| |
1.7.1.System defines the core of the C# library. |
The Members of System |
- Activator
- AppDomain
- AppDomainSetup
- Array
- AssemblyLoadEventArgs
- Attribute
- AttributeUsageAttribute
- BitConverter
- Buffer
- CharEnumerator
- CLSCompliantAttribute
- Console
- ContextBoundObject
- ContextStaticAttribute
- Convert
- DBNull
- Delegate
- Enum
- Environment
- EventArgs
- Exception
- FlagsAttribute
- GC
- LoaderOptimizationAttribute
- LocalDataStoreSlot
- MarshalByRefObject
- Math
- MTAThreadAttribute
- MulticastDelegate
- NonSerializedAttribute
- Object
- ObsoleteAttribute
- OperatingSystem
- ParamArrayAttribute
- Random
- ResolveEventArgs
- SerializableAttribute
- STAThreadAttribute
- String
- ThreadStaticAttribute
- TimeZone
- Type
- UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
- Uri
- UriBuilder
- ValueType
- Version
- WeakReference