# File Name: ProcessingInstructionElement.py
# Documentation: http://docs.4suite.org/4XSLT/ProcessingInstructionElement.py.html
Implementation of the XSLT Spec processing-instruction stylesheet element.
WWW: http://4suite.org/4XSLT e-mail: support@4suite.org
Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Fourthought Inc, USA. All Rights Reserved.
See http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT for license and copyright information
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import XsltElement,XsltRuntimeException,Error
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import CategoryTypes,ContentInfo,AttributeInfo
class ProcessingInstructionElement(XsltElement):
category = CategoryTypes.INSTRUCTION
content = ContentInfo.Template
legalAttrs = {
'name' : AttributeInfo.NCNameAvt(required=1),
def instantiate(self, context, processor):
context.processorNss = self.namespaces
context.currentInstruction = self
target = self._name.evaluate(context)
if target.lower() == 'xml':
raise XsltRuntimeException(Error.ILLEGAL_XML_PI, self)
had_nontext = 0
for child in self.children:
child.instantiate(context, processor)
if processor.writers[-1].had_nontext:
had_nontext = 1
if had_nontext:
raise XsltRuntimeException(Error.NONTEXT_IN_PI, self)
content = processor.popResult()
# Per the spec, PI data can't contain '?>', but we are allowed
# to replace it with '? >' instead of signalling an error.
data = content.replace(u'?>', u'? >')
processor.writers[-1].processingInstruction(target, data)