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# An Python interface to the Scintilla control.
# Exposes Python classes that allow you to use Scintilla as
# a "standard" MFC edit control (eg, control.GetTextLength(), control.GetSel()
# plus many Scintilla specific features (eg control.SCIAddStyledText())

from pywin.mfc import window
from pywin import default_scintilla_encoding
import win32con
import win32ui
import win32api
import array
import struct
import string
import os
import scintillacon

# Load Scintilla.dll to get access to the control.
# We expect to find this in the same directory as win32ui.pyd
dllid = None
if win32ui.debug: # If running _d version of Pythonwin...
    dllid = win32api.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(os.path.split(win32ui.__file__)[0], "Scintilla_d.DLL"))
  except win32api.error: # Not there - we dont _need_ a debug ver, so ignore this error.
if dllid is None:
    dllid = win32api.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(os.path.split(win32ui.__file__)[0], "Scintilla.DLL"))
  except win32api.error: 
if dllid is None:
  # Still not there - lets see if Windows can find it by searching?
  dllid = win32api.LoadLibrary("Scintilla.DLL")

# null_byte is str in py2k, bytes on py3k
null_byte = "\0".encode('ascii')

## These are from Richedit.h - need to add to win32con or commctrl
EM_EXSETSEL = win32con.WM_USER + 55

class ScintillaNotification:
  def __init__(self, **args):

class ScintillaControlInterface:
  def SCIUnpackNotifyMessage(self, msg):
    format = "iiiiPiiiPPiiii"
    bytes = win32ui.GetBytes( msg, struct.calcsize(format) )
    position, ch, modifiers, modificationType, text_ptr, \
        length, linesAdded, msg, wParam, lParam, line, \
        foldLevelNow, foldLevelPrev, margin \
        = struct.unpack(format, bytes)
    return ScintillaNotification(position=position,ch=ch,
                   modifiers=modifiers, modificationType=modificationType,
                   text_ptr = text_ptr, length=length, linesAdded=linesAdded,
                   msg = msg, wParam = wParam, lParam = lParam,
                   line = line, foldLevelNow = foldLevelNow, foldLevelPrev = foldLevelPrev,
                   margin = margin)

  def SCIAddText(self, text):
    self.SendMessage(scintillacon.SCI_ADDTEXT, text.encode(default_scintilla_encoding))
  def SCIAddStyledText(self, text, style = None):
    # If style is None, text is assumed to be a "native" Scintilla buffer.
    # If style is specified, text is a normal string, and the style is
    # assumed to apply to the entire string.
    if style is not None:
      text = list(map(lambda char, style=style: char+chr(style), text))
      text = ''.join(text)
    self.SendMessage(scintillacon.SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT, text.encode(default_scintilla_encoding))
  def SCIInsertText(self, text, pos=-1):
    # SCIInsertText allows unicode or bytes - but if they are bytes,
    # the caller must ensure it is encoded correctly.
    if isinstance(text, unicode):
      text = text.encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_INSERTTEXT, pos, text + null_byte)
  def SCISetSavePoint(self):
  def SCISetUndoCollection(self, collectFlag):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETUNDOCOLLECTION, collectFlag)
  def SCIBeginUndoAction(self):
  def SCIEndUndoAction(self):

  def SCIGetCurrentPos(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS)
  def SCIGetCharAt(self, pos):
    # Must ensure char is unsigned!
    return chr(self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETCHARAT, pos) & 0xFF)
  def SCIGotoLine(self, line):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GOTOLINE, line)
  def SCIBraceMatch(self, pos, maxReStyle):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_BRACEMATCH, pos, maxReStyle)
  def SCIBraceHighlight(self, pos, posOpposite):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_BRACEHIGHLIGHT, pos, posOpposite)
  def SCIBraceBadHighlight(self, pos):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_BRACEBADLIGHT, pos)

  # Styling
#  def SCIColourise(self, start=0, end=-1):
#   NOTE - dependent on of we use builtin lexer, so handled below.    
  def SCIGetEndStyled(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETENDSTYLED)
  def SCIStyleSetFore(self, num, v):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETFORE, num, v)
  def SCIStyleSetBack(self, num, v):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETBACK, num, v)
  def SCIStyleSetEOLFilled(self, num, v):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETEOLFILLED, num, v)
  def SCIStyleSetFont(self, num, name, characterset=0):
    buff = (name + "\0").encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETFONT, num, buff)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETCHARACTERSET, num, characterset)
  def SCIStyleSetBold(self, num, bBold):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETBOLD, num, bBold)
  def SCIStyleSetItalic(self, num, bItalic):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETITALIC, num, bItalic)
  def SCIStyleSetSize(self, num, size):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STYLESETSIZE, num, size)
  def SCIGetViewWS(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETVIEWWS)
  def SCISetViewWS(self, val):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETVIEWWS, not (val==0))
  def SCISetIndentationGuides(self, val):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETINDENTATIONGUIDES, val)
  def SCIGetIndentationGuides(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETINDENTATIONGUIDES)
  def SCISetIndent(self, val):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETINDENT, val)
  def SCIGetIndent(self, val):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETINDENT)

  def SCIGetViewEOL(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETVIEWEOL)
  def SCISetViewEOL(self, val):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETVIEWEOL, not(val==0))
  def SCISetTabWidth(self, width):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETTABWIDTH, width, 0)
  def SCIStartStyling(self, pos, mask):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_STARTSTYLING, pos, mask)
  def SCISetStyling(self, pos, attr):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETSTYLING, pos, attr)
  def SCISetStylingEx(self, ray): # ray is an array.
    address, length = ray.buffer_info()
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETSTYLINGEX, length, address)
  def SCIGetStyleAt(self, pos):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETSTYLEAT, pos)
  def SCISetMarginWidth(self, width):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, 1, width)
  def SCISetMarginWidthN(self, n, width):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETMARGINWIDTHN, n, width)
  def SCISetFoldFlags(self, flags):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETFOLDFLAGS, flags)
  # Markers
  def SCIMarkerDefineAll(self, markerNum, markerType, fore, back):
    self.SCIMarkerDefine(markerNum, markerType)
    self.SCIMarkerSetFore(markerNum, fore)
    self.SCIMarkerSetBack(markerNum, back)
  def SCIMarkerDefine(self, markerNum, markerType):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERDEFINE, markerNum, markerType)
  def SCIMarkerSetFore(self, markerNum, fore):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERSETFORE, markerNum, fore)
  def SCIMarkerSetBack(self, markerNum, back):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERSETBACK, markerNum, back)
  def SCIMarkerAdd(self, lineNo, markerNum):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERADD, lineNo, markerNum)
  def SCIMarkerDelete(self, lineNo, markerNum):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERDELETE, lineNo, markerNum)
  def SCIMarkerDeleteAll(self, markerNum=-1):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERDELETEALL, markerNum)
  def SCIMarkerGet(self, lineNo):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERGET, lineNo)
  def SCIMarkerNext(self, lineNo, markerNum):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_MARKERNEXT, lineNo, markerNum)
  def SCICancel(self):
  # AutoComplete
  def SCIAutoCShow(self, text):
    if type(text) in [type([]), type(())]:
      text = ' '.join(text)
    buff = (text + "\0").encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_AUTOCSHOW, 0, buff)
  def SCIAutoCCancel(self):
  def SCIAutoCActive(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_AUTOCACTIVE)
  def SCIAutoCComplete(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_AUTOCCOMPLETE)
  def SCIAutoCStops(self, stops):
    buff = (stops + "\0").encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_AUTOCSTOPS, 0, buff)
  def SCIAutoCSetAutoHide(self, hide):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_AUTOCSETAUTOHIDE, hide)
  def SCIAutoCSetFillups(self, fillups):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_AUTOCSETFILLUPS, fillups)
  # Call tips
  def SCICallTipShow(self, text, pos=-1):
    if pos==-1: pos = self.GetSel()[0]
    buff = (text + "\0").encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_CALLTIPSHOW, pos, buff)
  def SCICallTipCancel(self):
  def SCICallTipActive(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_CALLTIPACTIVE)
  def SCICallTipPosStart(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_CALLTIPPOSSTART)
  def SCINewline(self):
  # Lexer etc
  def SCISetKeywords(self, keywords, kw_list_no = 0):
    buff = (keywords+"\0").encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETKEYWORDS, kw_list_no, buff)
  def SCISetProperty(self, name, value):
    name_buff = array.array('b',  (name + '\0').encode(default_scintilla_encoding))
    val_buff = array.array("b", (str(value)+'\0').encode(default_scintilla_encoding))
    address_name_buffer = name_buff.buffer_info()[0]
    address_val_buffer = val_buff.buffer_info()[0]
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETPROPERTY, address_name_buffer, address_val_buffer)
  def SCISetStyleBits(self, nbits):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETSTYLEBITS, nbits)
  # Folding
  def SCIGetFoldLevel(self, lineno):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, lineno)
  def SCIToggleFold(self, lineno):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, lineno)
  def SCIEnsureVisible(self, lineno):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_ENSUREVISIBLE, lineno)
  def SCIGetFoldExpanded(self, lineno):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETFOLDEXPANDED, lineno)
  # right edge
  def SCISetEdgeColumn(self, edge):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETEDGECOLUMN, edge)
  def SCIGetEdgeColumn(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETEDGECOLUMN)
  def SCISetEdgeMode(self, mode):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETEDGEMODE, mode)
  def SCIGetEdgeMode(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETEDGEMODE)
  def SCISetEdgeColor(self, color):
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETEDGECOLOUR, color)
  def SCIGetEdgeColor(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETEDGECOLOR)
  # Multi-doc
  def SCIGetDocPointer(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETDOCPOINTER)
  def SCISetDocPointer(self, p):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETDOCPOINTER, 0, p)
  def SCISetWrapMode(self, mode):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_SETWRAPMODE, mode)
  def SCIGetWrapMode(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETWRAPMODE)

class CScintillaEditInterface(ScintillaControlInterface):
  def close(self):
    self.colorizer = None
  def Clear(self):
  def Clear(self):
  def FindText(self, flags, range, findText):
      typedef struct _findtextex {
      CHARRANGE chrg;
      LPCTSTR lpstrText;
    typedef struct _charrange {
      LONG cpMin;
      LONG cpMax;} CHARRANGE;
    ## Scintilla does not handle unicode in EM_FINDTEXT msg (FINDTEXTEX struct)
    txt_buff = (findText+'\0').encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    txt_array = array.array('b', txt_buff)
    ft_buff = struct.pack(findtextex_fmt, range[0], range[1], txt_array.buffer_info()[0], 0, 0)
    ft_array = array.array('b', ft_buff)
    rc = self.SendScintilla(EM_FINDTEXTEX, flags, ft_array.buffer_info()[0])
    ftUnpacked = struct.unpack(findtextex_fmt, ft_array)
    return rc, (ftUnpacked[3], ftUnpacked[4])

  def GetSel(self):
    currentPos = self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS)
    anchorPos = self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETANCHOR)
    if currentPos < anchorPos:
      return (currentPos, anchorPos)
      return (anchorPos, currentPos)
    return currentPos;

  def GetSelText(self):
    start, end = self.GetSel()
    txtBuf = array.array('b', null_byte * (end-start+1))
    addressTxtBuf = txtBuf.buffer_info()[0]
    # EM_GETSELTEXT is documented as returning the number of chars
    # not including the NULL, but scintilla includes the NULL.  A
    # quick glance at the scintilla impl doesn't make this
    # obvious - the NULL is included in the 'selection' object
    # and reflected in the length of that 'selection' object.
    # I expect that is a bug in scintilla and may be fixed by now,
    # but we just blindly assume that the last char is \0 and
    # strip it.
    self.SendScintilla(EM_GETSELTEXT, 0, addressTxtBuf)
    return txtBuf.tostring()[:-1].decode(default_scintilla_encoding)

  def SetSel(self, start=0, end=None):
    if type(start)==type(()):
      assert end is None, "If you pass a point in the first param, the second must be None"
      start, end = start
    elif end is None: 
      end = start
    if start < 0: start = self.GetTextLength()
    if end < 0: end = self.GetTextLength()
    assert start <= self.GetTextLength(), "The start postion is invalid (%d/%d)" % (start, self.GetTextLength())
    assert end <= self.GetTextLength(), "The end postion is invalid (%d/%d)" % (end, self.GetTextLength())
    cr = struct.pack('ll', start, end)
    crBuff = array.array('b', cr)
    addressCrBuff = crBuff.buffer_info()[0]
    rc = self.SendScintilla(EM_EXSETSEL, 0, addressCrBuff)

  def GetLineCount(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(win32con.EM_GETLINECOUNT)

  def LineFromChar(self, charPos=-1):
    if charPos==-1: charPos = self.GetSel()[0]
    assert charPos >= 0 and charPos <= self.GetTextLength(), "The charPos postion (%s) is invalid (max=%s)" % (charPos, self.GetTextLength())
    #return self.SendScintilla(EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, charPos)
    # EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR puts charPos in lParam, not wParam
    return self.SendScintilla(EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR, 0, charPos)
  def LineIndex(self, line):
    return self.SendScintilla(win32con.EM_LINEINDEX, line)

  def ScrollCaret(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(win32con.EM_SCROLLCARET)

  def GetCurLineNumber(self):
    return self.LineFromChar(self.SCIGetCurrentPos())
  def GetTextLength(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETTEXTLENGTH)

  def GetTextRange(self, start = 0, end = -1, decode = True):
    if end == -1: end = self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_GETTEXTLENGTH)
    assert end>=start, "Negative index requested (%d/%d)" % (start, end)
    assert start >= 0 and start <= self.GetTextLength(), "The start postion is invalid"
    assert end >= 0 and end <= self.GetTextLength(), "The end postion is invalid"
    initer = null_byte * (end - start + 1)
    buff = array.array('b', initer)
    addressBuffer = buff.buffer_info()[0]
    tr = struct.pack('llP', start, end, addressBuffer)
    trBuff = array.array('b', tr)
    addressTrBuff = trBuff.buffer_info()[0]
    num_bytes = self.SendScintilla(EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, addressTrBuff)
    ret = buff.tostring()[:num_bytes]
    if decode:
      ret = ret.decode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    return ret

  def ReplaceSel(self, str):
    buff = (str + "\0").encode(default_scintilla_encoding)
    self.SendScintilla(scintillacon.SCI_REPLACESEL, 0, buff)
  def GetLine(self, line=-1):
    if line == -1: line = self.GetCurLineNumber()
    start = self.LineIndex(line)
    end = self.LineIndex(line+1)
    return self.GetTextRange(start, end)

  def SetReadOnly(self, flag = 1):
    return self.SendScintilla(win32con.EM_SETREADONLY, flag)
  def LineScroll(self, lines, cols=0):
    return self.SendScintilla(win32con.EM_LINESCROLL, cols, lines)

  def GetFirstVisibleLine(self):
    return self.SendScintilla(win32con.EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE)

  def SetWordWrap(self, mode):
    if mode != win32ui.CRichEditView_WrapNone:
      raise ValueError("We dont support word-wrap (I dont think :-)")

class CScintillaColorEditInterface(CScintillaEditInterface):
  # Plug-in colorizer support
  def _GetColorizer(self):
    if not hasattr(self, "colorizer"):
      self.colorizer = self._MakeColorizer()
    return self.colorizer
  def _MakeColorizer(self):
    # Give parent a chance to hook.
    parent_func = getattr(self.GetParentFrame(), "_MakeColorizer", None)
    if parent_func is not None:
      return parent_func()
    import formatter
##    return formatter.PythonSourceFormatter(self)
    return formatter.BuiltinPythonSourceFormatter(self)

  def Colorize(self, start=0, end=-1):
    c = self._GetColorizer()
    if c is not None: c.Colorize(start, end)

  def ApplyFormattingStyles(self, bReload=1):
    c = self._GetColorizer()
    if c is not None: c.ApplyFormattingStyles(bReload)

  # The Parent window will normally hook
  def HookFormatter(self, parent = None):
    c = self._GetColorizer()
    if c is not None: # No need if we have no color!

class CScintillaEdit(window.Wnd, CScintillaColorEditInterface):
  def __init__(self, wnd=None):
    if wnd is None:
      wnd = win32ui.CreateWnd()
    window.Wnd.__init__(self, wnd)
  def SendScintilla(self, msg, w=0, l=0):
    return self.SendMessage(msg, w, l)
  def CreateWindow(self, style, rect, parent, id):
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