# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Xslt/Exslt/DateTime.py,v 2006/08/31 18:39:08 jkloth Exp $
Implementation of EXSLT Dates and Times module
Copyright 2003 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
Project home, documentation, distributions: http://4suite.org/
import re, time, calendar, math
from Ft.Lib import boolean,number
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltElement
from Ft.Xml.XPath import Conversions,XPathTypes
EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS = 'http://exslt.org/dates-and-times'
except NameError:
import operator
sum = lambda sequence, start=0: reduce(operator.add, sequence, start)
## EXSLT Dates and Times: Core Elements
## EXSLT Dates and Times: Core Functions
def DateTime(context):
The date:date-time function returns the current local date/time as an
ISO 8601 formatted date/time string, with a time zone.
Implements version 1.
return unicode(_DateTime.now())
def Date(context, dateTime=None):
The date:date function returns the date portion of the dateTime
argument if present, or of the current local date/time. The
argument can be given in xs:dateTime or xs:date format.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
return u''
return u'%-.4d-%02d-%02d%s' % (dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day,
dateTime.timezone or '')
def Time(context, dateTime=None):
The date:time function returns the time portion of the dateTime
argument if present, or of the current local date/time. The
argument can be given in xs:dateTime or xs:time format.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'time'))
except ValueError:
return u''
if dateTime.second < 10:
second_as_string = '0%0.12g' % dateTime.second
second_as_string = '%0.12g' % dateTime.second
return u'%02d:%02d:%s%s' % (dateTime.hour, dateTime.minute, second_as_string,
dateTime.timezone or '')
def Year(context, dateTime=None):
The date:year function returns the year portion of the
dateTime supplied, or of the current year, as an integer.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth',
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return dateTime.year
def LeapYear(context, dateTime=None):
The date:leap-year function returns true if the year argument
(defaults to current year) is a leap year, false otherwise.
Implements version 1.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth',
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return calendar.isleap(dateTime.year) and boolean.true or boolean.false
def MonthInYear(context, dateTime=None):
The date:month-in-year function returns the month portion of
the dateTime argument (defaults to current month) as an integer.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth',
'gMonthDay', 'gMonth'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return dateTime.month
def MonthName(context, dateTime=None):
The date:month-name function returns the full English name
of the month portion of a date.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth',
'gMonthDay', 'gMonth'))
except ValueError:
month = 0
month = dateTime.month
return (u'', u'January', u'February', u'March', u'April', u'May', u'June',
u'July', u'August', u'September', u'October', u'November',
def MonthAbbreviation(context, dateTime=None):
The date:month-abbreviation function returns the abbreviation
of the month of a date.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth',
'gMonthDay', 'gMonth'))
except ValueError:
month = 0
month = dateTime.month
return (u'', u'Jan', u'Feb', u'Mar', u'Apr', u'May', u'Jun', u'Jul',
u'Aug', u'Sep', u'Oct', u'Nov', u'Dec')[month]
def WeekInYear(context, dateTime=None):
The date:week-in-year function returns a number representing
the week of the year a date is in.
Implements version 3.
# Notes:
# - ISO 8601 specifies that Week 01 of the year is the week containing
# the first Thursday;
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
year, month, day = dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day
# Find Jan 1 weekday for Y
# _dayOfWeek returns 0=Sun, we need Mon=0
day_of_week_0101 = (_dayOfWeek(year, 1, 1) + 6) % 7
# Find weekday for Y M D
day_number = _dayInYear(year, month, day)
day_of_week = (day_number + day_of_week_0101 - 1) % 7
# Find if Y M D falls in year Y-1, week 52 or 53
# (i.e., the first 3 days of the year and DOW is Fri, Sat or Sun)
if day_of_week_0101 > 3 and day_number <= (7 - day_of_week_0101):
week = 52 + (day_of_week_0101 == (4 + calendar.isleap(year - 1)))
# Find if Y M D falls in Y+1, week 1
# (i.e., the last 3 days of the year and DOW is Mon, Tue, or Wed)
elif (365 + calendar.isleap(year) - day_number) < (3 - day_of_week):
week = 1
week = (day_number + (6 - day_of_week) + day_of_week_0101) / 7
if day_of_week_0101 > 3:
week -= 1
return week
def DayInYear(context, dateTime=None):
The date:day-in-year function returns a number representing
the position of a date in the year.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return _dayInYear(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day)
def DayInMonth(context, dateTime=None):
The date:day-in-month function returns the numerical date, i.e.
27 for the 27th of March.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gMonthDay', 'gDay'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return dateTime.day
def DayOfWeekInMonth(context, dateTime=None):
The date:day-of-week-in-month function returns the day-of-the-week
in a month of a date as a number (e.g. 3 for the 3rd Tuesday in May).
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return ((dateTime.day - 1) / 7) + 1
def DayInWeek(context, dateTime=None):
The date:day-in-week function returns a number representing the
weekday of a given date. Sunday is 1, Saturday is 7.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
year, month, day = None, None, None
year, month, day = dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day
if year is None or month is None or day is None:
return number.nan
# _dayOfWeek is zero-based Sunday, EXSLT needs 1-based
return _dayOfWeek(year, month, day) + 1
def DayName(context, dateTime=None):
The date:day-name function returns the full English day name of
a given date.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
year, month, day = None, None, None
year, month, day = dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day
if year is None or month is None or day is None:
return u''
weekday = _dayOfWeek(year, month, day)
return (u'Sunday', u'Monday', u'Tuesday', u'Wednesday', u'Thursday',
u'Friday', u'Saturday', u'Sunday')[weekday]
def DayAbbreviation(context, dateTime=None):
The date:day-abbreviation function returns the English abbreviation
for the day name of a given date.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
year, month, day = None, None, None
year, month, day = dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day
if year is None or month is None or day is None:
return u''
weekday = _dayOfWeek(year, month, day)
return (u'Sun', u'Mon', u'Tue', u'Wed', u'Thu', u'Fri', u'Sat')[weekday]
def HourInDay(context, dateTime=None):
The date:hour-in-date function returns the hour portion of a date-
time string as an integer.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'time'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return dateTime.hour
def MinuteInHour(context, dateTime=None):
The date:minute-in-hour function returns the minute portion of a
date-time string as an integer.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'time'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return dateTime.minute
def SecondInMinute(context, dateTime=None):
The date:second-in-minute function returns the seconds portion
of a date-time string as an integer.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'time'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
return dateTime.second
## EXSLT Dates and Times: Other Elements (unstable)
class DateFormatElement(XsltElement):
The date:date-format element declares a date format, which controls the
interpretation of a format pattern used by the date:format-date and
date:parse-date functions.
Unimplemented (actually unused by afore mentioned functions).
## EXSLT Dates and Times: Other Functions (unstable)
_re_SimpleDateFormat = re.compile(r"(?P<symbol>([GyMdhHmsSEDFwWakKz])\2*)"
def FormatDate(context, dateTime, pattern):
The date:format-date function formats a date/time according to a pattern.
The first argument to date:format-date specifies the date/time to be
formatted. It must be right or left-truncated date/time strings in one of
the formats defined in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. The permitted
formats are as follows: xs:dateTime, xs:date, xs:time, xs:gYearMonth,
xs:gYear, xs:gMonthDay, xs:gMonth and xs:gDay.
The second argument is a string that gives the format pattern used to
format the date. The format pattern must be in the syntax specified by
the JDK 1.1 SimpleDateFormat class. The format pattern string is
interpreted as described for the JDK 1.1 SimpleDateFormat class.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'time', 'gYearMonth',
'gYear', 'gMonthDay', 'gMonth', 'gDay'))
except ValueError:
return u''
pattern = Conversions.StringValue(pattern)
# Fill in missing components for right-truncated formats
if dateTime.year is not None:
if dateTime.month is None:
dateTime.month = 1
if dateTime.day is None:
dateTime.day = 1
if dateTime.hour is None:
dateTime.hour = 0
if dateTime.minute is None:
dateTime.minute = 0
if dateTime.second is None:
dateTime.second = 0.0
def repl(match):
# NOTE: uses inherited context and dateTime variables
groups = match.groupdict()
if groups['symbol'] is not None:
symbol = groups['symbol']
width = len(symbol)
symbol = symbol[:1]
if symbol == 'G': # era designator
if dateTime.year is None:
rt = u''
elif dateTime.year > 0:
rt = u'AD'
rt = u'BC'
elif symbol == 'y': # year
if dateTime.year is None:
rt = u''
elif width > 2:
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.year)
rt = u'%0.2d' % (dateTime.year % 100)
elif symbol == 'M': # month in year
if dateTime.month is None:
rt = u''
elif width >= 4:
rt = MonthName(context, dateTime)
elif width == 3:
rt = MonthAbbreviation(context, dateTime)
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.month)
elif symbol == 'd': # day in month
if dateTime.day is None:
rt = u''
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.day)
elif symbol == 'h': # hour in am/pm (1-12)
hours = dateTime.hour
if hours > 12:
hours -= 12
elif hours == 0:
hours = 12
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, hours)
elif symbol == 'H': # hour in day (0-23)
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.hour)
elif symbol == 'm': # minute in hour
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.minute)
elif symbol =='s': # second in minute
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.second)
elif symbol == 'S': # millisecond
fraction, second = math.modf(dateTime.second)
fraction, millisecond = math.modf(fraction * 10**width)
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, millisecond + round(fraction))
elif symbol == 'E': # day in week
if (dateTime.year is None or
dateTime.month is None or
dateTime.day is None):
rt = u''
elif width >= 4:
rt = DayName(context, dateTime)
rt = DayAbbreviation(context, dateTime)
elif symbol == 'D': # day in year
if (dateTime.year is None or
dateTime.month is None or
dateTime.day is None):
rt = u''
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, DayInYear(context, dateTime))
elif symbol == 'F': # day of week in month
if dateTime.day is None:
rt = u''
day_of_week = DayOfWeekInMonth(context, dateTime)
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, day_of_week)
elif symbol == 'w': # week in year
if (dateTime.year is None or
dateTime.month is None or
dateTime.day is None):
rt = u''
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, WeekInYear(context, dataTime))
elif symbol == 'W': # week in month
if (dateTime.year is None or
dateTime.month is None or
dateTime.day is None):
rt = u''
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, WeekInMonth(context, dateTime))
elif symbol == 'a':
if dateTime.hour < 12:
rt = u'AM'
rt = u'PM'
elif symbol == 'k': # hour in day (1-24)
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, dateTime.hour + 1)
elif symbol == 'K': # hour in am/pm (0-11)
hours = dateTime.hour
if hours >= 12:
hours -= 12
rt = u'%0.*d' % (width, hours)
elif symbol == 'z':
rt = dateTime.timezone or u''
# not reached due to regular expression (supposedly)
raise RuntimeException("bad format symbol '%s'" % symbol)
elif groups['escape']:
rt = groups['escape'].replace(u"''", u"'")
# 'escape' group was empty, just matched '' (escaped single quote)
rt = u"'"
return rt
return _re_SimpleDateFormat.sub(repl, pattern)
def ParseDate(context, dateString, pattern):
print "Warning: ParseDate not implemented"
return "error"
def WeekInMonth(context, dateTime=None):
The date:week-in-month function returns the week in a month of a date as
a number. If no argument is given, then the current local date/time, as
returned by date:date-time is used the default argument. For the purposes
of numbering, the first day of the month is in week 1 and new weeks begin
on a Monday (so the first and last weeks in a month will often have less
than 7 days in them).
Implements version 3.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date'))
except ValueError:
return number.nan
day_of_week = _dayOfWeek(dateTime.year, dateTime.month, dateTime.day)
# _dayOfWeek returns 0=Sun, we need Sun=7
day_of_week = ((day_of_week + 6) % 7) + 1
week_offset = dateTime.day - day_of_week
return (week_offset / 7) + (week_offset % 7 and 2 or 1)
def Difference(context, start, end):
The date:difference function returns the difference between the first date
and the second date as a duration in string form.
Implements version 1.
start = _coerce(start, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth', 'gYear'))
end = _coerce(end, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth', 'gYear'))
except ValueError:
return u''
return unicode(_difference(start, end))
def Add(context, dateTime, duration):
The date:add function returns the result of adding a duration to a dateTime.
Implements version 2.
dateTime = _coerce(dateTime, ('dateTime', 'date', 'gYearMonth',
duration = _Duration.parse(Conversions.StringValue(duration))
except ValueError:
return u''
result = _DateTime()
# Get the "adjusted" duration values
if duration.negative:
years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds = (-duration.years,
years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds = (duration.years,
# Months (may be modified below)
months += (dateTime.month or 1)
carry, result.month = divmod(months - 1, 12)
result.month += 1
# Years (may be modified below)
result.year = dateTime.year + years + carry
# Timezone
result.timezone = dateTime.timezone
# Seconds
seconds += (dateTime.second or 0)
carry, result.second = divmod(seconds, 60)
# Minutes
minutes += (dateTime.minute or 0) + carry
carry, result.minute = divmod(minutes, 60)
# Hours
hours += (dateTime.hour or 0) + carry
carry, result.hour = divmod(hours, 24)
# Days
max_day = _daysInMonth(result.year, result.month)
if dateTime.day > max_day:
day = max_day
if dateTime.day < 1:
day = 1
day = dateTime.day
result.day = day + days + carry
while True:
max_day = _daysInMonth(result.year, result.month)
if result.day > max_day:
result.day -= max_day
carry = 1
elif result.day < 1:
if result.month == 1:
max_day = _daysInMonth(result.year - 1, 12)
max_day = _daysInMonth(result.year, result.month - 1)
result.day += max_day
carry = -1
carry, result.month = divmod(result.month + carry - 1, 12)
result.month += 1
result.year += carry
# Create output representation based in dateTime input
# xs:gYear
if dateTime.month is None:
result = u'%0.4d%s' % (result.year, result.timezone or '')
# xs:gYearMonth
elif dateTime.day is None:
result = u'%0.4d-%02d%s' % (result.year, result.month,
result.timezone or '')
# xs:date
elif dateTime.hour is None:
result = u'%0.4d-%02d-%02d%s' % (result.year, result.month, result.day,
result.timezone or '')
# xs:dateTime
result = unicode(result)
return result
def AddDuration(context, duration1, duration2):
The date:add-duration function returns the duration resulting from adding
two durations together.
Implements version 2.
duration1 = Conversions.StringValue(duration1)
duration2 = Conversions.StringValue(duration2)
duration1 = _Duration.parse(duration1)
duration2 = _Duration.parse(duration2)
duration = _addDurations(duration1, duration2)
except ValueError:
return u''
return unicode(duration)
def Sum(context, nodeset):
The date:sum function adds a set of durations together. The string values
of the nodes in the node set passed as an argument are interpreted as
durations and added together as if using the date:add-duration function.
Implements version 1.
if not isinstance(nodeset, XPathTypes.NodesetType):
return u''
strings = map(Conversions.StringValue, nodeset)
durations = map(_Duration.parse, strings)
duration = _addDurations(*durations)
except ValueError:
return u''
return unicode(duration)
def Seconds(context, string=None):
The date:seconds function returns the number of seconds specified by the
argument string. If no argument is given, then the current local
date/time, as returned by date:date-time is used as a default argument.
Implements version 1.
if string is None:
string = str(_DateTime.now())
string = Conversions.StringValue(string)
if 'P' in string:
# its a duration
duration = _Duration.parse(string)
# its a dateTime
dateTime = _DateTime.parse(string, ('dateTime', 'date',
'gYearMonth', 'gYear'))
duration = _difference(_EPOCH, dateTime)
except ValueError:
return number.nan
# The number of years and months must both be equal to zero
if duration.years or duration.months:
return number.nan
# Convert the duration to just seconds
seconds = (duration.days * 86400 + duration.hours * 3600 +
duration.minutes * 60 + duration.seconds )
if duration.negative:
seconds *= -1
return seconds
def Duration(context, seconds=None):
The date:duration function returns a duration string representing the
number of seconds specified by the argument string. If no argument is
given, then the result of calling date:seconds without any arguments is
used as a default argument.
Implements version 1.
if seconds is None:
# The epoch for EXSLT is 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
# FIXME: we could code around this, but most (all?) platforms we
# support have a time() epoch of 1970-01-01, so why bother.
if time.mktime((1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) != time.timezone:
warnings.warn("platform epoch != 1970-01-01", RuntimeWarning)
# Don't use fractional seconds to keep with constructed dateTimes
seconds = int(time.time())
seconds = Conversions.NumberValue(seconds)
if not number.finite(seconds):
# +/-Inf or NaN
return u''
duration = _Duration(negative=(seconds < 0), seconds=abs(seconds))
return unicode(duration)
## Internals
class _DateTime(object):
INTERNAL: representation of an exact point on a timeline.
__slots__ = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'timezone')
patterns = {
'year' : '[-]?[0-9]{4,}',
'month' : '[0-9]{2}',
'day' : '[0-9]{2}',
'hour' : '[0-9]{2}',
'minute' : '[0-9]{2}',
'second' : '[0-9]{2}(?:[.][0-9]+)?',
'timezone' : 'Z|[-+][0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}'
for name, pattern in patterns.iteritems():
patterns[name] = '(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, pattern)
del name, pattern
datatypes = {
'dateTime' : '%(date)sT%(time)s',
'date' : '%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s',
'time' : '%(hour)s:%(minute)s:%(second)s',
'gYearMonth' : '%(year)s-%(month)s',
'gYear' : '%(year)s',
'gMonthDay' : '--%(month)s-%(day)s',
'gMonth' : '--%(month)s',
'gDay' : '---%(day)s',
datatypes['dateTime'] = datatypes['dateTime'] % datatypes
for name, pattern in datatypes.iteritems():
pattern = '^' + pattern + '%(timezone)s?$'
datatypes[name] = re.compile(pattern % patterns)
del name, pattern
def parse(cls, string, datatypes=None):
if not datatypes:
datatypes = cls.datatypes
for name in datatypes:
regexp = cls.datatypes[name]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeException('unsupported datatype: %r' % name)
match = regexp.match(string)
if match:
return cls(**match.groupdict())
raise ValueError('invalid date/time literal: %r' % string)
parse = classmethod(parse)
def now(cls):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = time.gmtime()[:6]
return cls(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute,
second=second, timezone='Z')
now = classmethod(now)
def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None,
minute=None, second=None, timezone=None):
self.year = year and int(year)
self.month = month and int(month)
self.day = day and int(day)
self.hour = hour and int(hour)
self.minute = minute and int(minute)
self.second = second and float(second)
self.timezone = timezone and unicode(timezone)
def utcoffset(self):
Returns the offset from UTC in minutes.
if not self.timezone:
offset = None
elif self.timezone == 'Z':
offset = 0
# timezone is in +/-HH:MM format
hours, minutes = map(int, self.timezone.split(':'))
if hours < 0:
offset = hours * 60 - minutes
offset = hours * 60 + minutes
return offset
def __str__(self):
if not self.second:
second_as_string = '00'
elif self.second < 10:
second_as_string = '0%.12g' % self.second
second_as_string = '%.12g' % self.second
return '%-.4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%s%s' % (self.year or 0,
self.month or 0,
self.day or 0,
self.hour or 0,
self.minute or 0,
self.timezone or '')
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.year, self.month, self.day,
self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.timezone)
_EPOCH = _DateTime.parse('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
class _Duration(object):
__slots__ = ('negative', 'years', 'months', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes',
regexp = re.compile('^(?P<negative>[-])?P(?:(?P<years>[0-9]+)Y)?'
def parse(cls, string):
match = cls.regexp.match(string)
if match:
parts = match.groupdict()
# Verify that if the time designator is given, there is at least
# one time component as well. This cannot be done easily with
# just the RE.
time = parts['time']
time is None or time[1]
except IndexError:
# Fall through to the ValueError below
del parts['time']
return cls(**parts)
raise ValueError('invalid duration literal: %r' % string)
parse = classmethod(parse)
def __init__(self, negative=None, years=None, months=None, days=None,
hours=None, minutes=None, seconds=None):
self.negative = negative and True or False
self.years = years and int(years) or 0
self.months = months and int(months) or 0
self.days = days and int(days) or 0
self.hours = hours and int(hours) or 0
self.minutes = minutes and int(minutes) or 0
self.seconds = seconds and float(seconds) or 0
# Normalize the values to range
minutes, self.seconds = divmod(self.seconds, 60)
hours, self.minutes = divmod(self.minutes + int(minutes), 60)
days, self.hours = divmod(self.hours + hours, 24)
self.days += days
years, self.months = divmod(self.months, 12)
self.years += years
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r)' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.negative, self.years, self.months,
self.days, self.hours, self.minutes, self.seconds)
def __str__(self):
have_time = (self.hours or self.minutes or self.seconds)
# Always format the duration in minimized form
if not (self.years or self.months or self.days or have_time):
# at least one designator MUST be present (arbitrary decision)
return 'PT0S'
parts = [self.negative and '-P' or 'P']
if self.years:
parts.append('%dY' % self.years)
if self.months:
parts.append('%dM' % self.months)
if self.days:
parts.append('%dD' % self.days)
if have_time:
if self.hours:
parts.append('%dH' % self.hours)
if self.minutes:
parts.append('%dM' % self.minutes)
if self.seconds:
parts.append('%0.12gS' % self.seconds)
return ''.join(parts)
def _coerce(obj, datatypes):
INTERNAL: converts an XPath object to a _DateTime instance.
if obj is None:
obj = _DateTime.now()
elif not isinstance(obj, _DateTime):
obj = _DateTime.parse(Conversions.StringValue(obj), datatypes)
return obj
def _daysInMonth(year, month):
INTERNAL: calculates the number of days in a month for the given date.
days = (None, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)[month]
if month == 2 and calendar.isleap(year):
days += 1
return days
def _dayInYear(year, month, day):
INTERNAL: calculates the ordinal date for the given date.
days = (None, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334)[month]
if month > 2 and calendar.isleap(year):
days += 1
return days + day
def _julianDay(year, month, day):
INTERNAL: calculates the Julian day (1-1-1 is day 1) for the given date.
date = _dayInYear(year, month, day)
year -= 1
return year*365 + (year / 4) - (year / 100) + (year / 400) + date
def _dayOfWeek(year, month, day):
INTERNAL: calculates the day of week (0=Sun, 6=Sat) for the given date.
return _julianDay(year, month, day) % 7
def _difference(start, end):
INTERNAL: subtracts the end date from the start date.
if type(start.timezone) is not type(end.timezone):
raise TypeError('cannot subtract dateTimes with timezones and '
'dateTimes without timezones')
years = end.year - start.year
negative = start.year > end.year
# If the least specific format is xs:gYear, just subtract the years.
if start.month is None or end.month is None:
return _Duration(negative=negative, years=abs(years))
# If the least specific format is xs:gYearMonth, just subtract the years
# and months.
if start.day is None or end.day is None:
months = abs(end.month - start.month + (years * 12))
years, months = divmod(months, 12)
negative = negative or (start.month > end.month)
return _Duration(negative=negative, years=years, months=months)
start_days = _julianDay(start.year, start.month, start.day)
end_days = _julianDay(end.year, end.month, end.day)
days = end_days - start_days
negative = start_days > end_days
# If the least specific format is xs:date, just subtract the days
if start.hour is None or end.hour is None:
return _Duration(negative=negative, days=abs(days))
# They both are in the xs:dateTime format, continue to subtract the time.
start_secs = start.hour * 3600 + start.minute * 60 + start.second
end_secs = end.hour * 3600 + end.minute * 60 + end.second
seconds = abs(end_secs - start_secs + (days * 86400))
if start.timezone:
# adjust seconds to be UTC
assert end.timezone
# Note, utcoffset() returns minutes
seconds += (end.utcoffset() - start.utcoffset()) * 60
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
negative = negative or (start_secs > end_secs)
return _Duration(negative=negative, days=days, hours=hours,
minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds)
def _addDurations(*durations):
INTERNAL: returns a new duration from the sum of the sequence of durations
if not durations:
raise ValueError('no durations')
months, seconds = 0, 0
for duration in durations:
other_months = duration.years * 12 + duration.months
other_seconds = (duration.days * 86400 + duration.hours * 3600 +
duration.minutes * 60 + duration.seconds)
if duration.negative:
months -= other_months
seconds -= other_seconds
months += other_months
seconds += other_seconds
if (months < 0 and seconds > 0) or (months > 0 and seconds < 0):
raise ValueError('months/seconds sign mismatch')
return _Duration(negative=(months < 0 or seconds < 0),
months=abs(months), seconds=abs(seconds))
ExtNamespaces = {
ExtElements = {
## (EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'date-format'): DateFormatElement
ExtFunctions = {
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'date-time'): DateTime,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'date'): Date,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'time'): Time,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'year'): Year,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'leap-year'): LeapYear,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'month-in-year'): MonthInYear,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'month-name'): MonthName,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'month-abbreviation'): MonthAbbreviation,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'week-in-year'): WeekInYear,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'day-in-year'): DayInYear,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'day-in-month'): DayInMonth,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'day-of-week-in-month'): DayOfWeekInMonth,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'day-in-week'): DayInWeek,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'day-name'): DayName,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'day-abbreviation'): DayAbbreviation,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'hour-in-day'): HourInDay,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'minute-in-hour'): MinuteInHour,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'second-in-minute'): SecondInMinute,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'format-date'): FormatDate,
#(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'parse-date'): ParseDate,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'week-in-month'): WeekInMonth,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'difference'): Difference,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'add'): Add,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'add-duration'): AddDuration,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'sum'): Sum,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'seconds'): Seconds,
(EXSL_DATE_TIME_NS, 'duration'): Duration