import string
import win32con
char_ranges = [
(string.ascii_lowercase, -32),
(string.digits, 0),
("?><:[]\\", 128),
(";", 127),
("=", 126),
("/.,", 144),
("`{}|", 96),
("_", 94),
("-+", 144),
("'", 183),
('"', 188),
("~", 66),
("#$%&", 18),
("()", 17),
key_name_to_code = {}
key_code_to_name = {}
_better_names = [
("esc", win32con.VK_ESCAPE),
("enter", win32con.VK_RETURN),
("pgup", win32con.VK_BACK),
("pgdn", win32con.VK_NEXT),
def _fillmap():
# Pull the VK_names from win32con
names = [entry for entry in win32con.__dict__ if entry.startswith("VK_")]
for name in names:
n = name[3:].lower()
val = getattr(win32con, name)
key_name_to_code[n] = val
key_code_to_name[val] = n
# Some better named we know about
for name, code in _better_names:
key_name_to_code[name] = code
key_code_to_name[code] = name
# And the char_ranges map above
for chars, offset in char_ranges:
for char in chars:
key_name_to_code[char] = ord(char)+offset
key_code_to_name[ord(char)+offset] = char
def get_scan_code(chardesc):
return key_name_to_code.get(chardesc.lower())
modifiers = {
"alt" : win32con.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | win32con.RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED,
"lalt" : win32con.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED,
"ralt" : win32con.RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED,
"ctrl" : win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"ctl" : win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"control" : win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"lctrl" : win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"lctl" : win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"rctrl" : win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"rctl" : win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED,
"shift" : win32con.SHIFT_PRESSED,
"key" : 0, # ignore key tag.
def parse_key_name(name):
name = name + "-" # Add a sentinal
start = pos = 0
max = len(name)
flags = 0
scancode = None
while pos<max:
if name[pos] in "+-":
tok = name[start:pos].lower()
mod = modifiers.get(tok)
if mod is None:
# Its a key name
scancode = get_scan_code(tok)
flags = flags | mod
pos = pos + 1 # skip the sep
start = pos
pos = pos + 1
return scancode, flags
_checks = [
[ # Shift
("Shift", win32con.SHIFT_PRESSED),
[ # Ctrl key
("Ctrl", win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED),
("LCtrl", win32con.LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED),
("RCtrl", win32con.RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED),
[ # Alt key
("Alt", win32con.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | win32con.RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED),
("LAlt", win32con.LEFT_ALT_PRESSED),
("RAlt", win32con.RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED),
def make_key_name(scancode, flags):
# Check alt keys.
flags_done = 0
parts = []
for moddata in _checks:
for name, checkflag in moddata:
if flags & checkflag:
flags_done = flags_done & checkflag
if flags_done & flags:
parts.append(hex( flags & ~flags_done ) )
# Now the key name.
except KeyError:
parts.append( "<Unknown scan code %s>" % scancode )
sep = "+"
if sep in parts: sep = "-"
return sep.join([p.capitalize() for p in parts])
def _psc(char):
sc = get_scan_code(char)
print "Char %s -> %d -> %s" % (repr(char), sc, key_code_to_name.get(sc))
def test1():
for ch in """aA0/?[{}];:'"`~_-+=\\|,<.>/?""":
for code in ["Home", "End", "Left", "Right", "Up", "Down", "Menu", "Next"]:
def _pkn(n):
scancode, flags = parse_key_name(n)
print "%s -> %s,%s -> %s" % (n, scancode, flags, make_key_name(scancode, flags))
def test2():
if __name__=='__main__':