if deleteExisting:
        del self.propMapPut[key]

  def _propMapGetCheck_(self,key,item):
    ins, outs, opts = self.CountInOutOptArgs(item.desc[2])
    if ins > 0: # if a Get property takes _any_ in args:
      if item.desc[6]==ins or ins==opts:
        newKey = "Get" + key
        deleteExisting = 0 # This one is still OK
        deleteExisting = 1 # No good to us
        if key in self.mapFuncs:
          newKey = "Get" + key
          newKey = key
      item.wasProperty = 1
      self.mapFuncs[newKey] = item
      if deleteExisting:
        del self.propMapGet[key]

  def  _AddFunc_(self,typeinfo,fdesc,bForUser):
    id = fdesc.memid
    funcflags = fdesc.wFuncFlags
      names = typeinfo.GetNames(id)
    except pythoncom.ole_error:
      name = ""
      names = None

    doc = None
      if bForUser:
        doc = typeinfo.GetDocumentation(id)
    except pythoncom.ole_error:

    if id==0 and name:
      self.defaultDispatchName = name

    invkind = fdesc.invkind

    # We need to translate any Alias', Enums, structs etc in result and args
    typerepr, flag, defval = fdesc.rettype
#    sys.stderr.write("%s result - %s -> " % (name, typerepr))
    typerepr, resultCLSID, resultDoc = _ResolveType(typerepr, typeinfo)
#    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (typerepr,))
    fdesc.rettype = typerepr, flag, defval, resultCLSID
    # Translate any Alias or Enums in argument list.
    argList = []
    for argDesc in fdesc.args:
      typerepr, flag, defval = argDesc
#      sys.stderr.write("%s arg - %s -> " % (name, typerepr))
      arg_type, arg_clsid, arg_doc = _ResolveType(typerepr, typeinfo)
      argDesc = arg_type, flag, defval, arg_clsid
#      sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (argDesc[0],))
    fdesc.args = tuple(argList)

    hidden = (funcflags & pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN) != 0
    if invkind == pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYGET:
      map = self.propMapGet
    # This is not the best solution, but I dont think there is
    # one without specific "set" syntax.
    # If there is a single PUT or PUTREF, it will function as a property.
    # If there are both, then the PUT remains a property, and the PUTREF
    # gets transformed into a function.
    # (in vb, PUT=="obj=other_obj", PUTREF="set obj=other_obj
    elif invkind in (pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT, pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF):
      # Special case
      existing = self.propMapPut.get(name, None)
      if existing is not None:
        if existing.desc[4]==pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT: # Keep this one
          map = self.mapFuncs
          name = "Set"+name
        else: # Existing becomes a func.
          existing.wasProperty = 1
          map = self.propMapPut # existing gets overwritten below.
        map = self.propMapPut # first time weve seen it.

    elif invkind == pythoncom.INVOKE_FUNC:
      map = self.mapFuncs
      map = None
    if not map is None: 
#        if map.has_key(name):
#          sys.stderr.write("Warning - overwriting existing method/attribute %s\n" % name)
      map[name] = MapEntry(tuple(fdesc), names, doc, resultCLSID, resultDoc, hidden)
      # any methods that can't be reached via DISPATCH we return None
      # for, so dynamic dispatch doesnt see it.
      if fdesc.funckind != pythoncom.FUNC_DISPATCH:
        return None
      return (name,map)
    return None

  def _AddVar_(self,typeinfo,fdesc,bForUser):
    ### need pythoncom.VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED ...
    ### then check it

    if fdesc.varkind == pythoncom.VAR_DISPATCH:
      id = fdesc.memid
      names = typeinfo.GetNames(id)
      # Translate any Alias or Enums in result.
      typerepr, flags, defval = fdesc.elemdescVar
      typerepr, resultCLSID, resultDoc = _ResolveType(typerepr, typeinfo)
      fdesc.elemdescVar = typerepr, flags, defval
      doc = None
        if bForUser: doc = typeinfo.GetDocumentation(id)
      except pythoncom.ole_error:

      # handle the enumerator specially
      map = self.propMap
      # Check if the element is hidden.
      hidden = 0
      if hasattr(fdesc,"wVarFlags"):
        hidden = (fdesc.wVarFlags & 0x40) != 0 # VARFLAG_FHIDDEN
      map[names[0]] = MapEntry(tuple(fdesc), names, doc, resultCLSID, resultDoc, hidden)
      return (names[0],map)
      return None

  def Build(self, typeinfo, attr, bForUser = 1):
    self.clsid = attr[0]
    self.bIsDispatch = (attr.wTypeFlags & pythoncom.TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE) != 0
    if typeinfo is None: return
    # Loop over all methods
    for j in range(attr[6]):
      fdesc = typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(j)

    # Loop over all variables (ie, properties)
    for j in range(attr[7]):
      fdesc = typeinfo.GetVarDesc(j)
    # Now post-process the maps.  For any "Get" or "Set" properties
    # that have arguments, we must turn them into methods.  If a method
    # of the same name already exists, change the name.
    for key, item in list(self.propMapGet.items()):
    for key, item in list(self.propMapPut.items()):

  def CountInOutOptArgs(self, argTuple):
    "Return tuple counting in/outs/OPTS.  Sum of result may not be len(argTuple), as some args may be in/out."
    ins = out = opts = 0
    for argCheck in argTuple:
      inOut = argCheck[1]
      if inOut==0:
        ins = ins + 1
        out = out + 1
        if inOut & pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FIN:
          ins = ins + 1
        if inOut & pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FOPT:
          opts = opts + 1
        if inOut & pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FOUT:
          out = out + 1
    return ins, out, opts

  def MakeFuncMethod(self, entry, name, bMakeClass = 1):
    # If we have a type description, and not varargs...
    if entry.desc is not None and (len(entry.desc) < 6 or entry.desc[6]!=-1):
      return self.MakeDispatchFuncMethod(entry, name, bMakeClass)
      return self.MakeVarArgsFuncMethod(entry, name, bMakeClass)

  def MakeDispatchFuncMethod(self, entry, name, bMakeClass = 1):
    fdesc = entry.desc
    doc = entry.doc
    names = entry.names
    ret = []
    if bMakeClass:
      linePrefix = "\t"
      defNamedOptArg = "defaultNamedOptArg"
      defNamedNotOptArg = "defaultNamedNotOptArg"
      defUnnamedArg = "defaultUnnamedArg"
      linePrefix = ""
      defNamedOptArg = "pythoncom.Missing"
      defNamedNotOptArg = "pythoncom.Missing"
      defUnnamedArg = "pythoncom.Missing"
    defOutArg = "pythoncom.Missing"
    id = fdesc[0]

    s = linePrefix + 'def ' + name + '(self' + BuildCallList(fdesc, names, defNamedOptArg, defNamedNotOptArg, defUnnamedArg, defOutArg) + '):'
    if doc and doc[1]:
      ret.append(linePrefix + '\t' + _safeQuotedString(doc[1]))

#    print "fdesc is ", fdesc

    resclsid = entry.GetResultCLSID()
    if resclsid:
      resclsid = "'%s'" % resclsid
      resclsid = 'None'
    # Strip the default values from the arg desc
    retDesc = fdesc[8][:2]
    argsDesc = tuple([what[:2] for what in fdesc[2]])
    # The runtime translation of the return types is expensive, so when we know the
    # return type of the function, there is no need to check the type at runtime.
    # To qualify, this function must return a "simple" type, and have no byref args.
    # Check if we have byrefs or anything in the args which mean we still need a translate.
    param_flags = [what[1] for what in fdesc[2]]
    bad_params = [flag for flag in param_flags if flag & (pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FOUT | pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL)!=0]
    s = None
    if len(bad_params)==0 and len(retDesc)==2 and retDesc[1]==0:
      rd = retDesc[0]
      if rd in NoTranslateMap:
        s = '%s\treturn self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(%d, LCID, %s, %s, %s%s)' % (linePrefix, id, fdesc[4], retDesc, argsDesc, _BuildArgList(fdesc, names))
      elif rd in [pythoncom.VT_DISPATCH, pythoncom.VT_UNKNOWN]:
        s = '%s\tret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(%d, LCID, %s, %s, %s%s)\n' % (linePrefix, id, fdesc[4], retDesc, repr(argsDesc), _BuildArgList(fdesc, names))
        s = s + '%s\tif ret is not None:\n' % (linePrefix,)
        if rd == pythoncom.VT_UNKNOWN:
          s = s + "%s\t\t# See if this IUnknown is really an IDispatch\n" % (linePrefix,)
          s = s + "%s\t\ttry:\n" % (linePrefix,)
          s = s + "%s\t\t\tret = ret.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)\n" % (linePrefix,)
          s = s + "%s\t\texcept pythoncom.error:\n" % (linePrefix,)
          s = s + "%s\t\t\treturn ret\n" % (linePrefix,)
        s = s + '%s\t\tret = Dispatch(ret, %s, %s)\n' % (linePrefix,repr(name), resclsid) 
        s = s + '%s\treturn ret' % (linePrefix)
      elif rd == pythoncom.VT_BSTR:
        s = "%s\t# Result is a Unicode object\n" % (linePrefix,)
        s = s + '%s\treturn self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(%d, LCID, %s, %s, %s%s)' % (linePrefix, id, fdesc[4], retDesc, repr(argsDesc), _BuildArgList(fdesc, names))
      # else s remains None
    if s is None:
      s = '%s\treturn self._ApplyTypes_(%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s%s)' % (linePrefix, id, fdesc[4], retDesc, argsDesc, repr(name), resclsid, _BuildArgList(fdesc, names))

    return ret

  def MakeVarArgsFuncMethod(self, entry, name, bMakeClass = 1):
    fdesc = entry.desc
    names = entry.names
    doc = entry.doc
    ret = []
    argPrefix = "self"
    if bMakeClass:
      linePrefix = "\t"
      linePrefix = ""
    ret.append(linePrefix + 'def ' + name + '(' + argPrefix + ', *args):')
    if doc and doc[1]: ret.append(linePrefix + '\t' + _safeQuotedString(doc[1]))
    if fdesc:
      invoketype = fdesc[4]
      invoketype = pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD
    s = linePrefix + '\treturn self._get_good_object_(self._oleobj_.Invoke(*(('
    ret.append(s + str(entry.dispid) + ",0,%d,1)+args)),'%s')" % (invoketype, names[0]))
    return ret

# Note - "DispatchItem" poorly named - need a new intermediate class.
class VTableItem(DispatchItem):
  def Build(self, typeinfo, attr, bForUser = 1):
    DispatchItem.Build(self, typeinfo, attr, bForUser)
    assert typeinfo is not None, "Cant build vtables without type info!"

    meth_list = list(self.mapFuncs.values()) + list(self.propMapGet.values()) + list(self.propMapPut.values())

    if sys.version_info < (2,4):
      def cmp_vtable_off(m1, m2):
        return cmp(m1.desc[7], m2.desc[7])
      meth_list.sort(key=lambda m: m.desc[7])

    # Now turn this list into the run-time representation
    # (ready for immediate use or writing to gencache)
    self.vtableFuncs = []
    for entry in meth_list:
      self.vtableFuncs.append( (entry.names, entry.dispid, entry.desc) )

# A Lazy dispatch item - builds an item on request using info from
# an ITypeComp.  The dynamic module makes the called to build each item,
# and also holds the references to the typeinfo and typecomp.
class LazyDispatchItem(DispatchItem):
  typename = "LazyDispatchItem"
  def __init__(self, attr, doc):
    self.clsid = attr[0]
    DispatchItem.__init__(self, None, attr, doc, 0)

typeSubstMap = {
  pythoncom.VT_INT: pythoncom.VT_I4,
  pythoncom.VT_UINT: pythoncom.VT_I4,
  pythoncom.VT_HRESULT: pythoncom.VT_I4,

def _ResolveType(typerepr, itypeinfo):
  # Resolve VT_USERDEFINED (often aliases or typed IDispatches)

  if type(typerepr)==tuple:
    indir_vt, subrepr = typerepr
    if indir_vt == pythoncom.VT_PTR:
      # If it is a VT_PTR to a VT_USERDEFINED that is an IDispatch/IUnknown,
      # then it resolves to simply the object.
      # Otherwise, it becomes a ByRef of the resolved type
      # We need to drop an indirection level on pointer to user defined interfaces.
      # eg, (VT_PTR, (VT_USERDEFINED, somehandle)) needs to become VT_DISPATCH
      # only when "somehandle" is an object.
      # but (VT_PTR, (VT_USERDEFINED, otherhandle)) doesnt get the indirection dropped.
      was_user = type(subrepr)==tuple and subrepr[0]==pythoncom.VT_USERDEFINED
      subrepr, sub_clsid, sub_doc = _ResolveType(subrepr, itypeinfo)
      if was_user and subrepr in [pythoncom.VT_DISPATCH, pythoncom.VT_UNKNOWN, pythoncom.VT_RECORD]:
        # Drop the VT_PTR indirection
        return subrepr, sub_clsid, sub_doc
      # Change PTR indirection to byref
      return subrepr | pythoncom.VT_BYREF, sub_clsid, sub_doc
    if indir_vt == pythoncom.VT_SAFEARRAY:
      # resolve the array element, and convert to VT_ARRAY
      subrepr, sub_clsid, sub_doc = _ResolveType(subrepr, itypeinfo)
      return pythoncom.VT_ARRAY | subrepr, sub_clsid, sub_doc
    if indir_vt == pythoncom.VT_CARRAY: # runtime has no support for this yet.
      # resolve the array element, and convert to VT_CARRAY
      # sheesh - return _something_
      return pythoncom.VT_CARRAY, None, None
    if indir_vt == pythoncom.VT_USERDEFINED:
        resultTypeInfo = itypeinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(subrepr)
      except pythoncom.com_error, details:
        if details.hresult in [winerror.TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY, winerror.TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED]:
          # an unregistered interface
          return pythoncom.VT_UNKNOWN, None, None

      resultAttr = resultTypeInfo.GetTypeAttr()
      typeKind = resultAttr.typekind
      if typeKind == pythoncom.TKIND_ALIAS:
        tdesc = resultAttr.tdescAlias
        return _ResolveType(tdesc, resultTypeInfo)
      elif typeKind in [pythoncom.TKIND_ENUM, pythoncom.TKIND_MODULE]:
        # For now, assume Long
        return pythoncom.VT_I4, None, None

      elif typeKind == pythoncom.TKIND_DISPATCH:
        clsid = resultTypeInfo.GetTypeAttr()[0]
        retdoc = resultTypeInfo.GetDocumentation(-1)
        return pythoncom.VT_DISPATCH, clsid, retdoc

      elif typeKind in [pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE,
        # XXX - should probably get default interface for CO_CLASS???
        clsid = resultTypeInfo.GetTypeAttr()[0]
        retdoc = resultTypeInfo.GetDocumentation(-1)
        return pythoncom.VT_UNKNOWN, clsid, retdoc

      elif typeKind == pythoncom.TKIND_RECORD:
        return pythoncom.VT_RECORD, None, None
      raise NotSupportedException("Can not resolve alias or user-defined type")
  return typeSubstMap.get(typerepr,typerepr), None, None

def _BuildArgList(fdesc, names):
    "Builds list of args to the underlying Invoke method."
    # Word has TypeInfo for Insert() method, but says "no args"
    numArgs = max(fdesc[6], len(fdesc[2]))
    names = list(names)
    while None in names:
        i = names.index(None)
        names[i] = "arg%d" % (i,)
    # We've seen 'source safe' libraries offer the name of 'ret' params in
    # 'names' - although we can't reproduce this, it would be insane to offer
    # more args than we have arg infos for - hence the upper limit on names...
    names = list(map(MakePublicAttributeName, names[1:(numArgs + 1)]))
    name_num = 0
    while len(names) < numArgs:
        names.append("arg%d" % (len(names),))
    # As per BuildCallList(), avoid huge lines.
    # Hack a "\n" at the end of every 5th name - "strides" would be handy
    # here but don't exist in 2.2
    for i in range(0, len(names), 5):
        names[i] = names[i] + "\n\t\t\t"
    return "," + ", ".join(names)

valid_identifier_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_"

def demunge_leading_underscores(className):
  i = 0
  while className[i] == "_":
    i += 1
  assert i >= 2, "Should only be here with names starting with '__'"
  return className[i-1:] + className[:i-1]

# Given a "public name" (eg, the name of a class, function, etc)
# make sure it is a legal (and reasonable!) Python name.
def MakePublicAttributeName(className, is_global = False):
  # Given a class attribute that needs to be public, convert it to a
  # reasonable name.
  # Also need to be careful that the munging doesnt
  # create duplicates - eg, just removing a leading "_" is likely to cause
  # a clash.
  # if is_global is True, then the name is a global variable that may
  # overwrite a builtin - eg, "None"
  if className[:2]=='__':
    return demunge_leading_underscores(className)
  elif className == 'None':
    # assign to None is evil (and SyntaxError in 2.4, even though
    # iskeyword says False there) - note that if it was a global
    # it would get picked up below
    className = 'NONE'
  elif iskeyword(className):
    # most keywords are lower case (except True, False etc in py3k)
    ret = className.capitalize()
    # but those which aren't get forced upper.
    if ret == className:
      ret = ret.upper()
    return ret
  elif is_global and hasattr(__builtins__, className):
    # builtins may be mixed case.  If capitalizing it doesn't change it,
    # force to all uppercase (eg, "None", "True" become "NONE", "TRUE"
    ret = className.capitalize()
    if ret==className: # didn't change - force all uppercase.
      ret = ret.upper()
    return ret
  # Strip non printable chars
  return ''.join([char for char in className if char in valid_identifier_chars])

# Given a default value passed by a type library, return a string with
# an appropriate repr() for the type.
# Takes a raw ELEMDESC and returns a repr string, or None
# (NOTE: The string itself may be '"None"', which is valid, and different to None.
# XXX - To do: Dates are probably screwed, but can they come in?
def MakeDefaultArgRepr(defArgVal):
    inOut = defArgVal[1]
  except IndexError:
    # something strange - assume is in param.
    inOut = pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FIN

  if inOut & pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT:
    # times need special handling...
    val = defArgVal[2]
    if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime):
      # VARIANT <-> SYSTEMTIME conversions always lose any sub-second
      # resolution, so just use a 'timetuple' here.
      return repr(tuple(val.utctimetuple()))
    if type(val) is TimeType:
      # must be the 'old' pywintypes time object...
      year=val.year; month=val.month;; hour=val.hour; minute=val.minute; second=val.second; msec=val.msec
      return "pywintypes.Time((%(year)d, %(month)d, %(day)d, %(hour)d, %(minute)d, %(second)d,0,0,0,%(msec)d))" % locals()
    return repr(val)
  return None

def BuildCallList(fdesc, names, defNamedOptArg, defNamedNotOptArg, defUnnamedArg, defOutArg, is_comment = False):
  "Builds a Python declaration for a method."
  # Names[0] is the func name - param names are from 1.
  numArgs = len(fdesc[2])
  numOptArgs = fdesc[6]
  strval = ''
  if numOptArgs==-1:  # Special value that says "var args after here"
    firstOptArg = numArgs
    numArgs = numArgs - 1
    firstOptArg = numArgs - numOptArgs
  for arg in xrange(numArgs):
      argName = names[arg+1] 
      namedArg = argName is not None
    except IndexError:
      namedArg = 0
    if not namedArg: argName = "arg%d" % (arg)
    thisdesc = fdesc[2][arg]
    # See if the IDL specified a default value
    defArgVal = MakeDefaultArgRepr(thisdesc)
    if defArgVal is None:
      # Out params always get their special default
      if thisdesc[1] & (pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FOUT | pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FIN) == pythoncom.PARAMFLAG_FOUT:
        defArgVal = defOutArg
        # Unnamed arg - always allow default values.
        if namedArg:
          # Is a named argument
          if arg >= firstOptArg:
            defArgVal = defNamedOptArg
            defArgVal = defNamedNotOptArg
          defArgVal = defUnnamedArg

    argName = MakePublicAttributeName(argName)
    # insanely long lines with an 'encoding' flag crashes python 2.4.0
    # keep 5 args per line
    # This may still fail if the arg names are insane, but that seems
    # unlikely.  See also _BuildArgList()
    if (arg+1) % 5 == 0:
        strval = strval + "\n"
        if is_comment:
            strval = strval + "#"
        strval = strval + "\t\t\t"
    strval = strval + ", " + argName
    if defArgVal:
      strval = strval + "=" + defArgVal
  if numOptArgs==-1:
    strval = strval + ", *" + names[-1]

  return strval

if __name__=='__main__':
  print "Use '' to generate Python code - this module is just a helper" | Contact Us
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