Tag Description
<c> Marks up text within a line as code, for example: <c>int i = 10;</c>
<code> Marks multiple lines as code.
<example> Marks up a code example.
<exception> Documents an exception class. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<include> Includes comments from another documentation file. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<list> Inserts a list into the documentation.
<param> Marks up a method parameter. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<paramref> Indicates that a word is a method parameter. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<permission> Documents access to a member. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<remarks> Adds a description for a member.
<returns> Documents the return value for a method.
<see> Provides a cross-reference to another parameter. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<seealso> Provides a "see also" section in a description. (Syntax verified by the compiler.)
<summary> Provides a short summary of a type or member.
<value> Describes a property.