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# This is a port of the Vista SDK "FolderView" sample, and associated
# notes at
# A key difference to is that this version uses the default 
# IShellView provided by the shell (via SHCreateShellFolderView) rather 
# than our own.
# XXX - sadly, it doesn't work quite like the original sample.  Oh well,
# another day...
import sys
import os
import pickle
import random
import win32api
import winxpgui as win32gui # the needs vista, let alone xp!
import win32con
import winerror
import commctrl
import pythoncom
from win32com.util import IIDToInterfaceName
from win32com.server.exception import COMException
from win32com.server.util import wrap
from win32com.server.util import NewEnum
from import shell,shellcon
from win32com.axcontrol import axcontrol# IObjectWithSite


# If set, output spews to the win32traceutil collector...
# wrap a python object in a COM pointer
def wrap(ob, iid=None):
    return _wrap(ob, iid, useDispatcher=(debug>0))
def NewEnum(seq, iid):
    return _NewEnum(seq, iid=iid, useDispatcher=(debug>0))

# The sample makes heavy use of "string ids" (ie, integer IDs defined in .h
# files, loaded at runtime from a (presumably localized) DLL.  We cheat.
_sids = {} # strings, indexed bystring_id, 
def LoadString(sid):
    return _sids[sid]

# fn to create a unique string ID
_last_ids = 0
def _make_ids(s):
    global _last_ids
    _last_ids += 1
    _sids[_last_ids] = s
    return _last_ids
# These strings are what the user sees and would be localized.
# XXX - its possible that the shell might persist these values, so
# this scheme wouldn't really be suitable in a real ap.
IDS_UNSPECIFIED = _make_ids("unspecified")
IDS_SMALL = _make_ids("small")
IDS_MEDIUM = _make_ids("medium")
IDS_LARGE = _make_ids("large")
IDS_CIRCLE = _make_ids("circle")
IDS_TRIANGLE = _make_ids("triangle")
IDS_RECTANGLE = _make_ids("rectangle")
IDS_POLYGON = _make_ids("polygon")
IDS_DISPLAY = _make_ids("Display")
IDS_DISPLAY_TT = _make_ids("Display the item.")
IDS_SETTINGS = _make_ids("Settings")
IDS_SETTING1 = _make_ids("Setting 1")
IDS_SETTING2 = _make_ids("Setting 2")
IDS_SETTING3 = _make_ids("Setting 3")
IDS_SETTINGS_TT = _make_ids("Modify settings.")
IDS_SETTING1_TT = _make_ids("Modify setting 1.")
IDS_SETTING2_TT = _make_ids("Modify setting 2.")
IDS_SETTING3_TT = _make_ids("Modify setting 3.")
IDS_LESSTHAN5 = _make_ids("Less Than 5")
IDS_5ORGREATER = _make_ids("Five or Greater")
del _make_ids, _last_ids

# Other misc resource stuff
IDI_ICON1 = 100

# The sample defines a number of "category ids".  Each one gets
# its own GUID.
# The next category guid is NOT based on a column (see
# ViewCategoryProvider::EnumCategories()...)


# Hrm - not sure what to do about the std keys.
# Probably need a simple parser for propkey.h
PKEY_ItemNameDisplay = ("{B725F130-47EF-101A-A5F1-02608C9EEBAC}", 10)
PKEY_PropList_PreviewDetails = ("{C9944A21-A406-48FE-8225-AEC7E24C211B}", 8)

# Not sure what the "3" here refers to - docs say PID_FIRST_USABLE (2) be 
# used.  Presumably it is the 'propID' value in the .propdesc file!
# note that the following GUIDs are also references in the .propdesc file
# These are our 'private' PKEYs
# Col 2, name="Sample.AreaSize"
PKEY_Sample_AreaSize=("{d6f5e341-c65c-11dc-ba21-005056c00008}", PID_SOMETHING)
# Col 3, name="Sample.NumberOfSides"
PKEY_Sample_NumberOfSides = ("{d6f5e342-c65c-11dc-ba21-005056c00008}", PID_SOMETHING)
# Col 4, name="Sample.DirectoryLevel"
PKEY_Sample_DirectoryLevel = ("{d6f5e343-c65c-11dc-ba21-005056c00008}", PID_SOMETHING)

# We construct a PIDL from a pickle of a dict - turn it back into a
# dict (we should *never* be called with a PIDL that the last elt is not 
# ours, so it is safe to assume we created it (assume->"ass" = "u" + "me" :)
def pidl_to_item(pidl):
    # Note that only the *last* elt in the PIDL is certainly ours,
    # but it contains everything we need encoded as a dict.
    return pickle.loads(pidl[-1])

# Start of msdn sample port...
# make_item_enum replaces the sample's entire EnumIDList.cpp :)
def make_item_enum(level, flags):
    pidls = []
    nums = """zero one two three four five size seven eight nine ten""".split()
    for i, name in enumerate(nums):
        size = random.randint(0,255)
        sides = 1
        while sides in [1,2]:
            sides = random.randint(0,5)
        is_folder = (i % 2) != 0
        # check the flags say to include it.
        # (This seems strange; if you ask the same folder for, but appear
        skip = False
        if not (flags & shellcon.SHCONTF_STORAGE):
            if is_folder:
                skip = not (flags & shellcon.SHCONTF_FOLDERS)
                skip = not (flags & shellcon.SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS)
        if not skip:
            data = dict(name=name, size=size, sides=sides, level=level, is_folder=is_folder)
    return NewEnum(pidls, shell.IID_IEnumIDList)

# start of Utils.cpp port
def DisplayItem(shell_item_array, hwnd_parent=0):
    # Get the first ShellItem and display its name
    if shell_item_array is None:
        msg = "You must select something!"
        si = shell_item_array.GetItemAt(0)
        name = si.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SIGDN_NORMALDISPLAY)
        msg = "%d items selected, first is %r" % (shell_item_array.GetCount(), name)
    win32gui.MessageBox(hwnd_parent, msg, "Hello", win32con.MB_OK)
# end of Utils.cpp port

# start of sample's FVCommands.cpp port
class Command:
    def __init__(self, guid, ids, ids_tt, idi, flags, callback, children):
        self.guid = guid; self.ids = ids; self.ids_tt = ids_tt
        self.idi = idi; self.flags = flags; self.callback = callback;
        self.children = children
        assert not children or isinstance(children[0], Command)
    def tuple(self):
        return self.guid, self.ids, self.ids_tt, self.idi, self.flags, self.callback, self.children

# command callbacks - called back directly by us - see ExplorerCommand.Invoke
def onDisplay(items, bindctx):

def onSetting1(items, bindctx):
    win32gui.MessageBox(0, LoadString(IDS_SETTING1), "Hello", win32con.MB_OK)

def onSetting2(items, bindctx):
    win32gui.MessageBox(0, LoadString(IDS_SETTING2), "Hello", win32con.MB_OK)

def onSetting3(items, bindctx):
    win32gui.MessageBox(0, LoadString(IDS_SETTING3), "Hello", win32con.MB_OK)

taskSettings = [
    Command(GUID_Setting1, IDS_SETTING1,   IDS_SETTING1_TT,  IDI_SETTINGS,  0, onSetting1, None),
    Command(GUID_Setting2, IDS_SETTING2,   IDS_SETTING2_TT,  IDI_SETTINGS,  0, onSetting2, None),
    Command(GUID_Setting3, IDS_SETTING3,   IDS_SETTING3_TT,  IDI_SETTINGS,  0, onSetting3, None),

tasks = [
    Command(GUID_Display,  IDS_DISPLAY,    IDS_DISPLAY_TT,   IDI_ICON1,     0,                           onDisplay, None ),
    Command(GUID_Settings, IDS_SETTINGS,   IDS_SETTINGS_TT,  IDI_SETTINGS,  shellcon.ECF_HASSUBCOMMANDS, None,        taskSettings),

class ExplorerCommandProvider:
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IExplorerCommandProvider]
    _public_methods_ = shellcon.IExplorerCommandProvider_Methods
    def GetCommands(self, site, iid):
        items = [wrap(ExplorerCommand(t)) for t in tasks]
        return NewEnum(items, shell.IID_IEnumExplorerCommand)

class ExplorerCommand:
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IExplorerCommand]
    _public_methods_ = shellcon.IExplorerCommand_Methods
    def __init__(self, cmd):
        self.cmd = cmd
    # The sample also appears to ignore the pidl args!?
    def GetTitle(self, pidl):
        return LoadString(self.cmd.ids)
    def GetToolTip(self, pidl):
        return LoadString(self.cmd.ids_tt)
    def GetIcon(self, pidl):
        # Return a string of the usual "dll,resource_id" format
        # todo - just return any ".ico that comes with python" + ",0" :)
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL)
    def GetState(self, shell_items, slow_ok):
        return shellcon.ECS_ENABLED
    def GetFlags(self):
        return self.cmd.flags
    def GetCanonicalName(self):
        return self.cmd.guid
    def Invoke(self, items, bind_ctx):
        # If no function defined - just return S_OK
        if self.cmd.callback:
            self.cmd.callback(items, bind_ctx)
            print "No callback for command ", LoadString(self.cmd.ids)
    def EnumSubCommands(self):
        if not self.cmd.children:
            return None
        items = [wrap(ExplorerCommand(c))
                 for c in self.cmd.children]
        return NewEnum(items, shell.IID_IEnumExplorerCommand)

# end of sample's FVCommands.cpp port

# start of sample's Category.cpp port
class FolderViewCategorizer:
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_ICategorizer]
    _public_methods_ = shellcon.ICategorizer_Methods

    description = None # subclasses should set their own

    def __init__(self, shell_folder):
        self.sf = shell_folder

    #  Determines the relative order of two items in their item identifier lists.
    def CompareCategory(self, flags, cat1, cat2):
        return cat1-cat2

    #  Retrieves the name of a categorizer, such as "Group By Device 
    #  Type", that can be displayed in the user interface.
    def GetDescription(self, cch):
        return self.description

    # Retrieves information about a category, such as the default
    # display and the text to display in the user interface.
    def GetCategoryInfo(self, catid):
        # Note: this isn't always appropriate!  See overrides below
        return 0, str(catid) # ????

class FolderViewCategorizer_Name(FolderViewCategorizer):
    description = "Alphabetical"
    def GetCategory(self, pidls):
        ret = []
        for pidl in pidls:
            val = self.sf.GetDetailsEx(pidl, PKEY_ItemNameDisplay)
        return ret

class FolderViewCategorizer_Size(FolderViewCategorizer):
    description = "Group By Size"
    def GetCategory(self, pidls):
        ret = []
        for pidl in pidls:
            # Why don't we just get the size of the PIDL?
            val = self.sf.GetDetailsEx(pidl, PKEY_Sample_AreaSize)
            val = int(val) # it probably came in a VT_BSTR variant
            if val < 255//3:
                cid = IDS_SMALL
            elif val < 2 * 255 // 3:
                cid = IDS_MEDIUM
                cid = IDS_LARGE
        return ret

    def GetCategoryInfo(self, catid):
        return 0, LoadString(catid)

class FolderViewCategorizer_Sides(FolderViewCategorizer):
    description = "Group By Sides"
    def GetCategory(self, pidls):
        ret = []
        for pidl in pidls:
            val = self.sf.GetDetailsEx(pidl, PKEY_ItemNameDisplay)
            if val==0:
                cid = IDS_CIRCLE
            elif val==3:
                cid = IDS_TRIANGLE
            elif val==4:
                cid = IDS_RECTANGLE
            elif val==5:
                cid = IDS_POLYGON
                cid = IDS_UNSPECIFIED
        return ret

    def GetCategoryInfo(self, catid):
        return 0, LoadString(catid)

class FolderViewCategorizer_Value(FolderViewCategorizer):
    description = "Group By Value"
    def GetCategory(self, pidls):
        ret = []
        for pidl in pidls:
            val = self.sf.GetDetailsEx(pidl, PKEY_ItemNameDisplay)
            if val in "one two three four".split():
        return ret

    def GetCategoryInfo(self, catid):
        return 0, LoadString(catid)

class FolderViewCategorizer_Level(FolderViewCategorizer):
    description = "Group By Value"
    def GetCategory(self, pidls):
        return [self.sf.GetDetailsEx(pidl, PKEY_Sample_DirectoryLevel) for pidl in pidls]

class ViewCategoryProvider:
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_ICategoryProvider]
    _public_methods_ = shellcon.ICategoryProvider_Methods
    def __init__(self, shell_folder):
        self.shell_folder = shell_folder

    def CanCategorizeOnSCID(self, pkey):
        return pkey in [PKEY_ItemNameDisplay, PKEY_Sample_AreaSize, 
                        PKEY_Sample_NumberOfSides, PKEY_Sample_DirectoryLevel]

    #  Creates a category object.
    def CreateCategory(self, guid, iid):
        if iid == shell.IID_ICategorizer:
            if guid == CAT_GUID_NAME:
                klass = FolderViewCategorizer_Name
            elif guid == CAT_GUID_SIDES:
                klass = FolderViewCategorizer_Sides
            elif guid == CAT_GUID_SIZE:
                klass = FolderViewCategorizer_Size
            elif guid == CAT_GUID_VALUE:
                klass = FolderViewCategorizer_Value
            elif guid == CAT_GUID_LEVEL:
                klass = FolderViewCategorizer_Level
                raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_INVALIDARG)
            return wrap(klass(self.shell_folder))
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOINTERFACE)

    #  Retrieves the enumerator for the categories.
    def EnumCategories(self):
        # These are additional categories beyond the columns
        seq = [CAT_GUID_VALUE]
        return NewEnum(seq, pythoncom.IID_IEnumGUID)

    #  Retrieves a globally unique identifier (GUID) that represents
    #  the categorizer to use for the specified Shell column.
    def GetCategoryForSCID(self, scid):
        if scid==PKEY_ItemNameDisplay:
            guid = CAT_GUID_NAME
        elif scid == PKEY_Sample_AreaSize:
            guid = CAT_GUID_SIZE
        elif scid == PKEY_Sample_NumberOfSides:
            guid = CAT_GUID_SIDES
        elif scid == PKEY_Sample_DirectoryLevel:
            guid = CAT_GUID_LEVEL
        elif scid == pythoncom.IID_NULL:
            # This can be called with a NULL
            # format ID. This will happen if you have a category,
            # not based on a column, that gets stored in the
            # property bag. When a return is made to this item,
            # it will call this function with a NULL format id. 
            guid = CAT_GUID_VALUE
            raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_INVALIDARG)
        return guid

    #  Retrieves the name of the specified category. This is where
    #  additional categories that appear under the column
    #  related categories in the UI, get their display names.
    def GetCategoryName(self, guid, cch):
        if guid == CAT_GUID_VALUE:
            return "Value"
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_FAIL)

    #  Enables the folder to override the default grouping.
    def GetDefaultCategory(self):
        return CAT_GUID_LEVEL, (pythoncom.IID_NULL, 0)
# end of sample's Category.cpp port

# start of sample's ContextMenu.cpp port

folderViewImplContextMenuIDs = [
    ("display",    MENUVERB_DISPLAY,      0, ),

class ContextMenu:
    _reg_progid_ = "Python.ShellFolderSample.ContextMenu"
    _reg_desc_ = "Python FolderView Context Menu"
    _reg_clsid_ = "{fed40039-021f-4011-87c5-6188b9979764}"
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IShellExtInit, shell.IID_IContextMenu, axcontrol.IID_IObjectWithSite]
    _public_methods_ = shellcon.IContextMenu_Methods + shellcon.IShellExtInit_Methods + ["GetSite", "SetSite"]
    _context_menu_type_ = "PythonFolderViewSampleType"
    def __init__(self): = None
        self.dataobj = None

    def Initialize(self, folder, dataobj, hkey):
        self.dataobj = dataobj

    def QueryContextMenu(self, hMenu, indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags):
        s = LoadString(IDS_DISPLAY);
        win32gui.InsertMenu(hMenu, indexMenu, win32con.MF_BYPOSITION, idCmdFirst + MENUVERB_DISPLAY, s);
        indexMenu += 1
        # other verbs could go here...

        # indicate that we added one verb.
        return 1

    def InvokeCommand(self, ci):
        mask, hwnd, verb, params, dir, nShow, hotkey, hicon = ci
        # this seems very convuluted, but its what the sample does :)
        for verb_name, verb_id, flag in folderViewImplContextMenuIDs:
            if isinstance(verb, int):
                matches = verb==verb_id
                matches = verb==verb_name
            if matches:
            assert False, ci # failed to find our ID
        if verb_id == MENUVERB_DISPLAY:
            sia = shell.SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject(self.dataobj)
            DisplayItem(hwnd, sia)
            assert False, ci # Got some verb we weren't expecting?

    def GetCommandString(self, cmd, typ):
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL)

    def SetSite(self, site): = site

    def GetSite(self, iid):

# end of sample's ContextMenu.cpp port

# start of sample's ShellFolder.cpp port
class ShellFolder:
    _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IBrowserFrameOptions,

    _public_methods_ = shellcon.IBrowserFrame_Methods + \
                       shellcon.IPersistFolder2_Methods + \

    _reg_progid_ = "Python.ShellFolderSample.Folder2"
    _reg_desc_ = "Python FolderView sample"
    _reg_clsid_ = "{bb8c24ad-6aaa-4cec-ac5e-c429d5f57627}"

    max_levels = 5
    def __init__(self, level=0):
        self.current_level = level
        self.pidl = None # set when Initialize is called

    def ParseDisplayName(self, hwnd, reserved, displayName, attr):
        #print "ParseDisplayName", displayName
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL)

    def EnumObjects(self, hwndOwner, flags):
        if self.current_level >= self.max_levels:
            return None
        return make_item_enum(self.current_level+1, flags)

    def BindToObject(self, pidl, bc, iid):
        tail = pidl_to_item(pidl)
        # assert tail['is_folder'], "BindToObject should only be called on folders?"
        # *sob*
        # No point creating object just to have QI fail.
        if iid not in ShellFolder._com_interfaces_:
            raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL)
        child = ShellFolder(self.current_level+1)
        # hrmph - not sure what multiple PIDLs here mean?
        #        assert len(pidl)==1, pidl # expecting just relative child PIDL
        child.Initialize(self.pidl + pidl)
        return wrap(child, iid)

    def BindToStorage(self, pidl, bc, iid):
        return self.BindToObject(pidl, bc, iid)

    def CompareIDs(self, param, id1, id2):
        return 0 # XXX - todo - implement this!

    def CreateViewObject(self, hwnd, iid):
        if iid == shell.IID_IShellView:
            com_folder = wrap(self)
            return shell.SHCreateShellFolderView(com_folder)
        elif iid == shell.IID_ICategoryProvider:
            return wrap(ViewCategoryProvider(self))
        elif iid == shell.IID_IContextMenu:
            ws = wrap(self)
            dcm = (hwnd, None, self.pidl, ws, None)
            return shell.SHCreateDefaultContextMenu(dcm, iid)
        elif iid == shell.IID_IExplorerCommandProvider:
            return wrap(ExplorerCommandProvider())
            raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOINTERFACE)

    def GetAttributesOf(self, pidls, attrFlags):
        assert len(pidls)==1, "sample only expects 1 too!"
        assert len(pidls[0])==1, "expect relative pidls!"
        item = pidl_to_item(pidls[0])
        flags = 0
        if item['is_folder']:
            flags |= shellcon.SFGAO_FOLDER
        if item['level'] < self.max_levels:
            flags |= shellcon.SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER
        return flags

    #  Retrieves an OLE interface that can be used to carry out 
    #  actions on the specified file objects or folders.
    def GetUIObjectOf(self, hwndOwner, pidls, iid, inout):
        assert len(pidls)==1, "oops - arent expecting more than one!"
        assert len(pidls[0])==1, "assuming relative pidls!"
        item = pidl_to_item(pidls[0])
        if iid == shell.IID_IContextMenu:
            ws = wrap(self)
            dcm = (hwndOwner, None, self.pidl, ws, pidls)
            return shell.SHCreateDefaultContextMenu(dcm, iid)
        elif iid == shell.IID_IExtractIconW:
            dxi = shell.SHCreateDefaultExtractIcon()
            # dxi is IDefaultExtractIconInit
            if item['is_folder']:
                dxi.SetNormalIcon("shell32.dll", 4)
                dxi.SetNormalIcon("shell32.dll", 1)
            # just return the dxi - let Python QI for IID_IExtractIconW
            return dxi

        elif iid == pythoncom.IID_IDataObject:
            return shell.SHCreateDataObject(self.pidl, pidls, None, iid);

        elif iid == shell.IID_IQueryAssociations:
            elts = []
            if item['is_folder']:
                elts.append((shellcon.ASSOCCLASS_FOLDER, None, None))
            elts.append((shellcon.ASSOCCLASS_PROGID_STR, None, ContextMenu._context_menu_type_))
            return shell.AssocCreateForClasses(elts, iid)

        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOINTERFACE)

    #  Retrieves the display name for the specified file object or subfolder. 
    def GetDisplayNameOf(self, pidl, flags):
        item = pidl_to_item(pidl)
        if flags & shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING:
            if flags & shellcon.SHGDN_INFOLDER:
                return item['name']
                if flags & shellcon.SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR:
                    sigdn = shellcon.SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEEDITING
                    sigdn = shellcon.SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING
                parent = shell.SHGetNameFromIDList(self.pidl, sigdn)
                return parent + "\\" + item['name']
            return item['name']

    def SetNameOf(self, hwndOwner, pidl, new_name, flags):
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL)

    def GetClassID(self):
        return self._reg_clsid_

    #  IPersistFolder method
    def Initialize(self, pidl):
        self.pidl = pidl

    #  IShellFolder2 methods
    def EnumSearches(self):
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOINTERFACE)

    #  Retrieves the default sorting and display columns.
    def GetDefaultColumn(self, dwres):
        # result is (sort, display)
        return 0, 0

    #  Retrieves the default state for a specified column.
    def GetDefaultColumnState(self, iCol):
        if iCol < 3:
            return shellcon.SHCOLSTATE_ONBYDEFAULT | shellcon.SHCOLSTATE_TYPE_STR
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_INVALIDARG)

    #  Requests the GUID of the default search object for the folder.
    def GetDefaultSearchGUID(self):
        raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL)

    #  Helper function for getting the display name for a column.
    def _GetColumnDisplayName(self, pidl, pkey):
        item = pidl_to_item(pidl)
        is_folder = item['is_folder']
        if pkey == PKEY_ItemNameDisplay:
            val = item['name']
        elif pkey == PKEY_Sample_AreaSize and not is_folder:
            val = "%d Sq. Ft." % item['size']
        elif pkey == PKEY_Sample_NumberOfSides and not is_folder:
            val = str(item['sides']) # not sure why str()
        elif pkey == PKEY_Sample_DirectoryLevel:
            val = str(item['level'])
            val = ''
        return val

    #  Retrieves detailed information, identified by a 
    #  property set ID (FMTID) and property ID (PID), 
    #  on an item in a Shell folder.
    def GetDetailsEx(self, pidl, pkey):
        item = pidl_to_item(pidl)
        is_folder = item['is_folder']
        if not is_folder and pkey == PKEY_PropList_PreviewDetails:
            return "prop:Sample.AreaSize;Sample.NumberOfSides;Sample.DirectoryLevel"
        return self._GetColumnDisplayName(pidl, pkey)

    #  Retrieves detailed information, identified by a 
    #  column index, on an item in a Shell folder.
    def GetDetailsOf(self, pidl, iCol):
        key = self.MapColumnToSCID(iCol);
        if pidl is None:
            data = [(commctrl.LVCFMT_LEFT, "Name"),
                    (commctrl.LVCFMT_CENTER, "Size"),
                    (commctrl.LVCFMT_CENTER, "Sides"),
                    (commctrl.LVCFMT_CENTER, "Level"),]
            if iCol >= len(data):
                raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_FAIL)
            fmt, val = data[iCol]
            fmt = 0 # ?
            val = self._GetColumnDisplayName(pidl, key)
        cxChar = 24
        return fmt, cxChar, val

    #  Converts a column name to the appropriate  
    #  property set ID (FMTID) and property ID (PID).
    def MapColumnToSCID(self, iCol):
        data = [PKEY_ItemNameDisplay, PKEY_Sample_AreaSize, 
                PKEY_Sample_NumberOfSides, PKEY_Sample_DirectoryLevel]
        if iCol >= len(data):
            raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_FAIL)
        return data[iCol]

    #  IPersistFolder2 methods
    #  Retrieves the PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE for the folder object. 
    def GetCurFolder(self):
        # The docs say this is OK, but I suspect its a problem in this case :)
        #assert self.pidl, "haven't been initialized?"
        return self.pidl

# end of sample's ShellFolder.cpp port

def get_schema_fname():
    me = win32api.GetFullPathName(__file__)
    sc = os.path.splitext(me)[0] + ".propdesc"
    assert os.path.isfile(sc), sc
    return sc

def DllRegisterServer():
    import _winreg
    if sys.getwindowsversion()[0] < 6:
        print "This sample only works on Vista"

    key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
                            "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" \
                            "Explorer\\Desktop\\Namespace\\" + \
    _winreg.SetValueEx(key, None, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, ShellFolder._reg_desc_)
    # And special shell keys under our CLSID
    key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
                        "CLSID\\" + ShellFolder._reg_clsid_ + "\\ShellFolder")
    # 'Attributes' is an int stored as a binary! use struct
    attr = shellcon.SFGAO_FOLDER | shellcon.SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER | \
    import struct
    s = struct.pack("i", attr)
    _winreg.SetValueEx(key, "Attributes", 0, _winreg.REG_BINARY, s)
    # register the context menu handler under the FolderViewSampleType type.
    keypath = "%s\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\%s" % (ContextMenu._context_menu_type_, ContextMenu._reg_desc_)
    key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, keypath)
    _winreg.SetValueEx(key, None, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, ContextMenu._reg_clsid_)
    print ShellFolder._reg_desc_, "registration complete."

def DllUnregisterServer():
    import _winreg
    paths = [
        "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Desktop\\Namespace\\" + ShellFolder._reg_clsid_,
        "%s\\shellex\\ContextMenuHandlers\\%s" % (ContextMenu._context_menu_type_, ContextMenu._reg_desc_),
    for path in paths:
            _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path)
        except WindowsError, details:
            import errno
            if details.errno != errno.ENOENT:
                print "FAILED to remove %s: %s" % (path, details)

    print ShellFolder._reg_desc_, "unregistration complete."

if __name__=='__main__':
    from win32com.server import register
    register.UseCommandLine(ShellFolder, ContextMenu,
                   debug = debug,
                   finalize_register = DllRegisterServer,
                   finalize_unregister = DllUnregisterServer) | Contact Us
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