from __future__ import generators
import os, sys, types, copy, warnings
from distutils import core
from distutils.core import DEBUG
from distutils.errors import *
from distutils.fancy_getopt import translate_longopt
from Ft.Lib import ImportUtil
from Ft.Lib.DistExt import Dist,Structures,Version
core.USAGE = """\
%(script)s [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
%(script)s --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
%(script)s cmd --help
%(script)s --help-commands
%(script)s --help-packages
# Yes, we do need to know the types of the fields as we will be merging them
# later. Without this, merging would become quite difficult to implement
# for all cases.
# setup fields
'name' : str,
'package' : str,
'version' : str,
'description' : str,
'long_description' : str,
'package_file' : str,
'keywords' : list,
'classifiers' : list,
'download_url' : str,
'requires' : list,
'provides' : list,
'obsoletes' : list,
'requires_python' : list,
# sdist fields
'validate_templates' : list,
'manifest_templates' : list,
# generate fields
'bgen_files' : list, # generate_bgen
# build fields
'config_module' : str, # build_py
'packages' : list, # build_py
'package_data' : dict, # build_py
'package_dir' : dict, # build_py
'py_modules' : list, # build_py
'libraries' : list, # build_clib
'ext_modules' : list, # build_ext
'scripts' : list, # build_scripts
'doc_files' : list, # build_docs
'l10n' : list, # build_l10n
# install fields
'headers' : list, # install_headers
'data_files' : list, # install_data
'sysconf_files' : list, # install_sysconf
'localstate_files' : list, # install_localstate
'devel_files' : list, # install_devel
class PackageManager(Dist.Dist):
toplevel_options = Dist.Dist.toplevel_options + [
('package=', 'p', "limit command(s) to a given package"),
display_options = [
('help-packages', None, 'list all available packages'),
] + Dist.Dist.display_options
display_option_names = ['help_packages'] + Dist.Dist.display_option_names
def __init__(self, attrs):
# 'package_options' maps distribution names to the options used for
# creating a Distribution object.
self.package_options = {}
# 'package' is the name of the distribution to use for this run of
# the setup script. The possible values for this are the keys from
# 'package_options'.
self.package = None
# 'package_files' is a list of filenames that define the distributions
# that are handled by a given setup script. The values defined by the
# files will override any values supplied in the 'package_options'
# dictionary.
self.package_files = []
# 'package_defaults' is a mapping of distribution options that will
# be used to provide default values for the individual distributions
# that are defined by the files from 'package_files'.
self.package_defaults = {}
# All attributes that are defined prior to this are *not* part of
# the package definition options.
self._nonpackage_options = list(vars(self))
# Use the 'attrs' dictionary (ultimately, keyword args from the setup
# script) to possibly override any or all of the above options.
if attrs:
for name in self._nonpackage_options:
if name in attrs:
setattr(self, name, attrs[name])
# Remove the definition to ensure that 'attrs' only
# contains Distribution options.
del attrs[name]
# Let Distutils process the options to allow for validation and
# normalization of the values.
Dist.Dist.__init__(self, attrs)
# Update the default options with the post-processed 'attrs' mapping.
if attrs:
# 'sdist' handles these separately for distributions that have
# sub-packages.
for name in ('manifest_templates', 'validate_templates'):
if name in attrs:
del attrs[name]
def finalize_options(self):
for package, options in self.package_options.items():
except DistutilsSetupError, error:
raise DistutilsSetupError(
"in 'package_options' package %r: %s" % (package, error))
assert options['package'] == package, \
"'package' conflicts with 'package_options' key"
# Set those properties that are not modifiable by the setup script.
self.distributions = {}
def check_package_options(self, options):
Ensure that the package attributes are valid and the required
fields are provided.
Raise DistutilsSetupError if the stucture is invalid anywhere.
for option, value in options.items():
typeinfo = PKGINFO_FORMAT[option]
except KeyError:
raise DistutilsSetupError(
"unsupported package attribute: %s" % option)
if not isinstance(value, typeinfo):
expected_type = typeinfo.__name__
compared_type = type(value).__name__
raise DistutilsSetupError(
"package attribute %r must be %s, not %s" %
(option, expected_type, compared_type))
if 'name' not in options:
if 'package' not in options:
raise DistutilsSetupError("one of 'name' or 'package' is"
" required")
options['name'] = '%s-%s' % (self.get_name(), options['package'])
if 'version' not in options:
options['version'] = self.get_version()
for option in ('description', 'long_description'):
if option not in options:
raise DistutilsSetupError(
"missing required %r field" % option)
# -- Config file finding/parsing methods ---------------------------
def parse_config_files(self, filenames=None):
Overrides parse_config_files() to update 'package_defaults' with
any global values from the config files and to parse the package
files to populate the 'package_options' dictionary.
Dist.Dist.parse_config_files(self, filenames)
if DEBUG: print "PackageManager.parse_config_files():"
# If there was a "global" section in the config file, use it
# to update the default distribution options.
if 'global' in self.command_options:
options = {}
for opt in self.command_options['global']:
if opt in self.negative_opt:
opt = self.negative_opt[opt]
if opt not in self._nonpackage_options:
self.package_defaults[opt] = getattr(self, opt)
# Parse the package definitions files; they will override options
# from the setup script.
for filename in self.package_files:
name, options = self.parse_package_file(filename)
# Scan the package distributions for any namespace packages.
for options in self.package_options.values():
if 'namespace_packages' in options or 'packages' not in options:
namespace_packages = {}
packages = options['packages']
for package in packages:
if '.' in package:
parent = '.'.join(package.split('.')[:-1])
if parent not in packages:
# Namespace package found; add it to the list for this
# package distribution.
namespace_packages[parent] = package
options['namespace_packages'] = list(namespace_packages)
def parse_package_file(self, filename):
Returns a dictionary of the options defined in the package definition
if DEBUG: print ("PackageManager.parse_package_file():"
" parsing %r" % filename)
# Add the structures to the global namespace for the package files.
structs = {'Extension' : core.Extension}
for name in Structures.__all__:
structs[name] = getattr(Structures, name)
options = {}
execfile(filename, structs, options)
# Removing package-private declarations and any imported modules
# to ease creation of the Distutils fields.
# Note, tuple() is used because the dictionary is modified inplace.
ignored_types = (types.ModuleType, types.NoneType)
for option, value in options.items():
if option.startswith('_') or isinstance(value, ignored_types):
del options[option]
# Sanity check the package attributes
except DistutilsSetupError, error:
raise DistutilsSetupError("in %s: %s" % (filename, error))
name = options['name']
if name in self.package_options:
existing = self.package_options[name]['package_file']
raise DistutilsSetupError("package file %r conflicts with %r" %
filename, existing)
# Add package file information
options['package_file'] = filename
return (name, options)
# -- Command-line parsing methods ----------------------------------
def parse_command_line(self):
Overrides parse_command_line() to validate the '--package' option and
to add the command-line options to the default package options.
ok = Dist.Dist.parse_command_line(self)
if ok:
if DEBUG: print "PackageManager.parse_command_line():"
if self.package and self.package not in self.package_options:
raise DistutilsArgError(
"package '%s' is unknown, use --help-packages "
"to get a complete listing" % self.package)
defaults = self.package_defaults.setdefault('command_options', {})
for command, options in self.command_options.items():
command_options = defaults.setdefault(command, {})
return ok
def handle_display_options(self, option_order):
Overrides handle_display_options() to update 'package_defaults'
and handle the '--help-packages' option.
# Update the default distribution options with any toplevel options
# from the command-line.
toplevel_options = {}
help_options = {}
display_options = {}
any_display_options = False
any_help_options = False
for option in Dist.Dist._get_toplevel_options(self):
toplevel_options[option[0]] = True
for option in self.display_options:
option = option[0]
if option.startswith('help'):
help_options[option] = True
display_options[option] = True
for option, value in option_order:
if option in toplevel_options:
name = translate_longopt(option)
self.package_defaults[name] = value
elif option in display_options:
any_display_options = True
elif option in help_options:
any_help_options = True
# User just wants a list of packages -- we'll print it out and stop
# processing now (ie. if they ran "setup --help-packages foo bar",
# we ignore "foo bar").
if self.help_packages:
print core.gen_usage(self.script_name)
return 1
if any_help_options:
return Dist.Dist.handle_display_options(self, option_order)
elif any_display_options:
for dist in self.get_distributions():
print "Information for '%s' package:" % dist.get_name()
for option, value in option_order:
if value and option in display_options:
name = translate_longopt(option)
value = getattr(dist.metadata, "get_" + name)()
if name in ('keywords', 'platforms'):
value = ",".join(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
value = "\n ".join(value)
print " " + value
return any_display_options
def print_packages(self):
"""Print out a help message listing all available packages with a
description of each. The descriptions come from the package
definition's 'description' field.
packages = list(self.package_options)
max_length = max(map(len, packages))
print "Available packages:"
for package in packages:
options = self.get_package_options(package)
description = options['description']
except KeyError:
description = '(no description available)'
print " %-*s %s" % (max_length, package, description)
# -- Distribution object methods -----------------------------------
def get_package_options(self, package):
"""Get the option dictionary for a given package. If that packages's
option dictionary hasn't been created yet, then create it and return
the new dictionary; otherwise, return the existing option dictionary.
dict = self.package_options.get(package)
if dict is None:
dict = self.package_options[package] = {}
return dict
def get_package_distribution(self, package):
Return the distribution object for 'package'. Normally this object
is cached on a previous call to 'get_package_distribution()'; if no
distribution object is in the cache, then it is created.
if package in self.distributions:
return self.distributions[package]
if DEBUG: print ("PackageManager.get_package_distriution():"
" creating '%s' distribution object" % package)
options = self.package_options[package]
except KeyError:
raise DistutilsSetupError('invalid package: %s' % package)
attrs = copy.deepcopy(self.package_defaults)
for option, value in options.items():
if isinstance(value, tuple):
# Make sure sequences are mutable
value = list(value)
current = attrs.get(option)
if current is None or option in ('name', 'version'):
# This attribute has not been set, do it now.
attrs[option] = value
elif isinstance(current, list) and isinstance(value, list):
# Merge sequence-type attributes
elif isinstance(current, dict) and isinstance(value, dict):
# Merge mapping-type attributes
raise DistutilsSetupError("duplicate values for %r field"
% option)
attrs['main_distribution'] = self
dist = self.distributions[package] = Dist.Dist(attrs)
return dist
def get_distributions(self):
if self.package:
# Only operate on the selected package definition
distributions = [self.get_package_distribution(self.package)]
# Use all known package definitions
distributions = [ self.get_package_distribution(package)
for package in self.package_options ]
distributions = self._sort_distributions(distributions)
return distributions
def _find_installed_packages(self, paths=None):
for path in (paths or sys.path):
for package in self._scan_path(path):
yield package
def _scan_path(self, path):
if DEBUG: print "PackageManager._scan_path(): scanning", path
if path.endswith('.egg'):
pathname = os.path.join(path, 'EGG-INFO', 'PKG-INFO')
if DEBUG: print " loading", pathname
if os.path.isdir(path):
# .egg directory
yield Dist.DistributionMetadata.from_filename(pathname)
# .egg zipfile
importer = ImportUtil.GetImporter(path)
if importer is not None:
data = importer.get_data(pathname)
yield Dist.DistributionMetadata.from_string(data)
elif os.path.isdir(path):
# look for .egg-info entries
for name in os.listdir(path):
# scan for .egg-info entries
if name.endswith('.egg-info'):
pathname = os.path.join(path, name)
# .egg-info directories contain 'PKG-INFO' files,
# .egg-info files are the 'PKG-INFO' file.
if os.path.isdir(pathname):
pathname = os.path.join(pathname, 'PKG-INFO')
if DEBUG: print " loading", pathname
yield Dist.DistributionMetadata.from_filename(pathname)
def _sort_distributions(self, distributions):
Sort a list of distribution objects based on the "internal"
'requires' and 'provides' lists.
if DEBUG: print "PackageManager._sort_distributions():"
def get_provides(package):
provides = {}
package_version = Version.CommonVersion(package.get_version())
for provision in package.get_provides():
name, vers = Version.SplitProvision(provision)
provides[name] = vers or package_version
return provides
# Find all of the local provisions, either installed or from the
# sub-packages.
installed_provides = {}
for package in self._find_installed_packages():
package_provides = {}
for dist in distributions:
# Sort them based on their requirements.
unsorted = list(distributions)
satisfied = {}
sorted = []
while unsorted:
changed = 0
if DEBUG: print " begin sort:"
# Iterate over a copy of the unsorted distributions as it is
# modified while iterating.
for dist in tuple(unsorted):
if DEBUG: print " trying", dist.get_name()
for req in dist.get_requires():
req = Version.VersionPredicate(req)
if in package_provides:
# requirement provided by a sub-package
if in satisfied:
if in installed_provides:
if not req.satisfied_by(installed_provides[]):
raise DistutilsSetupError(
"requirement '%s' not satisfied" % req)
elif not in installed_provides:
# a "classic" package; try to import the requirement
# as a module.
except ImportError:
raise DistutilsSetupError(
"requirement '%s' not found" % req)
# XXX - how to test the version requirement?
if DEBUG: print " sorted", dist.get_name()
changed = 1
if not changed:
names = ', '.join([ dist.get_name() for dist in unsorted ])
raise DistutilsFileError("circular dependency: %s" % names)
names = ', '.join([ dist.get_name() for dist in sorted ])
print " sorted:", names
return sorted
# -- Methods that operate on its Distributions ---------------------
def run_commands(self):
Overrides run_commands() to handle multiple source packages in a
single setup script.
if not self.package_options:
# Assume that we only are only operating on a "standalone"
# package (single distribution); do normal Distutils stuff.
if DEBUG: print "PackageManager.run_commands():"
for dist in self.get_distributions():
for command in self.commands: