Code | Format |
%a | Hexadecimal output in the form 0xh.hhhhp+d (C99 only). |
%A | Hexadecimal output in the form 0Xh.hhhhP+d (C99 only). |
%c | Character. |
%d | Signed decimal integers. |
%i | Signed decimal integers. |
%e | Scientific notation (lowercase e). |
%E | Scientific notation (uppercase E). |
%f | Decimal floating point. |
%F | Decimal floating point (C99 only; produces uppercase INF, INFINITY, or NAN when applied to infinity or a value that is not a number. The %f specifier produces lowercase equivalents.) |
%g | Uses %e or %f, whichever is shorter. |
%G | Uses %E or %F, whichever is shorter. |
%o | Unsigned octal. |
%s | String of characters. |
%u | Unsigned decimal integers. |
%x | Unsigned hexadecimal (lowercase letters). |
%X | Unsigned hexadecimal (uppercase letters). |
%p | Displays a pointer. |
%n | The associated argument must be a pointer to an integer. This specifier causes the number of characters written (up to the point at which the %n is encountered) to be stored in that integer. |
%% | Prints a percent sign. |