#include <complex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double complex cx = 1.0 + 3.0*I;
double complex cy = 1.0 - 4.0*I;
printf("Working with complex numbers:");
printf("\nStarting values: cx = %.2f%+.2fi cy = %.2f%+.2fi", creal(cx), cimag(cx), creal(cy), cimag(cy));
double complex sum = cx+cy;
printf("\n\nThe sum cx + cy = %.2f%+.2fi", creal(sum),cimag(sum));
double complex difference = cx-cy;
printf("\n\nThe difference cx - cy = %.2f%+.2fi", creal(difference),cimag(difference));
double complex product = cx*cy;
printf("\n\nThe product cx * cy = %.2f%+.2fi",creal(product),cimag(product));
double complex quotient = cx/cy;
printf("\n\nThe quotient cx / cy = %.2f%+.2fi", creal(quotient),cimag(quotient));
double complex conjugate = conj(cx);
printf("\n\nThe conjugate of cx = %.2f%+.2fi", creal(conjugate) ,cimag(conjugate));
return 0;