# $Header: /var/local/cvsroot/4Suite/Ft/Xml/Xslt/__init__.py,v 2006-08-23 14:41:32 uogbuji Exp $
4XSLT initialization and XSLT pattern tools
These are the most common steps for using this XSLT engine:
1. Create an Ft.Xml.Xslt.Processor.Processor instance:
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import Processor
processor = Processor.Processor()
2. Prepare Ft.Xml.InputSource instances (via their factory)
for the source XML and for the stylesheet.
3. Call the Processor's appendStylesheet() method, passing it
the stylesheet's InputSource.
4. Call the Processor's run() method, passing it the source
document's InputSource.
You can call run() multiple times on different InputSources. When you're
done, the processor's reset() method can be used to restore a clean slate
(at which point you would have to append stylesheets to the processor
again), but in most circumstances it is actually less expensive to just
create a new Processor instance.
Copyright 2003 Fourthought, Inc. (USA).
Detailed license and copyright information: http://4suite.org/COPYRIGHT
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# the order of imports here is very important
XSL_NAMESPACE = u'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform'
import MessageSource
Error = MessageSource.Error
# -- XSLT exceptions -------------------------------------------------
from Ft import FtException
class XsltException(FtException):
def __init__(self, errorCode, *args):
FtException.__init__(self, errorCode,
MessageSource.g_errorMessages, args)
class XsltParserException(XsltException):
The exception raised when an error is encountered during the parsing
of a stylesheet. This eliminates the need for location information
within each error message.
def __init__(self, code, locator, *args):
XsltException.__init__(self, code, *args)
# Add location information to the message
msg = MessageSource.POSITION_INFO % (locator.getSystemId(),
self.message = msg
class XsltRuntimeException(XsltException):
def __init__(self, code, xsltelement, *args):
XsltException.__init__(self, code, *args)
# Add location information to the message
baseUri = xsltelement.baseUri or '?'
line = xsltelement.lineNumber or '?'
col = xsltelement.columnNumber or '?'
msg = MessageSource.POSITION_INFO % (baseUri, line, col, self.message)
self.message = msg
# -- element classifications -----------------------------------------
class CategoryTypes:
"""Collection of constants making up the categories of XSLT element"""
import XPatternParserc as XPatternParser
parser = XPatternParser
# -- XPattern API ----------------------------------------------------
from xml.dom import Node
class PatternList:
PatternList is a class that is useful for people writing code to
process XSLT patterns, especially in groups.
PARSER = parser.new()
def __init__(self, patterns, namespaces=None):
patterns - A list of strings that make up either compiled pattern
objects or valid XSLT patterns in string form.
It must be either all of one form or all of another
namespaces - A namespace dictionary - { prefix: uri, ... } -
to be used for setting up expressions in the pattern
self.namespaces = namespaces or {}
if hasattr(patterns[0], "match"):
self._patterns = patterns
self._patterns = [ self.PARSER.parse(p) for p in patterns ]
self._shortcuts = [ p.getShortcuts(self.namespaces) for p in self._patterns ]
self._lookup_table = {}
self._patternMapping = {}
i = 0
for shortcut_list in self._shortcuts:
for ((subpattern, axis_type), (node_type, expanded_name)) in shortcut_list:
self._patternMapping[subpattern] = self._patterns[i]
if node_type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if not self._lookup_table.has_key(node_type):
self._lookup_table[node_type] = {}
if not self._lookup_table[node_type].has_key(expanded_name):
self._lookup_table[node_type][expanded_name] = []
self._lookup_table[node_type][expanded_name].append((subpattern, axis_type, self._patterns[i]))
if not self._lookup_table.has_key(node_type):
self._lookup_table[node_type] = []
self._lookup_table[node_type].append((subpattern, axis_type, self._patterns[i]))
i = i + 1
self.length = len(self._patterns)
#def matchAll(nodes):
# """Returns the subset of given nodes that match all patterns"""
# return [ n for n in nodes if [ ]
# ]
def lookup(self, node, context=None):
"""Return the patterns that match the node (as a list)"""
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
#lookup result is a dict for elements
narrowed_namecheck = self._lookup_table.get(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, {})
narrowed = narrowed_namecheck.get((node.namespaceURI, node.localName), [])
#lookup of (ns,local) None is for the element wildcard case '*'
narrowed.extend(narrowed_namecheck.get(None, []))
#lookup result is a list for non-elements
narrowed = self._lookup_table.get(node.nodeType, [])
if node.nodeType not in [ Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE ]:
#lookup of nodeType None is for the wildcard case 'node()'
narrowed.extend(self._lookup_table.get(None, []))
if not narrowed: return []
if not context:
from Ft.Xml.XPath.Context import Context
context = Context(node.ownerDocument, 1, 1, processorNss=self.namespaces)
return [ p[2] for p in narrowed if p[0].match(context, node, p[1]) ]
def lookupAsSet(self, node, context=None):
"""Returns the patterns that match the node (as a set [dictionary])"""
if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
#lookup result is a dict for elements
narrowed_namecheck = self._lookup_table.get(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, {})
narrowed = narrowed_namecheck.get((node.namespaceURI, node.localName), [])
#lookup of (ns,local) None is for the element wildcard case '*'
narrowed.extend(narrowed_namecheck.get(None, []))
#lookup result is a list for non-elements
narrowed = self._lookup_table.get(node.nodeType, [])
if node.nodeType not in [ Node.DOCUMENT_NODE, Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE ]:
#lookup of nodeType None is for the wildcard case 'node()'
narrowed.extend(self._lookup_table.get(None, []))
if not narrowed: return {}
matched_patterns = {}
if not context: context = Context(node.ownerDocument, 1, 1)
for p in narrowed:
if p[0].match(context, node, p[1]):
matched_patterns[p[2]] = None
return matched_patterns
def xsltKeyPrep(self, context, node):
A special utility used for XSLT key preparation.
A list of lists is returned. The outer list corresponds
to the patterns. Each inner list is either [node] or []
depending on whether or not the node matched the corresponding
matching_patterns = self.lookupAsSet(node, context)
return [ [node]*matching_patterns.has_key(p) for p in self._patterns ]
#return [ [node]*(s[1][0] == node.nodeType and (s[1][0] != Node.ELEMENT_NODE or s[1][1] == (node.namespaceURI, node.localName)) and s[0][0].match(context, node)) for s in self._shortcuts ]
# -- Convenience API ----------------------------------------------------
import os
def _AttachStylesheetToProcessor(stylesheet, processor):
from Ft.Lib import Uri,Uuid
from Ft.Xml import InputSource
from Ft.Xml.Catalog import IsXml
if isinstance(stylesheet, InputSource.InputSource):
#elif stylesheet.find(XSL_NAMESPACE) > 0 and IsXml(stylesheet):
#Note: this would break in pathological cases such as a user
#passing in a stylesheet string with only an XInclude to the actual XSLT
elif IsXml(stylesheet):
#Create dummy Uri to use as base
dummy_uri = 'urn:uuid:'+Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromString(stylesheet, dummy_uri)
elif hasattr(stylesheet, 'read'):
#Create dummy Uri to use as base
dummy_uri = 'urn:uuid:'+Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromStream(stylesheet, dummy_uri)
elif Uri.IsAbsolute(stylesheet): # or not os.path.isfile(stylesheet):
def Transform(source, stylesheet, params=None, output=None):
Convenience function for applying an XSLT transform. Returns
a string.
source - XML source document in the form of a a string (not Unicode
object), file-like object (stream), file path, URI or
Ft.Xml.InputSource.InputSource instance. If string or stream
it must be self-contained XML (i.e. not requiring access to
any other resource such as external entities or includes)
stylesheet - XSLT document in the form of a string, stream, URL,
file path or Ft.Xml.InputSource.InputSource instance
params - optional dictionary of stylesheet parameters, the keys of
which may be given as unicode objects if they have no namespace,
or as (uri, localname) tuples if they do.
output - optional file-like object to which output is written (incrementally, as processed)
#do the imports within the function: a tad bit less efficient, but
#avoid circular crap
from Ft.Xml.Xslt import Processor
from Ft.Xml import InputSource
from Ft.Lib import Uri,Uuid
from Ft.Xml.Lib.XmlString import IsXml
params = params or {}
processor = Processor.Processor()
_AttachStylesheetToProcessor(stylesheet, processor)
if isinstance(source, InputSource.InputSource):
elif hasattr(source, 'read'):
#Create dummy Uri to use as base
dummy_uri = 'urn:uuid:'+Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
source = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromStream(source, dummy_uri)
elif IsXml(source):
dummy_uri = 'urn:uuid:'+Uuid.UuidAsString(Uuid.GenerateUuid())
source = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromString(source, dummy_uri)
elif Uri.IsAbsolute(source): # or not os.path.isfile(source):
source = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromUri(source)
source = InputSource.DefaultFactory.fromUri(Uri.OsPathToUri(source))
return processor.run(source, topLevelParams=params, outputStream=output)
def TransformPath(source, stylesheet):
import warnings
warnings.warn("You are using the deprecated Ft.Xml.Xslt.TransformPath function, Please use Ft.Xml.Xslt.Transform instead", DeprecationWarning, 2)
return Transform(source, stylesheet)
# this import must come after all the above
from StylesheetTree import XsltElement