# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Lib/CommandLine/CommandLineApp.py,v 2006/12/01 19:21:15 jkloth Exp $
Base class for a command-line application, which is a type of Command
Copyright 2003 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
import sys, os
from Ft import GetConfigVars
from Ft.Lib.CommandLine import Options,Command,CommandLineUtil,CONSOLE_WIDTH
class CommandLineApp(Command.Command):
project_name = None
project_version = None
project_url = None
global_options = [Options.Option('h', 'help',
'show detailed help message'),
Options.Option('V', 'version',
'display version information and exit'),
name = None
summary = None
description = None
example = None
options = None
arguments = None
commands = None
def __init__(self):
self.script_name = None
self.script_args = None
self.stream = sys.stdout
if __debug__:
for attr in ('name', 'summary', 'description'):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if not isinstance(value, str):
tp_name = value is None and 'None' or type(value).__name__
raise TypeError(
'%r must be a string, not %s' % (name, tp_name))
# The options that come into an application are global to all
# commands in the application.
if self.options:
global_options = self.global_options[:]
global_options = self.global_options
if self.commands:
# The application options are just the default global options
# and the --show-commands option.
options = self.global_options[:]
options.append(Options.Option(None, 'show-commands',
'show system command tree'))
# The application options are all the available options as the
# application is the only command.
options = global_options
filename = sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__
Command.Command.__init__(self, self.name, self.summary, self.example,
self.description, None, options,
self.arguments, self.commands, filename)
# Add the global options to all of the commands.
if self.commands:
commands = self.flatten_command_tree(0)
for (level,cmd,fullName) in commands[1:]:
cmd.options[0:0] = global_options
def main(cls, argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
script_name = argv[0]
script_args = argv[1:]
return cls().run_commands(script_name, script_args)
main = classmethod(main)
def run_commands(self, script_name=None, script_args=None):
Parse the command line and attempt to run the command.
Typically overridden in the subclasses.
if not script_name:
self.script_name = sys.argv[0]
self.script_name = script_name
self.script_name = os.path.basename(self.script_name or '')
if not script_args:
self.script_args = sys.argv[1:]
self.script_args = script_args
parsed = self.parse_command_line()
if parsed:
cmd, options, args = parsed
status = cmd.run(options, args)
except SystemExit, e:
status = e.code
if not isinstance(status, int):
print >> sys.stderr, str(e)
status = 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print >> sys.stderr, 'interrupted'
status = 130
except ImportError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, str(e)
status = 1
status = 0
return status
def parse_command_line(self):
Parse the command line.
parsed = self._parse_command_opts(self.script_args)
except CommandLineUtil.ArgumentError, err:
if len(err.args) > 1:
cmd = err.args[0]
errmsg = err.args[1]
errmsg = err.args[0]
if errmsg:
command_path = self.script_name
for cmd in self._build_command_path(cmd):
command_path += ' ' + cmd.name
raise SystemExit("%s: %s\n"
"Try '%s --help' for more information." %
(command_path, errmsg, command_path))
# --help comes through as an argument error w/no msg
help = self.gen_usage(cmd)
raise SystemExit(help)
return parsed
def validate_options(self,options):
if 'version' in options:
print >> self.stream, self._get_version()
return False
if self.subCommands and 'show-commands' in options:
print >> self.stream, self.gen_command_tree()
return False
return Command.Command.validate_options(self,options)
def _get_version(self, name=None):
if name is None:
name = self.name
version_string = name
if self.project_name:
version_string += ', from ' + self.project_name
if self.project_version:
version_string += ' ' + self.project_version
if self.project_url:
version_string += '; see %s' % self.project_url
return version_string
def gen_usage(self, command=None):
Generate usage info. This includes description, command line,
options, and subcommands or arguments.
command = command or self
# Rebuild the command string
command_string = self.script_name
for cmd in self._build_command_path(command):
command_string += ' ' + cmd.name
lines = [self._get_version(command_string)]
description = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(command.verbose_description,
lines.extend([' %s' % line for line in description ])
lines.extend(command._gen_usage(' %s ' % command_string))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def gen_command_tree(self):
Generate the command tree (a show all commands look)
commands = self.flatten_command_tree(0)
max_cmd = 0
for (level, cmd,fullName) in commands:
if (len(cmd.name) + level*2) > max_cmd:
max_cmd = len(cmd.name) + level*2
# column width = longest command + gutter
col_width = max_cmd + 2
text_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH - col_width
big_indent = ' ' * col_width
lines = []
last_level = 0
first_level = 1
for (level, cmd,fullName) in commands:
if last_level > level or level == 0:
lines.append('') #
last_level = level
indent = ' ' * level
padding = max_cmd - (level * 2)
text = CommandLineUtil.wrap_text(cmd.description, text_width)
lines.append('%s%-*s %s' % (indent, padding, cmd.name, text[0]))
for line in text[1:]:
lines.append(big_indent + line)
if first_level:
lines.append('Available Commands:')
first_level = 0
lines.append('\nTo see help on a specific command:\n')
lines.append(' %s command [subcommand]... --help\n' % self.script_name)
return '\n'.join(lines)
def get_help_doc_info(self):
return map(lambda x: (x[2],x[1]), self.flatten_command_tree(0))
def _build_command_path(self,command):
#Build parent relationship
path = []
cur = command
while cur != self:
cur = cur.parent
return path
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
raise SystemExit('%s: output filename required' % self.name)
answer = raw_input('Are you sure (yes/no)? ')
if answer == 'yes':
open(sys.argv[1], 'w').write(GenHtml())