# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/XLink/XLinkElements.py,v 1.9 2005/09/14 21:38:44 jkloth Exp $
Classes representing XLink elements
Copyright 2005 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
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from xml.dom import Node
from Ft.Xml import Domlette
from Ft.Xml.XLink import XLINK_NAMESPACE
def Create(node, baseUri):
Given an XLink element node, returns an object (one of the classes
defined in this module) that contains the node, its principal XLink
attribute values, and a 'process' method that can be invoked in order
to process (follow or otherwise act upon) the element.
Used by the Ft.Xml.XLink.Processor.Processor.
elemType = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'type')
return TypeMap.get(elemType, Literal)(node, baseUri)
class Literal:
Base class for an XLink element.
type = None
def __init__(self, node, iSrc):
self.resource = node
self.input_source = iSrc
def process(self):
class Simple(Literal):
A 'simple'-type XLink element.
type = "simple"
def __init__(self, node, iSrc):
Literal.__init__(self, node, iSrc)
self.href = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'href')
self.role = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'role')
self.arcrole = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'arcrole')
self.title = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'title')
self.show = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'show')
self.actuate = node.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NAMESPACE, u'actuate')
self.attributes = filter(lambda x: x.namespaceURI != XLINK_NAMESPACE,
def process(self):
Processes a simple XLink element according to the following
If xlink:actuate='onLoad' and xlink:show='replace', then the remote
resource's document element's content (not the document element itself)
and the content of the XLink element (if any) will together replace the
XLink element.
If xlink:actuate='onLoad' and xlink:show='embed', then the remote
resource's document element will replace the XLink element.
Any other XLink attribute combinations are ignored.
These behaviors constitute a reasonable approximation of the resource
loading suggestions in XLink 1.0 sec. 5.6.1.
resource = self.resource
if self.actuate == "onLoad":
doc = resource.rootNode
if self.show == 'replace':
# 1. parse the remote resource
# FIXME: support XPointer
newSrc = self.input_source.resolve(self.href, hint='XLink')
newDoc = Domlette.NonvalidatingReader.parse(newSrc)
# 2. copy the XLink element's children and non-XLink attrs
# into the parsed remote resource's document element
# (but why bother with the attrs if we don't use them?)
for node in self.attributes:
for child in resource.childNodes[:]:
nChild = doc.importNode(child, True)
# 3. copy the parsed remote resource's document element's
# children (its original ones plus those from step 2)
# and insert them before the XLink element, then remove
# the XLink element
if resource.parentNode is not None:
parent = resource.parentNode
parent = doc
for child in newDoc.documentElement.childNodes[:]:
child = doc.importNode(child, True)
parent.insertBefore(child, resource)
elif self.show == 'embed':
# 1. parse the remote resource
# FIXME: support XPointer
newSrc = self.input_source.resolve(self.href, hint='XLink')
newDoc = Domlette.NonvalidatingReader.parse(newSrc)
# 2. replace the XLink element with the parsed remote resource's
# document element
child = doc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement, True)
if resource.parentNode is not None:
resource.parentNode.replaceChild(child, resource)
doc.replaceChild(child, resource)
class Extended(Literal):
type = "extended"
class Locator(Literal):
type = "locator"
class Arc(Literal):
type = "arc"
class Resource(Literal):
type = "resource"
class Title(Literal):
type = "title"
TypeMap = {
'simple' : Simple,
'extended' : Extended,
'locator' : Locator,
'arc' : Arc,
'resource' : Resource,
'title' : Title,