"""Event Log Utilities - helper for win32evtlog.pyd
import win32api, win32con, winerror, win32evtlog
error = win32api.error # The error the evtlog module raises.
langid = win32api.MAKELANGID(win32con.LANG_NEUTRAL, win32con.SUBLANG_NEUTRAL)
def AddSourceToRegistry(appName, msgDLL = None, eventLogType = "Application", eventLogFlags = None):
"""Add a source of messages to the event log.
Allows Python program to register a custom source of messages in the
registry. You must also provide the DLL name that has the message table, so the
full message text appears in the event log.
Note that the win32evtlog.pyd file has a number of string entries with just "%1"
built in, so many Python programs can simply use this DLL. Disadvantages are that
you do not get language translation, and the full text is stored in the event log,
blowing the size of the log up.
# When an application uses the RegisterEventSource or OpenEventLog
# function to get a handle of an event log, the event loggging service
# searches for the specified source name in the registry. You can add a
# new source name to the registry by opening a new registry subkey
# under the Application key and adding registry values to the new
# subkey.
if msgDLL is None:
msgDLL = win32evtlog.__file__
# Create a new key for our application
hkey = win32api.RegCreateKey(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, \
"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\%s\\%s" % (eventLogType, appName))
# Add the Event-ID message-file name to the subkey.
"EventMessageFile", # value name \
0, # reserved \
win32con.REG_EXPAND_SZ,# value type \
# Set the supported types flags and add it to the subkey.
if eventLogFlags is None:
eventLogFlags = win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, # subkey handle \
"TypesSupported", # value name \
0, # reserved \
win32con.REG_DWORD, # value type \
def RemoveSourceFromRegistry(appName, eventLogType = "Application"):
"""Removes a source of messages from the event log.
# Delete our key
win32api.RegDeleteKey(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, \
"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\%s\\%s" % (eventLogType, appName))
except win32api.error, exc:
if exc.winerror != winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
def ReportEvent(appName, eventID, eventCategory = 0, eventType=win32evtlog.EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, strings = None, data = None, sid=None):
"""Report an event for a previously added event source.
# Get a handle to the Application event log
hAppLog = win32evtlog.RegisterEventSource(None, appName)
# Now report the event, which will add this event to the event log */
win32evtlog.ReportEvent(hAppLog, # event-log handle \
def FormatMessage( eventLogRecord, logType="Application" ):
"""Given a tuple from ReadEventLog, and optionally where the event
record came from, load the message, and process message inserts.
Note that this function may raise win32api.error. See also the
function SafeFormatMessage which will return None if the message can
not be processed.
# From the event log source name, we know the name of the registry
# key to look under for the name of the message DLL that contains
# the messages we need to extract with FormatMessage. So first get
# the event log source name...
keyName = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\%s\\%s" % (logType, eventLogRecord.SourceName)
# Now open this key and get the EventMessageFile value, which is
# the name of the message DLL.
handle = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName)
dllNames = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(handle, "EventMessageFile")[0].split(";")
# Win2k etc appear to allow multiple DLL names
data = None
for dllName in dllNames:
# Expand environment variable strings in the message DLL path name,
# in case any are there.
dllName = win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(dllName)
dllHandle = win32api.LoadLibraryEx(dllName, 0, win32con.LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
data = win32api.FormatMessageW(win32con.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE,
dllHandle, eventLogRecord.EventID, langid, eventLogRecord.StringInserts)
except win32api.error:
pass # Not in this DLL - try the next
if data is not None:
return data or u'' # Don't want "None" ever being returned.
def SafeFormatMessage( eventLogRecord, logType=None ):
"""As for FormatMessage, except returns an error message if
the message can not be processed.
if logType is None: logType = "Application"
return FormatMessage(eventLogRecord, logType)
except win32api.error:
if eventLogRecord.StringInserts is None:
desc = ""
desc = u", ".join(eventLogRecord.StringInserts)
return u"<The description for Event ID ( %d ) in Source ( %r ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):%r.>" % (winerror.HRESULT_CODE(eventLogRecord.EventID), eventLogRecord.SourceName, desc)
def FeedEventLogRecords(feeder, machineName = None, logName = "Application", readFlags = None):
if readFlags is None:
h=win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(machineName, logName)
while 1:
objects = win32evtlog.ReadEventLog(h, readFlags, 0)
if not objects:
map(lambda item, feeder = feeder: feeder(*(item,)), objects)